Author Topic: How German Fascism Conquered Kosovo (and Serbia/Yugoslavia)  (Read 2624 times)

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How German Fascism Conquered Kosovo (and Serbia/Yugoslavia)
« on: February 17, 2009, 04:45:56 PM »
How German Fascism Conquered Kosovo (and Serbia/Yugoslavia)

From the July 2002 Trumpet Print Edition [Conservative Christian website]

Germany has gained oppressive influence and control over all of Yugoslavia, and they have done it behind the cloak of democracy. But their tactics were those of old-fashioned fascism! It is time we woke up to what is happening in Germany. The danger is far greater than most people imagine.

By Gerald Flurry
The Serbs fought on our side in two world wars, and Germany fought against us in both of those wars. How strange to see that alliance reversed today.

We have failed to learn from this history, and we are going to pay a terrifying price!

The simple truth is, Serbia is no threat to Europe or America. But Germany has routinely been a dangerous threat to Europe and the world! And whether we realize it or not, they still are today—far more so than in the past.

The only real winners in 1999’s war in Yugoslavia were Germany and the Vatican. Time will show that America and Britain were the great losers. The Kosovo conflict made them weaker as Germany grew in power.

It has often been said that truth is the first casualty of war. That probably has never been more true than in that war.

Germany Backs Albania

Yugoslavia lost the states of Croatia and Slovenia because of Germany. As we mentioned in the article on the Balkans last issue, Germany recognized these breakaway republics and then supported them with troops and armaments. America (and almost the whole world) strongly opposed Germany’s undemocratic plans in the beginning. But the U.S. weakened and then even decided to support Germany in its war to control the Balkans! Europe and the United Nations meekly followed along.

Germany’s approach to taking over Yugoslavia was anything but democratic. This was good old-fashioned German fascism, supported by America and Britain. It makes you wonder how deeply we love freedom.

Germany has the most destructive military history of any nation ever on Earth! But America has supported them as though they have been the peacekeepers of the world. It’s as if the whole world has habitually learned to fear Germany—fearing to speak out against them.

After Croatia and Slovenia, the civil war spread into Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Serbs lost control of a large portion of this republic also.

Still the Germans were not satisfied. The Serbs saw Germany supporting a guerrilla army of Albanians. The guerrillas [muslim Nazi terrorists - note by 4Int.]  called themselves the Kosovo Liberation Army (kla)—though they were never freedom fighters. Many of the authorities likened them to the Mafia. Kosovo was comprised of 90 percent Albanians. These Kosovar Albanians, along with Albania and Germany, supported the guerrilla army against the Serbs.

“The German ambassador made evident the very good relations between the two countries [Albania and Germany] and voiced the will of his government to consolidate and promote further these relations. He highlighted the efficiency of various projects of the German assistance in Albania and stressed that they will be expanded in the coming months.

“Albanian Foreign Minister [Paskal] Milo stressed that Germany is one of the most important countries in the foreign policy of Albania” (Albanian Telegraphic Agency, Aug. 6, 1997; emphasis mine throughout).

Germany is probably the strongest foreign industrial power in Albania. So their ties are unusually close.

There was also direct support coming from Germany. There are 600,000 Albanians in Germany. Many of the kla guerrillas left their families behind in Germany to fight against the Serbs in a civil war that the German-supported Albanians started. Is that German democracy, or German fascism?

Germany also gave financial support to the kla. According to bbc News, “In addition to money sent home to relatives [in Germany], Kosovo’s internationally unrecognized government-in-exile has been collecting a tax of 3 percent of earnings. Its prime minister, Bujar Bukoshi, who is based in Germany, has repeatedly denied that the money is used to buy arms—he says that it’s spent on running the health and education services” (Aug. 5, 1998). But did anybody believe that?

Kosovo’s “internationally unrecognized government-in-exile” had a prime minister who was based in Germany and operated freely with the blessing (perhaps even the direction) of the German government! So Germany recognized Kosovo’s government-in-exile when nobody else did. But the international community submissively followed Germany’s lead.

The kla guerrillas didn’t just happen. They were essentially raised up and directly supported by Germany—the powerhouse of Europe.

All of Germany’s actions in this Yugoslav war have been blatant and brutal fascism. We can call it democratic if we choose to do so, but that doesn’t make it true. This is still the country that started World Wars i and ii. And they have already started World War iii in an unofficial way! It is time that we came out of our dream and recognized this very dangerous reality. The spirit of war has been resurrected again in Germany. Now only superior will and military force can stop it.

