General Category > Introduce Yourself
Hello, Im American and live in Mexico
James Elson:
I don't want to offend anybody, so I will use prudence. I am a Christian. But not catholic. There is a lot of difference. I believe there is ONE GOD. I am a friend of the Hebrew people, and support their cause. I believe there are atrocities committed against the Israeli people and that is a shame. I want to say that the Muslim or Palestinian people in the Gaza area really slandered the Israelis, and in any conflict there will always be casualties. I know that the IDF would not target civilians if they could avoid it. But we never hear the true news here.I AM AGAINST WARS, BUT REALIZE THAT IT IS INEVITABLE. I would not fight unless its for mine and my families survival. And would only support true American patriots. I will support Israel because they are the people of God.
Welcome Aboard Jimmy!
Welcome :dance:
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