Yes, it's the problem of many Hungarians:

Well, Hungarians were heroic nation until 1918...They were in very very good friendship with Jews, in 1848-1849 only Jews and Jewish-Germans supported Hungarians, other ethnicities (Slovaks, Romanians, Croats, Serbs) with Austrians fought against Hungary.
But Hungary lost the WW1 because that was Austria-Hungary, and they started hate Jews, because some people for example Béla Kun, was Communist Jew, Trianon was not because of Jews, it was because the ethnicity problems, and the Hungarian nobles, and ministers called Mihály Károlyi was traitor.
In 1944 Germans captured Hungary, there was a puppet state: Arrow Cross, Nazis started kill Jews, those bastards destroyed the synagogue in my town. Hungarians became: communist, nazi, drug user and gay and very liberalists, they use drugs etc, like gays but they insult Jews...well in Hungary many Jews support Obama and the communism, I don't know why, maybe because Hungarian Jewish Zionists already move the Israel, (200 000 people).
Hungarians and Jews + Serbs must be again BROTHER! Don't forget Matthias Rex king, who had Romanian ancestors too, and his ministers were JEWISH and in his army there were many SERBS AND CZECHS!
Wake up, Hungary! Down with the anti-semitism! Hungary must love the Jews, Nobel Hungarians were Jews, John Neuman, Imre Kertész, Ede Teller, etc etc. Hungary must support Israel!
(And very important: Hungarians don't deserve our support!!!)