How many nightmares must we experience before we wake up to what is happening in Germany?

Germany encouraged nato attacks with the strongest language. The German defense minister, Rudolf Scharping, said in a March 1999 television interview on zdf that “genocide is starting.” His alarmist vocabulary caused many to think about genocide. It became common to hear that word being used in relation to Kosovo.

The Australian reported on April 1, 1999, “With thousands of refugees continuing to stream out of the war-torn province, German Defense Minister Rudolf Scharping claimed in Bonn last night that evidence had emerged of concentration camps being set up by Serb forces.”

People watched television and saw the streams of Albanian refugees. Then they totally blamed the Serbs. Most knew very little about Kosovo, yet spoke of “genocide”—the deliberate and systematic destruction of a race. Then came talk about “concentration camps.” Genocide and concentration camps—words introduced by the German defense minister.

We see today that most of those claims were built on a foundation of ignorance, deceit and lies.

It is true that after a powerful nato air attack, the Serbs responded violently to save what remained of their country. But there was little mentioned about refugees before the nato attacks. In fact, nato’s initial purpose in the war was to protect the Kosovar people in their homeland. That purpose shamefully failed.

Why? Because that was not what Germany wanted! Now this province too dances to Germany’s tune.

Is nato blameless?

Germany Pressured Nato

Stratfor Systems issued this most alarming report in 1998: “Serbian Radio in Belgrade on September 22 broadcast a scathing commentary charging Germany with ‘warmongering’ and warning Europe against the alleged rebirth of German fascism” (Sept. 25, 1998).

Call the Serbs what you like, but that is exactly what happened in Yugoslavia! And German fascism is accelerating all over Europe. This is the deadly truth that Europe and the U.S. refuse to face!

The report continued, “More pointedly, Serbian Radio cited Germany’s record in the two world wars, and charged that Germany harbors ‘open ambition to become the master of Europe.’ Questioning Europe’s silence on Germany’s behavior, commentator Milika Sundic said, ‘It is difficult to comprehend and accept that Europe has become Germany’s slave.’ Sundic went on to claim that ‘Germany contributed the most to the breakdown of the former Yugoslavia,’ and that ‘Serbia has known for some time that Germany was behind the [kla] terrorism in [Kosovo].’”

Who can present any evidence to refute these powerful words?

Was the German-supported kla a band of freedom fighters, or were they terrorists? Nato has had serious problems controlling them.

The truth is, they were German-supported terrorists—used to achieve Germany’s fascist goals. The world quickly forgets the ugly truth about Germany’s aims. But the sledgehammer of events will jar our memory as never before.

“The fact is that Germany [was] one of the leading voices pushing for nato intervention in Kosovo. In a meeting of nato defense ministers in Portugal on September 24 [1998], which resulted in a virtual ultimatum to Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic to cease the fighting in Kosovo or face nato air strikes, only Germany’s [then Defense Minister Volker] Rühe called for a firm deadline to be set for intervention. Rühe said, ‘We must move quickly to an ultimatum in the next 10 days or less …. We must do something for the people on the ground and not just issue one more resolution after another’” (ibid.). Was Germany’s penchant for blitzkrieg warfare beginning to surface?

“Rühe has argued against awaiting a [United Nations] mandate on the use of force against Serbia. [Not even the United Nations could deter Germany from their goal.] Said Rühe, ‘Pictures of people [in Kosovo] camping out in the open … are in themselves an ultimatum.’ Moreover, and more to the point, Rühe said, ‘We must avoid to be dependent on a Russian veto.’ He claimed that the current relationship between nato and Russia presumes that ‘Russia has no veto whenever nato needs to act.’

“Germany is leading the campaign for a quick and, if necessary, military solution to the conflict in Kosovo ….

“Germany is also extremely concerned about U.S. vacillation in its military commitment to European stability, particularly to the use of nato as a policing tool. That U.S. vacillation has led to the utter disdain in which Serbia holds nato. Germany is looking ahead to the day when it must take a leading role in the defense of Western Europe, and it does not want to take on that role with a dull knife” (ibid.).

Even now, Stratfor sees that Germany’s ambition reaches beyond Yugoslavia.

Fascist History

Ralph Giordano, television journalist and author, writing in 1993 on the spate of neo-Nazi hate crimes against foreigners which had swept Germany in the previous decade, mused on what he calls Germany’s “second guilt” as the reason for the revival of old fascist sympathies in today’s Germany.

