Author Topic: UK Muslim Paedophile Rings - Sexual Terrorism - BNP REPORT  (Read 2315 times)

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Please pass this on to all your e mail contacts ;

For the last three months the BNP have been liasing with the parents of young, sexually abused white girls in two Northern cities.

We have not accounced in public the information we have been given as we have been waiting for the Police to finish their investigations and arrest the scum involved, and to make sure they did not return to their country of origin.

Yesterday, the 25th March 2009, in just one Northern town the police arrested FIFTY suspected Asian Muslim paedophiles who have been involved in the racist sexual grooming and rape of young, underage white girls.

These men have been involved in the groooming and organised racist rapes of young white girls as young as 11 years old.

Today a press conference may be called where the news will be announced.

If the news is not announced in the media that these arrests have taken place then this is because the government has slapped a D-Notice on the media and have forbidden any news of this to reach the public.

If this is true, and the news does not reach the media, then the BNP are going to make this news public all over the internet anyway.

We have filmed interviews with the family members of these and other children who have suffered at the hands of these criminals and we are going to put an expose of this affair on BNPTV.

We have also filmed interviews with a family in another Northern town who have suffered the same thing involving over twenty young white girls. This paedophile ring is under police investigation at the moment and we cannot announce the location of the town where the sexual terrorists are operating until the police arrest them.

We also have an interview with other people who have gone through the same thing as these girls and the police have 'lost' evidence so that no cases come to court.

The prosecution of Nick Griffin was based on his revealing to the world that this organised campaign of sexual terrorism and rape against young white girls was going on all over our country, and for revealing this the CPS, Attorney General and courts prosecuted him for it.

Telling the truth is no longer a defence in law, telling the truth is now a criminal offence in law.

A few days ago I spoke to an Inspector in one town who has been dealing with this and explained to him that the police, government and councils are letting these abused children down.

The police and government will not look at the issue of organised rape by Asian Muslim gangs against underage white girls, the councils do not have a duty in law to protect the families and re-home them if they give evidence against these gangs and sexual terrorists, the social services are not warning foster carers to keep the young children in their care away from Asian males who may be threatening them for fear of political correctness and the government has not ordered a public inquiry into the levels of sexual terrorism and the rape of young white girls by Muslim gangs in the UK.

By refusing to acknowledge that this problem exists, and warning the public and parents to watch out for it, our children are being put at risk every day by this silence that is imposed upon the media.

At the same time the government and media pump out endless multi-cultural propaganda against 'racism' or 'islamphobia', it appears to demand silence when our children are the victims of organised campaigns of rape.

The government and the police appear to think that keeping these campaigns of organised rape quiet that this will prevent 'extremism' in the Muslim community as arresting and prosecuting these criminals may give ammunmition to some Islamist radicals to say they are being 'targeted' by the police.

But the government and the police have not the intelligence or insight to think about how these rape campaigns are radicalising our community.

The government through keeping silent on this issue are collaborating with the sexual terrorists, therefore we can only assume that the government are now hostile to us, our children and our communities.

This will have massive social implications for the future as more and more of these incidents of campaigns of rape and sexual terrorism occur.

The more the government remains quiet and refuses to investigate the attacks on our children, then the more the radicals in our community can assert with truth that the police and government are now complicit with the criminals who are terrorising our children and communities.

This is not the first time such campaigns of racist rape against young white girls by Muslims have been investigated and prosecuted - here are just a few examples over recent years ;

This is an epidemic of sexual terrorism, of child rape and grooming, of forcing young white girls onto drugs then molesting them and then passing them onto their friends to rape and molest.

These people are lower than animals, yet the government and police will not hold a public inquiry into just how endemic and prevalent this crime is in our country.

The BNP will be running a campaign to get a public inquiry started to investigate these crimes.

I will post more information on this blog as we get it.

In the meantime pass this information onto others and let us see whether the media cover this story or if it is covered up.

If it is covered up then we need to start asking ourselves how many other stories like this are being covered up, how many other rape gangs are operating in our country and also how we are going to get the publicity to warn parents and children about the dangers in their midst.

