Hey I like this thread, lets keep it going.
Music from when America was still sane. 
That is the culture I want to live in! Notice the complete lack of tattoos and bizarre piercings on Rita Hayworth.
Those old people in the retirement home have no idea how good they had it, or maybe they do know how good they had it, and they're laughing at how stupid this generation is being.
This is the first time in American history when the standard of living was more CIVILIZED for the previous generations, we're actually becoming more primitive culturally, yeah sure we have Iphones and computers, but as a culture we don't hold a candle to those people in the 30's - 40's and 50's, they were sane, honest, patriotic, hard working, decent; Men were men, and women were lovely and feminine.
We need to restore American culture, values, character, and America will get back it's greatness.
Keeping it going.
My Pleasure.
This is MY world.
I reject the current mess passing for a "culture", they can keep their tattoos, piercings, and debauchery. No joke, I refuse to join in, and it has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with self respect, intelligence and a sense of decency. If everybody rejects the sewage that is in our culture, maybe the world we're living in can return to normal, I consider normal, the society we had previous to 1960,
Here's my test to see if something is normal. if you could do it in public in 1949, it's normal. If you could not do it in public in 1949, it's wrong! Therefore, pretty much all of popular modern "culture" is wrong! Most of the things we find acceptable today would land you in
jail or the
asylum back in 1949!
Can you imagine Hollywood putting this out today!!???
Lets get this started. Guys, throw out your jeans, buy yourself some suits and Fedorahs! Girls, throw out your jeans, and get yourself some lovely dresses. I want everybody looking and acting like Clark Gable and Rita Hayworth by this time next week!