Hey I know we haven't always gotten along but I believe in freedom of information. Here's the article.
yes that is why it is not working for me,Nazi socialist government on India blocked it 
February 12, 2009
Indian editor and publisher arrested for insulting muslims
How did Ravindra Kumar and Anand Sinha insult muslims? By publishing an article by Johann Hari, titled Why should I respect these oppressive religions?.
The article states how the organization of the islamic conference, OIC, has pushed through the UN a bill based on shariah law to silence criticism of religions (specifically islam). Johann wrote one paragraph highlighting how islamic countries treat their women, children and dissidents. Then there's the offending statement.
I don't respect the idea that we should follow a "Prophet" who at the age of 53 had sex with a nine-year old girl, and ordered the murder of whole villages of Jews because they wouldn't follow him.
The above statement is true and yet this offended muslims in India. When are we going to see muslims burn the quran and hadiths for pointing out things that apparently offend them?
From Straits Times
Ravindra Kumar, editor of the Kolkata-based Statesman, and Anand Sinha were arrested and later bailed on Wednesday after a local Muslim leader complained about the piece, which was first published in Britain's Independent newspaper.
The article by columnist Johann Hari was entitled 'Why should I respect these oppressive religions?' and contained allegations about Mohammed's life and his treatment of Jews.
On Wednesday about 1,000 Muslims burned copies of The Statesman, one of India's oldest English-language newspapers, outside its Kolkata head office in protest.
Kumar and Sinha have been charged with 'committing a deliberate act with malicious intent to outrage religious feelings