Offline Fortis

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Re: UK Muslim Paedophile Rings - Sexual Terrorism - BNP REPORT
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2009, 01:42:50 PM »
It appears that the police are trying to cover up the Muslim sex ring in Rotherham that has been grooming and raping young white girls.

The newspaper report makes no mention of the paedophiles being Muslims nor that there victims were young white girls, nor does the report state that the police are intending to arrest fifty people in the area who have been involved in sexual activity with these children.

We get the message.

The fact that the police and media will minimise these crimes whilst making public martyrs of people like Stephen Lawrence, shows us all we need to know about the nature of the real racism in our society.

If you are white then you are a third class citizen, and white children have less rights than anyone.

The media are simply machines to pump out government propaganda and are complict in the immigration invasion and the crimes and atrocities of the government, as the media refuse to reveal the truth to our people and warn them so they can take care of their children.

The role of the BNP is now to include a Civil Rights movement to demand civil rights and social justice for our people and to campaign for our Majority Rights in our own country.

When was the last time the police 'knocked on the door instead of knocking them down' when it came to dealing with organised gangs of child rapists ?

when was the last time the police issued leaflets to local residents after a raid on a gang of child rapists to 'reassure residents'


Yet the police are acting with kids glove simply because they are Muslims in an Muslim area who were only abusing little white girls.

We understand now what the role of the police is - to treat the crminals as victims and the victims as criminals.

The police did not even want to take this case on until the BNP got involved with the issue and threatened to expose it in public - and now the police and media are doing their best to hide the fact that this racist campaign of rape was targeted at white children.

Perhaps if the children of the journalists, the newspaper editor and the police officers were those who had been molested then it would have been taken a lot more seriously - but newspaper editors, journalists and police officers who are white rarely live in mulsim areas, so therefore they do not need to worry about their children.

But for those white people who have to live in such 'enriched' areas then it appears that when they are raped and attacked that the role of the police and media is to reassure the criminals and keep the identities of the victims quiet - and therefore ensure that white parents are not able to protect their children.

Nothing on the BBC, the newspapers and the rest of the politically correct media outlets = one day they will be held to account.

Apparently these white children were also abused online in front of webcams whilst other men who watched would ask the men abusing the children to commit specific sex attacks upon them so they could watch and keep the videos being streamed to them - so the real numbers of those involved will include many many more people who were complicit in the crimes via their computers - but I doubt that these sort of details will be released to the public.

One law for ethnics - one law for whites.



SIX men accused of being at the centre of a sex ring said to have lured young girls into a world of exploitation and rape have been rounded up by police in a dawn raid.
The Advertiser joined the early morning swoop at one property in Clifton, as detectives and uniformed officers paid simultaneous visits to addresses in other parts of Clifton, Broom and Masbrough on Wednesday morning.

The action followed a two-month police investigation into the allegations of four girls, aged between 11 and 14, who claim that they were plucked from the streets of Rotherham and exploited for sex.

Wednesday morning's operation resulted in the immediate arrest of five suspects.
A sixth man was added to the haul in a later raid on a property in Shirecliffe, Sheffield, and a 20-year-old man, from the Moorgate area of Rotherham, was arrested yesterday (Thursday) afternoon.

None of the seven men, aged between 19 and 29, had been charged in connection with the alleged offences when the Advertiser went to press and all were expected to be released on police bail.

Two more men are still subject of police enquiries as part of the investigation and are expected to be brought in for questioning.

A 25-strong team of officers made their way to suspects' homes in a fleet of unmarked cars after leaving Main Street Police station at around 7am.
In an early-morning briefing Det Sgt Dave Walker, who led the operation, said: "We will be looking to gather mobile phones, digital cameras, diaries and camcorders....anything that could potentially provide evidence."

He added: "We will be knocking on doors today, not knocking them down. Many of the properties we will be visiting are family homes and many of the people who live there will be unaware of what's going on."

Following the arrests, officers combed suspects' homes and cars for evidence that could aid their investigation.

A police spokesman said that it was important to maintain a low profile in order to keep the impact and disturbance caused to surrounding communities to a minimum.

He added: "Uniformed officers from the Safer Neighbourhood Teams will be issuing leaflets to residents following the raid to reassure them and explain some details of the operation."

