Bundchen- agree 100% Also pure scum because her scumbucket evil partner so called 'all-american-boy' piece of excrement ditched his pregnant wife/girlfriend for this MAN-woman bundchen. She's brazilian? Probably the offspring of some Nazi.
Fox- agree 100% and the word to describe her i agree is hot, rather than pretty (much less beautiful.) And tattoos are filthy and disgusting and so is she.
Hoelie: Don't know, don't care to look her up. Especially if she's a nazi whore.
Kardashian: Nothing special AT ALL, about her face. It's not ugly either. BUT WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON WITH her ginormous rear which apparently has it's own gravitational pull to the extent that
planets orbit it. Also a complete whore slut whose claim to fame is, like piss hilton is a porno.
Also, note to whoever named her and her siblings: K is not "kute" even if your last name starts with K. I know you just want to Kash [censored] it it, kardka$hian, kardashian, but spare us.
Miller: Don't exactly recall what she looks like, which proves there is NOTHING special about her, which is 100% in line with CF's analysis: "rather ordinary"
Simpson: overdiscussed. I think I likened her to a cross between a calf and a horse spray painted orange, with a wig of lion's mane or something in a previous extraordinarily long thread.
Bar: I actually think she is pretty. Personality-wise she is a nazi, self-hating whore. Debbie Schlussel agrees with me on this.
Bar married an acquaintance to
evade the IDF draft, then they soon divorced.
I don't regret not enlisting, because it paid off big time," she said. "That's just the way it is, celebrities have other needs. I hope my case has influenced the army."
"Israel or Uganda [Debbie Schlussel: where she was modeling while fellow Israelis were risking their lives in the Army], what difference does it make? It makes no difference to me. Why is it good to die for our country? What, isn't it better to live in New York? Why should 18-year-old kids have to die? It's dumb that people have to die so that I can live in Israel," Refaeli added
Anderson: Filthy, disgusting pig. She looks like a compilation of balloons filled beyond the explosion limit with mud, then smeared with grease and then rolled in cake mix. The final touches would include lipstick and a sparse bleached blond poofy wig, roots gelled.
With the type of filthy activity i'm sure she engages in with "kid rock" among thousands others, I am surprised she hasn't burst/suffered massive explosions.
In honor of the whales she and her beloved PETA "supports" here is a picture of a whale explosion. pun intended.

Beyonce: utterly overrated. another self-hating black. She wishes she were white and blond. Ok, she's not ugly, doesn't have any major flaws, but is totally boring-looking. She's not masculine, but not feminine either. She
can't sing, but rather
warbles. I agree completely with Etta James, who said she needed her "[censored] whipped" and she would do it, and also that obama is not her (i.e. Etta James') president.
the 71-year-old James has made the smoldering ballad "At Last" her signature song since it became a hit for her in 1961. Beyoncé sang for
hussein and ogre-wife's first inaugural dance.
During the gig, she criticized the singer's performance at the inauguration. "You guys know your president, right? You know the one with the big ears?" began her rant, a recording of which was obtained by TMZ. "Wait a minute, he ain't my president. He might be yours; he ain't my president. But I tell you that woman he had singing for him, singing my song — she's going to get her a-- whipped.
"The great Beyoncé," James went on. "Like I said, she ain't mine. ... I can't stand Beyoncé. She has no business up there, singing up there on a big ol' president day, gonna be singing my song that I've been singing forever."