Thank goodness most people have their power back on, but more rural areas are still without power because of so much debris from the ice breaking the limbs on so many trees. It was so scary to listen for 2 nights in a row and to see this happen. Kentucky was hit much worse than us, my heart truly goes out to them. What a great community we have though, so many volunteers here coming together and neighbors helping each other in need. I'm sure if I lived in Detroit, this would not have happened! Would have been Katrina all over again.
And don't let the Red Cross or FEMA fool you. There were ALREADY shelters here and people using their own 4 wheel drives to get people out of their homes and over to the shelters. Even the police and Sheriff's were picking up the elderly and taking them to shelters. Everything was going smoothly until Red Cross and FEMA got here and took over everything and started bossing all these good people around. My heart and thanks go to the workers that tried to restore power at all hours of the night and day and those trying to clear the way for them to get to the poles. Volunteers all got together and made sure these hard workers got a hot meal. Never in all my life have I witnessed such a disaster, and the way a community can come together and get things done and take care of each other. There was NO looting, raping, or murdering going on!
But don't get me wrong, I'm going to take full advantage of this and complain about Obama NOT coming to our aid!