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Only the BNP made something happen says grandfather of latest victim.
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2009, 01:54:56 PM »
“It was only when the British National Party became involved that the police finally acted and launched an investigation,” said the grandfather of a twelve-year-old British girl who fell pregnant after falling victim to yet another Muslim sex grooming gang in South Yorkshire.

The grandfather, whose name is known to BNP News but is being withheld to protect the identity of the victim, was reacting to the arrest yesterday of seven Muslim men in Rotherham in connection with the latest sex grooming case.

A South Yorkshire Police spokesman confirmed to BNP News that “Officers from South Yorkshire Police have arrested seven men in relation to an ongoing investigation into alleged serious sexual offences in the Rotherham area.

“Six men, aged between 19 and 29-years-old, from the Clifton, Masborough and Broom areas of Rotherham and from the Shirecliffe area of Sheffield, were arrested yesterday, Wednesday 25 March 2009, and released on police bail.

“A 20-year-old man from the Moorgate area of Rotherham was arrested earlier today, Thursday 26 March, and is currently helping police with enquiries.”

The grandfather became desperate after contacting the police and being told that nothing could be done about the matter.

He then contacted the local BNP activist Marlene Guest, who approached the police. After they realised that the BNP would make the matter public and start campaigning on the issue, they asked her not to go public with the scandal while they investigated it.

Mrs Guest agreed to keep silent about the Muslim grooming gang until the arrests had been made, as the police said they suspected that the perpetrators might very well “flee to their country of origin” if the news was made public before they had been arrested.

The grandfather who originally contacted Mrs Guest expressed his great relief that the arrests had now been made. “I am convinced it was only when the BNP said it was prepared to go public with the matter, that action was finally taken,” he said.

“I want to thank the BNP for pressuring the police into finally doing something. This was exactly what we needed to get justice for this awful crime.”

The practice of Muslim males grooming young impressionable white girls for sex by using drugs is so widespread that it has even been raised in parliament. Ann Cryer, a Labour member of the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, has said that she has received complaints from mothers in her constituency about young Asian men targeting their underage daughters.

Although campaigners claim that hundreds of young girls are already being passed around men within the Asian community for sex, she said that attempts to raise the problem with community leaders had met with little success, with most of them being in a state of denial about the scope of the problem.

Ms Cryer said that parents had complained to her that criminal networks are able to prey on young girls because the authorities are reluctant to tackle the issue for fear of upsetting race relations in areas with large ethnic minority communities.

Ms Cryer added: “I think there is a problem with the view Asian men generally have about white women. Their view about white women is generally fairly low. They do not seem to understand that there are white girls as moral and as good as Asian girls.”

The BNP’s spokesman on police matters, former Metropolitan Police inspector Michael Barnbrook, has formally called for a public inquiry into the nationwide scale of the problem.

“We call on the police to investigate this as a national problem and not as an individual crime,” Mr Barnbrook said.

“These incidents also need to be classified and prosecuted as racist crimes. The perpetrators must also be deported at the end of their sentences, and awareness courses of the danger of these sex grooming gangs must be run in schools.”

Mr Barnbrook said local councils must now also step up to their responsibilities to protect the British community by re-homing the victims for their protection and by giving the victims counselling and support.

“Finally, all Muslim leaders must explicitly condemn these crimes in public as a condition to any further state funding for any of that community’s activities. This is a plague which we need to stamp out for once and for all,” he said.

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Re: UK Muslim Paedophile Rings - Sexual Terrorism - BNP REPORT
« Reply #3 on: March 30, 2009, 02:07:27 PM »
This is alarming, disturbing, and atrocious.

This should not be swept under the carpet, it should be reported everywhere and anywhere, so that the perverted cult of Islam is exposed.
People need to know what is going on.
It needs to be out in the open with all the evidence presented to the public, so that the fantasy that Islam is the definition of peace is shattered in the public's perception.

And as for being politically correct, that garbage needs to be thrown out the window.

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Re: UK Muslim Paedophile Rings - Sexual Terrorism - BNP REPORT
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2009, 06:49:45 AM »
This is the way of the quranRodent and the filthy police cover it up.I don't believe the average Policeofficer but the p.c. higher ups do want to cover up 
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