Author Topic: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science  (Read 49020 times)

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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #75 on: December 29, 2006, 06:32:46 PM »
Petre please see Yacov Menashe's threads and posts on racial classifications.  I agree with Yacov Menashe that the Caucasian race was miraculously created by G-d in the Garden of Eden but that before then blacks existed as sub-human creatures without souls.  In other words they were created after their own kind (i.e. the animal kind) and not in the image of Hashem.  They were endowed with souls after the Creation of the Caucasian race for some unspecified purpose (although part of G-d's masterplan and therefore above any human criticism).

What do you think of these ideas?

Do you really think it will be good for humanity to mix in with those African creatures within 1000 years?  That seems to me much too soon to effect such a huge change in human composition.  It would also stifle human intellectual development and probably result in the dying off of the entire human race through genetic pollution.

However I don't believe humanity has 1000 years left anyway because G-d will redeem the world with the Messiah before then.  He will not suffer us to witness political correctness kill our civilization for 1000 more years G-d willing.

i notice, with the greatest respect, GTHS, that you ignored my post on page 7 of this thread :P

Offline Mizrachi Jew

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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #76 on: March 21, 2007, 04:28:45 PM »
This was split off of "What do young women look for in a man?" because it dispels myths against Non-European Caucasians. This should be required reading as should the early parts of the JTF Africa Series to educate people about the truth of racial classification. It is the true Science of Race, not "racist", but rather an objective study of the racial classifications of The Homo Sapien Sapien Species. It is a form of taxonomy. It is unfortunate that this Science is misused by racists, but we at JTF, who judge people based on cutlure and actions, not on race, should put out the objective truth on the issue of race. The politically correct people will avoid it all together and the racists will use it to make Nazi theories. We must bring out the truth.

The original topic can be found at .

It is racist and Anti-Semitic to accuse Semites of being non-white. Semites are a family within The Mediterranean Branch of The Caucasian (White) Race. The skin tone has nothing to do with the race. Ethnocentric Europeans just happened to name the race white because most European Caucasians are light skinned. In reality, even Europeans aren't but rather peach toned. White is just a name. Whites range from very light Scandinavians to tan Mediterraneans and Middle Easterners all the way to tan Indians. The brown Indians however are Australoids (The same race as Australian Aborigines.). And by the way, blacks aren't really black in color but range from light brown to extra dark brown. Also, Orientals are  really tan white in color, not yellow, which proves the racial color system is baseless and it only carries a cultural meaning, not anything Scientific or racial. American Indians are not really red either but rather basically the same as the other Orientals. Central American Indians may appear reddish but it's really tan brown. The Australoid Race isn't even assigned a color but if it would, it would probably be brown. Their appearance is the most interesting. The Aborigine look like blacks in skin tone but with interesting facial features. They also have different hair than blacks that is like no other. Indian Australoids have really dark black hair that resembles the dark hair of Caucasian Indians. Also, there are Orientals in Eastern India, being that is right next to China. So India is most diverse country based on its native population. Dey just be missin' da broddas. LOL.

The Four Races

1. Caucasian
2. Negro
3. Oriental
4. Australoid

All humans belong to one of the above races. Any other variation only comes from mixing as we see with the majority of Hispanics who are a mix of Caucasian Spaniard, Oriental from the native American Indians of Latin America, and the black slaves.

Pure Arabs are Semitic Caucasians. Non-pure Arabs may have black or Oriental blood in them but their Arab component is Caucasian.

I have never seen an Arab that had an Orinteal component, some Arabs in North Africa do have Negeriod influnece and so do the Berbers. The Arabs are dark Caucasiod race called Arabids.

Offline Mizrachi Jew

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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #77 on: March 21, 2007, 04:29:28 PM »
I was thinking about this very question of 'what is a race' etc last night.  I am so glad you posted this as it has cleared up a few issues for me.  So Caucasian groups like Jews, Slavs, and even gypsies (descended from Hindus) are 'white', after all.  :)

Gypsies are dark Caucasiods.

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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #78 on: March 21, 2007, 04:39:53 PM »
Arabid Caucasiods(Arabian Caucasiods)

Offline Mizrachi Jew

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Re: Dispelling Racial Myths Based on Science
« Reply #79 on: March 21, 2007, 04:41:33 PM »
Arabid Caucasiods in Arabian pensiula and Iraq sometimes its appear among the Iraqi Jews.

Arabid phenotype a deviated branch of the Meditternian White race.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2007, 05:03:31 PM by MizhariJew »