“A specter is haunting united Germany … the specter of a brown resurrection! This time, unlike its appearance in the mid-’60s, it is no temporary phenomenon, but is today deeply rooted in the society, and tomorrow will have established itself in the parliamentary structure at both the federal and provincial level” (The Future of German Democracy).

Giordano went on to expose one of the historical connections between the sleaziest aspects of the Allies’ approach to post-war German reconstruction and the rise of fascist tendencies in that country today. “With only a few exceptions these perpetrators not only were let off in the end unpunished, but they were also allowed to continue their careers with impunity …. Well into the 1970s the elite of finance, industry and government was almost identical to that under Hitler” (ibid.).

United since the fall of the Berlin Wall, its national capital once again Berlin, sitting astride the crossroads of Eastern and Western Europe—it is the politics of Germany that powerfully influence politics in all Europe. Just as the embracing of fascism by Hitler’s government spread to become the dominant form of governance in Europe prior to World War ii, what emerges from the present-day political melee in Germany will spread to influence its EU partners in their political persuasion.

German fascism has virtually conquered Yugoslavia. People can scoff all they like. But watch Germany. Yugoslavia is only the beginning. German fascism is back, just as we have prophesied for over 50 years. Soon the whole world will understand that.

The Serbs see clearly that Germany is behind the breakdown of the former Yugoslavia. We cannot forget that all of Europe, the U.S. and the UN were against Germany when it recognized and strongly supported the breakaway of Slovenia and Croatia. But Germany prevailed. Croatia’s breakaway led to civil war. America’s secretary of state at the time said that Germany had “a certain responsibility” for the Yugoslav civil war. But he was quickly silenced! And no leader in our government has made such a statement since.

That was one of the powerful truths that became a casualty early in the Yugoslav war.

Germany’s Master Plan

Germany has a master plan. We have warned about that master plan since immediately after World War ii. (Write for our free booklet Germany and the Holy Roman Empire.)

Germany is fast becoming the fascist superpower of the West, as the U.S. collapses as a superpower. You urgently need to understand why this is happening. So please, write now for the booklet mentioned above.

Margaret Thatcher, former British prime minister, said this about the European Union in October 1995: “You have not anchored Germany to Europe; you have anchored Europe to a newly dominant, unified Germany. In the end, my friends, you’ll find it will not work.”

She didn’t see Germany as a democracy-loving country, but as “a newly dominant” country. Mrs. Thatcher clearly said the European Union was not a democratic union. It is dominated by Germany. But it seems nobody wants to admit that they have not repented of their fascist, Nazi past.

Let the world beware!

Bernard Connolly, in The Rotten Heart of Europe, said the European Union was only a “cloak for German ambitions.”

At least we ought to consider such authoritative voices.

First of all, the Germans want to control Europe. To do so, they must gain control of the Balkans, where their fiercest enemy is the Serbs. For the most part, the Serbs have been silenced.

What does it mean to have 75 percent of the nato military power in the Kosovo conflict supplied by the U.S.? It means that Germany actually pressured and directed nato—especially the U.S.—to carry out its own fascist ambitions within Europe!

We are going to pay the supreme penalty for such a dangerously misguided foreign policy.

All of Europe, the UN and America caved in to Germany, in spite of its responsibility for the deaths of 60-70 million people in World Wars i and ii!

Germany had all of nato fighting for its cause, and it seems nobody wants to even discuss how it all began.

Is it so hard to understand why the Serbs are enraged? Their country has been systematically destroyed—primarily by Germany. What country would not fight against such an outrage? Does any nation really see the Serbs’ point of view?

Since they were our allies in both world wars, we of all people should see their side of the story.

The German master plan is very similar to what the country has done in the past. The only real difference is, it is much more subtle—so far.

If the Western world would only remember the recent past of Germany, it would frighten us into reality.

The Germans inherently dislike democracy. And we did almost nothing to change that attitude after World War ii.

The March 26, 1999, New York Times stated, “For the first time since the end of World War ii, German fighter jets have gone to war, taking part in the attack on Yugoslavia as part of a nato force and marking this country’s definitive emancipation from post-war pacifism. …

“Still, the German participation in air raids on Yugoslavia is potentially explosive, for it will confirm every dark Serbian suspicion about the West. If there has been a single obsession in Serbian policy this century, it has been to prevent what Belgrade sees as German expansionism in the Balkans.

