Author Topic: Pet Chimp suffers from a nervous breakdown ?  (Read 5936 times)

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Offline Rubystars

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Re: Pet Chimp suffers from a nervous breakdown ?
« Reply #25 on: February 18, 2009, 01:03:37 PM »
Dox, it was revealed that she did not have a license, but that the local authorities looked the other way because they were so sure that he was one of the "good" chimps.

Ruby, what I mean is that they have no good qualities in the human sense. Yes, they are very intelligent, but they use that purely for savage purposes (i.e. lying in wait for other animals/humans/rival tribes of chimps, devising new mutilation techniques, practicing "taqqiyah" to rival chimps and humans, etc.)

What animals do is not good or evil. It's animal behavior.

You can not judge chimpanzees by human standards, they're not human.

They are not evil or sinister, those are human traits.

Offline GoIsraelGo!

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Re: Pet Chimp suffers from a nervous breakdown ?
« Reply #26 on: February 18, 2009, 01:27:03 PM »
Your perception is good. Benadryl is better, my daughter takes it for her allergies. I had a girlfriend who took zanax, and when she didn't have her zanax, she would flip out completely, to the point where I took her kids to my house until she calmed down. She was always calling the doctor to give her more zanax. Some people have trouble when they become dependant on anti depressants.
My oldest daughter also had a girlfriend who took zanax for years. Her friend had the same experience. She flipped out and once saw a head in her washing machine and body parts. My daughters friend had been on Zanax for years and also had to keep calling the doctor for refills.
Glad you opted for benadryl instead. I have heard so many bad things about zanax.

                                                                      Shalom & G-d bless - Dox

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Any doctor who prescribes a benzodiazepine should be shot. Do you know how incredibly addictive these medications are?

Yes, I have had first hand experience with seeing what these anti depressants do to some people. The Zanax artificially stimulates the endorphins
in the brain causing temporary good feelings. In order to keep these good feelings the patients have to keep taking them and the end result is addiction.
I myself have had bouts of depression, but because I am aware of these addictive drugs I opted to ( sweat it out ) on my own.
Most times I do other things to combat the depression, like praying to G-d, exercising, or even something as simple as looking at the trees or sky on a walk.
This does help and in most cases depression is temporary anyway.

                                                                   Shalom - Dox      :  )

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Pet Chimp suffers from a nervous breakdown ?
« Reply #27 on: February 18, 2009, 01:27:10 PM »
Dox, it was revealed that she did not have a license, but that the local authorities looked the other way because they were so sure that he was one of the "good" chimps.

Ruby, what I mean is that they have no good qualities in the human sense. Yes, they are very intelligent, but they use that purely for savage purposes (i.e. lying in wait for other animals/humans/rival tribes of chimps, devising new mutilation techniques, practicing "taqqiyah" to rival chimps and humans, etc.)

What animals do is not good or evil. It's animal behavior.

You can not judge chimpanzees by human standards, they're not human.

They are not evil or sinister, those are human traits.
That's right. However but Chimps can experience human-like feelings and emotions although I don't know if they can feel empathy.  Basically they can behave like a murderous psychopaths.   

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Pet Chimp suffers from a nervous breakdown ?
« Reply #28 on: February 18, 2009, 01:36:04 PM »
That's right. However but Chimps can experience human-like feelings and emotions although I don't know if they can feel empathy.  Basically they can behave like a murderous psychopaths.   

I know evolution isn't necessarily popular here, but I'll say it. There's only 5-7 million years between now and the common ancestor of chimps and humans. Of course they have many human-like traits. They do have complex emotions and high intelligence. Their DNA is almost identical to human DNA. However they're not human, they are animals.

Humanity was not around until humans began to communicate with God in a meaninful way, which was only several thousand years ago, not millions.

Chimpanzees must not be judged by human standards, it's not fair to the chimpanzees. They're not human, they don't have the capacity for human motivations and human vices. All of nature is pretty much "savage" and "bestial", from one protozooan absorbing another, to an animal dying of a parasitic infection, to a baby coming out severely malformed. I don't know why God allowed it to be that way, but that's how nature is. Singling out chimpanzees and maligning them is not fair or useful.

