Author Topic: obama keeps warm at Superbowl Party, while White Americans Freeze to Death!  (Read 1158 times)

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Offline Maimonides

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We may want to remind ourselves of media and political coverage of past natural disasters because the media remains besotted with Team Obama, and... by the way it's day 7 of dozens of people freezing to death in the Midwest and where's the Obama government?

Nearly 1M still without power in ice storm's wake

MURRAY, Ky. (AP) - Utility crews renewed work in subfreezing temperatures Saturday in their effort to put the power back on for nearly a million customers left in the dark by an ice storm that crippled parts of several states this week.

Thousands of people in ice-caked Kentucky awoke in motels and shelters, asked to leave their homes by authorities who said emergency teams in some areas were too strapped to reach everyone in need of food, water and warmth.

A 20-degree temperature boost was forecast across much of the region, a boon to the power crews but one that carried with it the threat of flooding.

Dozens of deaths have been reported and many people are pleading for a faster response to the power outages. About 536,000 homes and businesses across Kentucky were without power, down from more than 600,000 the largest outage in state history, surpassing the damage last year from the remnants of Hurricane Ike.

The outages disabled water systems in much of the western part of the state, where some in rural areas resorted to dipping buckets in a creek. Authorities warned it could be days or weeks before power was restored in the most remote spots.

That uncertainty had many appealing for help. Officials issued curfews Friday and urged those in dark homes to leave.

"We're asking people to pack a suitcase and head south and find a motel if they have the means, because we can't service everybody in our shelter," said Crittenden County Judge-Executive Fred Brown, who oversees about 9,000 people, many of whom spent a fifth night sleeping in the town's elementary school.

Local officials grew angrier at what they said was a lack of help from the state and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

In Kentucky's Grayson County, about 80 miles southwest of Louisville, Emergency Management Director Randell Smith said the 25 National Guardsmen who have responded have no chain saws to clear fallen trees. He said roads are littered with fallen trees and people shivering in bone-chilling cold are in need.

We've got people out in some areas we haven't even visited yet," Smith said. "We don't even know that they're alive."

Smith said FEMA was still a no-show days after the storm.

"I'm not saying we can't handle it," Smith said. "We're handling it. But it sure would have made life a lot easier."

FEMA spokeswoman Mary Hudak said some agency workers had begun working Friday in Kentucky and more help was on the way. Hudak said FEMA also has shipped 50 to 100 generators to the state to supply electricity to such facilities as hospitals, nursing homes and water treatment plants.

"We have plenty of folks ready to go, but there are some limitations with roads closed and icy conditions," she noted.

From Missouri to Ohio, thousands were waiting in shelters for the power to return. Others were trying to tough it out at home.

In Poplar Bluff, Mo., a man used a barbecue grill inside to cook and keep warm, deputy police chief Jeff Rolland said.

"Luckily, one of our volunteers was in a position to see what he was doing and inform him of the carbon monoxide dangers of using a charcoal grill inside a residence," Rolland said.

The storm that began in the Midwest had been blamed or suspected in at least 42 deaths, including 11 in Kentucky, nine in Arkansas, six each in Texas and Missouri, three in Virginia, two each in Oklahoma, Indiana and West Virginia and one in Ohio. Most were blamed on hypothermia, traffic accidents and carbon monoxide poisoning.

President Barack Obama on Friday declared a federal emergency for Missouri, making the state eligible for federal funds even as power outages lingered in much of the southern portion of the state.

In Kentucky, Gov. Steve Beshear said crews were working around the clock to restore power and get food and water to needed areas.

"We are pulling out all the stops, using all of our resources and devoting our entire energy to this emergency and we will continue to do so until the last home has power, the last road is cleared and the last family is safe," Beshear said.

Laura Howe, a spokeswoman for the American Red Cross, said the organization had opened more than 34 shelters for some 2,000 people.

Doris Hemingway, 78, spent three days bundled in blankets to ward off the cold in her Leitchfield mobile home. News that it could take up to six weeks for power to be restored sent Hemingway and his husband, Bill, into a shelter at a local high school.

"I'd pray awhile and I'd cry awhile," Doris Hemingway said. "It's the worst I've ever seen."


Linda Young, 42 hold her son Texas Young, 9 on her lap Friday Jan. 30, 2009 at the Crittenden County Elementary School in Marion, Ky. that is been used as an emergency shelter. The town of Marion has been without power and water for three days after being hit with ice and snow.

Notice the difference between this and Hurricane Katrina.

As usual the Mainstream Media will not report this so it is our job to get the info out.
“You must accept the truth from whatever source it comes”- Maimonides

Offline arksis

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Some of us are still without power here in Arkansas too! Every person I KNOW that voted for Obamanation, I said "WHERE IS OBAMA TO HELP US?????" They all bashed Bush during Katrina, so I am doing my part to make sure Obamanation is bashed during this ice storm and aftermath. It is awful and I feel so bad for those still without power. It was only 7 degrees last night! This is Day 9 of power outages here.........
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Offline eb22

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arksis,   my thoughts and prayers remain with those in Arkansas and in other areas who are still being adversely affected from the ice storms.

Guaranteed if New Orleans was being affected by weather even remotely close to the conditions that you have witnessed,    Barack Hussein Obama would have made it a top priority to get down to New Orleans.     

And like Maimonides said,    there's as usual a double standard with the MSM.
"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


Offline arksis

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Thank goodness most people have their power back on, but more rural areas are still without power because of so much debris from the ice breaking the limbs on so many trees. It was so scary to listen for 2 nights in a row and to see this happen. Kentucky was hit much worse than us, my heart truly goes out to them. What a great community we have though, so many volunteers here coming together and neighbors helping each other in need. I'm sure if I lived in Detroit, this would not have happened! Would have been Katrina all over again.

And don't let the Red Cross or FEMA fool you. There were ALREADY shelters here and people using their own 4 wheel drives to get people out of their homes and over to the shelters. Even the police and Sheriff's were picking up the elderly and taking them to shelters. Everything was going smoothly until Red Cross and FEMA got here and took over everything and started bossing all these good people around. My heart and thanks go to the workers that tried to restore power at all hours of the night and day and those trying to clear the way for them to get to the poles. Volunteers all got together and made sure these hard workers got a hot meal. Never in all my life have I witnessed such a disaster, and the way a community can come together and get things done and take care of each other. There was NO looting, raping, or murdering going on!
But don't get me wrong, I'm going to take full advantage of this and complain about Obama NOT coming to our aid!  :P
---Never, ever deal with terrorists. Hunt them down and, more important, mercilessly punish those states and groups that fund, arm, support, or simply allow their territories to be used by the terrorists with impunity.
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