That seagull, it could be Jonathan Livingston 
Hi Zelhar, I read that book when I was 12. Great book!
Shalom - Dox : )
I imagined You when You were 12. 
Ok! You asked for this...
At age 12, I was shy around strangers, silly and out of control in front of my family.
I was pigeon toed and clumsy. My brothers and I made numerous jokes at the dinner table
and we laughed so hard milk came flying out of my nose half the time.
I plucked out half of my eyebrows and made myself look like a freak
My chicken legs were covered with bandaids because I didn't know how to shave properly.
At age 12 my brothers tried to drown me in the pool every other day so I always looked like a wet rat!
My favorite activities were catching frogs and pollywogs in the creek.
Is that what you pictured?