Only humans can sin.

Offline GoIsraelGo!

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Re: Pet Chimp suffers from a nervous breakdown ?
« Reply #29 on: February 18, 2009, 01:42:32 PM »
Dox, it was revealed that she did not have a license, but that the local authorities looked the other way because they were so sure that he was one of the "good" chimps.

Ruby, what I mean is that they have no good qualities in the human sense. Yes, they are very intelligent, but they use that purely for savage purposes (i.e. lying in wait for other animals/humans/rival tribes of chimps, devising new mutilation techniques, practicing "taqqiyah" to rival chimps and humans, etc.)

What animals do is not good or evil. It's animal behavior.

You can not judge chimpanzees by human standards, they're not human.

They are not evil or sinister, those are human traits.
That's right. However but Chimps can experience human-like feelings and emotions although I don't know if they can feel empathy.  Basically they can behave like a murderous psychopaths.   

I think Chimps feel empathy with their own kind. Jane Goodall who has studied chimps all her life told a story of a chimp who was so attached to his mother:
The chimp refused to leave his Mothers presence after she gave birth to his sibling. The chimp showed an unusal attachment and would never leave her side for a moment. Many years later the Mother died and within a week, the dependant chimp went to a creek bed where he laid down and died of depression because he could no longer be with his mother. Jane Goodall said that this was a very ( rare ) occurance for  Chimp behavior.

                                                                              Shalom - Dox

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Pet Chimp suffers from a nervous breakdown ?
« Reply #30 on: February 18, 2009, 01:48:32 PM »
I think chimpanzees do have empathy and other emotions but what I had a problem with was when people are trying to categorize their behavior in moral terms. You can't categorize an animal's behavior in moral terms in my opinion. They don't follow the same rules humans follow.

Offline GoIsraelGo!

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Re: Pet Chimp suffers from a nervous breakdown ?
« Reply #31 on: February 18, 2009, 01:53:36 PM »
I think chimpanzees do have empathy and other emotions but what I had a problem with was when people are trying to categorize their behavior in moral terms. You can't categorize an animal's behavior in moral terms in my opinion. They don't follow the same rules humans follow.

Yes Ruby, I see your point. Animals have a more primitive empathy that they display toward their own species.
It is not to be compared to the human's mind and feelings.

                                                                 Shalom - Dox   :  )

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Pet Chimp suffers from a nervous breakdown ?
« Reply #32 on: February 18, 2009, 01:58:28 PM »
I think chimpanzees do have empathy and other emotions but what I had a problem with was when people are trying to categorize their behavior in moral terms. You can't categorize an animal's behavior in moral terms in my opinion. They don't follow the same rules humans follow.

Yes Ruby, I see your point. Animals have a more primitive empathy that they display toward their own species.
It is not to be compared to the human's mind and feelings.

                                                                 Shalom - Dox   :  )

The emotions could be just as strong and feel the same, but for the purpose of this conversation it doesn't matter. They're not human and can not be held liable for what they do as a human would.

Offline GoIsraelGo!

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Re: Pet Chimp suffers from a nervous breakdown ?
« Reply #33 on: February 18, 2009, 02:12:35 PM »
I think chimpanzees do have empathy and other emotions but what I had a problem with was when people are trying to categorize their behavior in moral terms. You can't categorize an animal's behavior in moral terms in my opinion. They don't follow the same rules humans follow.

Yes Ruby, I see your point. Animals have a more primitive empathy that they display toward their own species.
It is not to be compared to the human's mind and feelings.

                                                                 Shalom - Dox   :  )

The emotions could be just as strong and feel the same, but for the purpose of this conversation it doesn't matter. They're not human and can not be held liable for what they do as a human would.

I was sad to hear the chimp had been shot. I would have prefered they tranquilized it and put the chimp in some type of sanctuary.
Of course I do have a soft spot for animals in my heart.

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Re: Pet Chimp suffers from a nervous breakdown ?
« Reply #34 on: February 18, 2009, 02:37:31 PM »
I think at that point they didn't have any choice but to kill him because he was about to kill more people, but I agree that if they could, it would have been much better to keep Travis alive.