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Pro Koln get vlang gets Vlamams Belang treatment great article
« on: February 24, 2009, 11:40:53 AM »   

Pro-Köln Gets the Vlaams Belang Treatment

by Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna

Under the suffocating strictures of politically correct Multiculturalism, any conservative nationalist party in Europe is certain to be demonized as “neo-Nazi”. In some countries it is all but impossible for a truly conservative party to emerge. Anyone who publicly admits to right-wing convictions is instantly vilified by the political establishment and set upon by the hounds of the media. For this reason, European electoral choices usually amount to Socialism, More Socialism, Extra-Strength Socialism, and — just for variety’s sake — Socialism With Added Environmentalism.

This is especially true of Germany. The legacy of the Third Reich — and the fallacious labeling of the Nazis as “extreme right-wing” — has guaranteed that any conservative movement in Germany will be anathematized as Nazi or fascist. There simply isn’t any other option.

The anti-Islamization movement Pro-Köln is no exception. Like Vlaams Belang in Belgium, they became “neo-Nazi” from the moment they appeared. The legions of Antifa have frequently been dispatched to their events to harass and beat up the “fascists” if they dare to assemble publicly.

The irony of all this is that the real neo-Nazis — the fellows who go in for brown shirts and swastikas and sell posters of Hitler on their websites — are opposed to Vlaams Belang and Pro-Köln. They’re not fond of immigrants, either, but those Muslim chappies hate the Jews, so they can’t be all that bad, now, can they?

Our Flemish correspondent VH has kindly translated an article about neo-Nazi opposition to Pro-Köln. But first he offers these observations:

The neo-Nazis are in general opposed to all such contemporary freedom-loving right-wing movements. The neo-Nazis are first of all Socialists (anti-capitalist, anti-Western society) and also anti-Semites. The overlap of the neo-Nazis with the anti-fascists is therefore substantial (aside from the issues of nationalism/globalism and immigrants).

They view Islamists in certain respects as like-minded in their opposition to Western society. The neo-Nazis, like the Antifa for instance, are heavily opposed to Geert Wilders and the PVV: they even demonstrated (video) against Fitna and Wilders on the evening the film was released. With this action the neo-Nazis actually were the very first to do so.

And now VH’s translation from the Pro-Köln website:

      Neo-Nazis are standing against Pro-Köln

      In addition to the old parties and the militant leftist extremists’ environment, now the publicly scrutinized German neo-Nazi scene has also found a new enemy: Pro-Köln and Pro-NRW!

      On several internet forums that are mainly read by various government services’ inspectors, the neo-Nazi scene shows a dedicated interest in a new enemy: Pro-Köln and Pro-NRW. With foam raging from their mouths for several days now, the right-wing militants are lashing out at the law-abiding and rightist-democratic pro-movement.

      The old parties apparently have in the defense of their power cartel found bizarre new allies. The verbal derailments of the General Secretary of Nordrhein Westphalen, Groschek (SPD) and the Cologne Mayor Fritz Schramma (CDU) are easily surpassed by the Nazis, although with some spelling errors.

      - - - - - - - - -

      Both with the political class as well as along the edges of our political-party system, nerves are obviously laid bare. Our opponents apparently cannot accept that the pro-movement in North Rhine-Westphalia is successful in attacking the encrusted party system, with the goal of establishing a serious and democratic parliamentary platform of the Right.

      On the failure of the far-right against Pro-Köln and Pro-NRW, the Pro-NRW-treasurer and Pro-Köln group chairman, the 30-year-old lawyer Judith Wolter says: “The various attacks by the established political groups, the leftist extremists, and now also by the neo-Nazi scene, show once again that we have positioned ourselves properly.”

      Finally a serious, right-wing democratic platform in North Rhine-Westphalia manages to be successful, because all the collected chained dogs, whether state-controlled or not, are unleashed. In addition to the usual barrage of stigmatization by the old parties and the extreme Left, there are also direct attacks against our activists and our office premises. At the same time the political class in their desperate plight even enables the other — by various remote controlled people of the V-crowd [government-informants/agent-provocateurs] — extremist scene. At their dedicated stupid neo-Nazi forums they express a lot of hate towards the pro-movement. In that junk they even express personal threats against our officials.

      Of course we are grateful for this unasked-for political clarification. The accusations of extremism against our liberal citizens’ movement become in the face of such campaigns against the pro-movement rather ridiculous and absurd. This will also play a not unimportant role in our case in the administrative court because of the appearance of Pro-Köln and Pro-NRW in the so-called NRW-Intelligence Service reports [North Rhine-Westphalia branch of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Germany’s domestic intelligence agency].

      On the other hand, the apparent government staging of this campaign makes me somewhat thoughtful. A bizarre coalition is mounted against us: extremist leftists, neo-Nazis, and Islamists, combined with the usual old parties [CDU, SPD, etc.]. Together they share a common enemy: Pro-Köln and Pro-NRW.

      The motive for this offensive is described by the weekly Zur Zeit in its latest issue: in 2010 there will be state elections in North Rhine-Westphalia. The right-wing pro-movement will try to enter the state parliament. Once a moderate right-wing party is established there, there might be no more room left for other parties. Another reason to finally bring a freedom loving grassroots opposition to the parliament! Our credo [undogmatic, nonpartisan and without taboos], which makes us in the eyes of the apologists for the extremists of the left and the right really radical, proves all the more to be absolutely necessary.

      We will keep on track, the bill will come due on election day, and we look forward to it in confidence.

VH adds this note:

      Apart from the neo-Nazis, Al Qaeda is also concerning itself with the German elections: “Al Qaeda wants to use ‘massive violence’ to influence the German voters to push the next government to withdraw German troops from Afghanistan.”

Previous posts about Pro-Köln:

2008 Jan Cities Against Islamization
The European Initiative “Cities against Islamization”

Diana West on Pro-Köln
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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Re: Pro Koln get vlang gets Vlamams Belang treatment great article
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2009, 04:06:20 PM »
Pro Köln is a great organization against Islam!