“‘We are not ready to make a distinction between the bombs of Adolf Hitler from 1941 and the bombs of nato,’ Vuk Draskovic, the Yugoslavian deputy prime minister, said.

“Strong German support for Croatian independence from Yugoslavia, and Croatia’s adoption of the hymn ‘Danke Deutschland’ when that independence came in 1991, only reinforced Serbian misgivings.” Croatia clearly knows that its revolt succeeded because of Germany. After all, they didn’t sing “Danke nato”!

The leaders of America and Britain don’t see what is happening in Yugoslavia because they refuse to see. That attitude of sinful weakness is going to cause us to suffer more than any people ever have in history!

Are the Serbs the only ones who see the dangerous resurgence of a militant Germany? Germany poses a danger thousands of times greater than the Serbs could ever pose to Europe and the world.

The Serbs have good reason to fear, since they were victims of the German and Croatian Nazis of World War ii. One Trumpet reader from Indiana wrote to us, “After reading your article ‘Croatia Reveals the Rising Beast’ in the January 1999 issue … I would like to … express my deepest gratitude to you for what you have done for me as a human being by publishing that article so that millions of other human beings in the world can understand the Serbs.

“As an American of Serbian descent and a survivor of the horrible Croatian holocaust during World War ii, I would like to tell you, my dear friend, how much I appreciate your personal involvement and effort, and how immensely I am grateful to you for your courage, humanity and patriotism for publishing that article in your magazine. I can assure you that from now on, you’ll be my dear friend as long as I live.”

A Warning Unheeded

On several occasions, we have alerted our Trumpet readers to a shocking World War ii intelligence document. The document, detailing an August 1944 meeting between top German industrialists, reveals a secret post-war plan to restore the Nazis to power. Several of Germany’s elite industries were represented, including Messerschmitt and Volkswagenwerks. These companies, the document asserts, were to “prepare themselves to finance the Nazi Party which would be forced to go underground.” The U.S. declassified it in 1996, and it received only sparse news coverage. Yet even more disturbing than the deep stupor of the press is the fact that the U.S. government did not make it public until 1996—over 50 years later!

By 1944, the Germans knew they would lose World War ii and were already planning for the next round! “Existing financial reserves in foreign countries,” the document says, “must be placed at the disposal of the party so that a strong German Empire can be created after the defeat.”

Those at the 1944 meeting understood that the most prominent members of the Nazi Party would be condemned as war criminals. “However,” the document maintains, “in cooperation with the industrialists it is arranging to place its less conspicuous but most important members in positions with various German factories as technical experts or members of its research and designing offices.”

How alarming! Why was so little written about this in 1996? Why did it take so long for it to be declassified? America and Britain have fallen asleep—our people don’t understand what is happening behind the scenes!

That is why we feel compelled to return to these issues again and again. Hardly anyone else will!

Historians have long debated whether or not a secret Nazi plan was made for a post-war, international network. Now that it has been confirmed, as Elan Steinberg of the World Jewish Congress said, “the central question is whether it has been carried out.”

The obvious answer is, it has!

Brian Connell, in his 1957 book A Watcher on the Rhine, offered abundant proof of that plan being carried out. He drew attention to a watershed event in 1947, just two years after the war, when Allied authorities foolishly handed over denazification responsibilities to, of all people, the Germans! After 1947, denazification in Germany, according to Connell, was a farce!

Consider the province of Bavaria for example. “The Bavarian administration,” Connell wrote, “is largely in the hands of those who controlled it under Hitler …. Almost all of the 1,000 teachers who were removed for political reasons have been reappointed, representing roughly 60 percent of the teaching staff employed by the Ministry of Education. Sixty percent of the 15,000 employees in the Finance Ministry are former Nazis, and 81 percent of the 924 judges, magistrates and prosecutors in the Ministry of Justice.”

There was an attempt made by the Allies to liberalize a narrow method of teaching in German education. Connell stated, “New teachers were appointed, and a degree of independence assured to individual instructions, which should have made education for democracy a feasible proposition. But many of the former Nazi teachers have found their way back.”

Later, Connell wrote, “In Western Germany, the newly prosperous Ruhr industrialists, the still impenitent core of former Nazis … represents a challenge to the democratic order.”

Nazism is far from being dead in Germany! Today, right-wing extremism continues to increase dramatically—even in German elections! Should that surprise us?
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 04:54:33 PM by 4International »