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Greetings from yet another Hindu supporter of Israel !!
First of all let me say how happy I am I found this great forum! it makes me even happier to know that more and more Hindu Indians are joining this remarkable movement. The word is out......... finally. Nowhere can we feel safe from the steady aggression of Islam and all the destruction it entails. London, New York, Madrid, Bali, a globalized world there is really no safe haven left anymore. JTF does an excellent job at digging deep into the truth and revealing the true nature of Islam, Arabs, Muslims and other Jew-hating peoples. This should be a wake-up call for all decent citizens of the world who believe in progress and evolution. The Arab mind has been brainwashed from a very young age and the only nightmare worse than an ideological Muslim Arab is an ideological Muslim Arab with a bomb out to kill all unbelievers till there is none remaining. Even the pretense of moderation has been blatantly put aside for more revolutionary ideas arising straight out of that evil handbook call Quran. If their sick prophet were alive today, he would be (no doubt about this) an Al Qaeda operative or worse. I believe the time has come for all decent human beings no matter where they live to stand up in unison and declare "No More!" I wish JTF all the best in this venture and hope to see it rise to power soon in Israel.
God Bless Israel!
✡ Hindu Zionist ॐ:
Shalom-Namaste :)
A warm welcome to the forum!
Welcome to the forum.
Fortis. :)
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