The Worldwide Crisis of Islam > The Truth About Islam

the bizarre synergy of Marxism and Islam in Europe


Note the link (if it works), a brief treatment on the bizarre synergy between Marxists on the political far left and Islamists on the far right in western Europe.

If you're really curious about this subject, then I invite you to read Londonistan by Melanie Phillips.  It's a fascinating and frankly disturbing look at the inroads that Islam has made in British life.  A whole chapter is dedicated to what the author calls the 'red, green, black, and red alliance' (going from memory here), noting the color symbolizing socialism vs. the colors in the flag of the PLO, etc.

History is odd, in that organizations can stumble along for decades, until one day a light breeze blows over what has become a house of cards.  I fear that the West may not be far away from being blown over by an Islamic hurricane.  If so, a civilization that was slowly and painfully built over thousands of years (to quote Eisenhower) will be given away to animals who would shoot their own mothers to see if their guns work.


Re:  "...'red, green, black, and red alliance' (going from memory here), noting the color symbolizing socialism vs. the colors in the flag of the PLO, etc..."

The late Jewish freedom fighter and former Prime Minister of the State of Israel, Menachem Begin, wrote an autobiography entitled The Struggle.

In it, he recalled that, during the intense negotiations of the "Camp David Agreements", he and former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat were walking side by side when he turned to Sadat and said, "You know, Mr. President...most of the PLO members are Soviet agents."

Sadat replied, "Not most of them;...all of them!"


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