Easy guys there's one good thing from this:

DiCaprio To Convert to Judaism:
Arab World 'To Hell With Him' [Goliath 'pan Arabism racism' update]
israelipolicyforum ^ | 02,09
Posted on 24 lutego 2009 09:09:52 by Masti
DiCaprio To Convert to Judaism To Marry Bar: Arab World Says To Hell With Him
Israeli journalist, Guy Bechor, writes on the Israeli website gplanet (Hebrew language) that the Arab world is going crazy over reports that Leonardo DiCaprio is converting to Judaism in order to marry Sports Illustrated cover girl, Bar Rafieli, an Israeli.
The report appeared on Al-Arabiya website and, according to Bechor, is quite vicious. Apparently, Leo is a hero in the Arab world (everyone loved Titanic) but that the combination of his relationship with the Jewish beauty, and his conversion, should it happen) instantly transforms him to dirt in their eyes.
I thought the Arab world had changed? I thought that their objection is only to the occupation not to Israel itself, let alone the Jews.
But now Leo is being attacked the same way Elizabeth Taylor was when she became a Jew 45 years ago and was boycotted by the Arab world. I think she still is.
Anyway, if you know Arabic, read the 144 nasty contacts about Leo (and Bar) in Al Arabiya. It appears that they may hate us. They really do!
But who can hate Leo and Bar?
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2192650/postsI don't hate them rather pity them unlike CF but think it woud better for all of us if they both woud convert to iSSlam or scientology.