Author Topic: Romney picked as 2012 GOP front-runner  (Read 3949 times)

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Re: Romney picked as 2012 GOP front-runner
« Reply #25 on: March 01, 2009, 12:14:11 AM »
Personally I do not support Mitt.  I think you probably had mostly leftists voting in this poll.  I would definitely voted for S.C Governor Mark Sanford.  He is a strict constitutionalist who has done  the state of SC allot of good.  I am sorry in that I would not choose Palin.
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Re: Romney picked as 2012 GOP front-runner
« Reply #26 on: March 01, 2009, 12:16:18 AM »
Personally I do not support Mitt.  I think you probably had mostly leftists voting in this poll.  I would definitely voted for S.C Governor Mark Sanford.  He is a strict constitutionalist who has done  the state of SC allot of good.  I am sorry in that I would not choose Palin.

Why are people saying sorry just because they don't support Palin?
People can support who they please

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Re: Romney picked as 2012 GOP front-runner
« Reply #27 on: March 01, 2009, 12:27:01 AM »
Good choice, I hope Romney gets the nod for 2012.  

Sarah Palin is a joke and has been exposed for being a know-nothing bubble-headed moose hunting soccer mom and I've always found JTF's, and particularly Chiam's, unwavering support of her both during the campaign, but particularly for 2012, laughable.  She was clearly a bad choice from the beginning and later turned into an embarrassment for the whole Repugnican party and in the end unfortunately helped Obama sweep his way to victory. 

Our next president needs to be a strict Constitutionalist who can kick out the illegals, militarize the borders and shrink the size of the federal government so we can cut taxes and get back to business in this country.  We need to become productive in every way now and in the future so we can dig ourselves out of this massive private and public debt that's developed particularly during the Bush years.

   Though I appreciate your contribution,    we certainly disagree regarding Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin.      

    Mitt Romney had a number of Leftist positions when he ran for a Massachusetts  U.S. Senate seat in the mid 1990's.     Yet,  in the 2008 primary season,   he positioned himself as a Conservative.     I don't trust him.     I'm far from convinced his genuine.      If Romney gets the Republican Nomination for President in 2012,    I plan on voting for him against  Barack Hussein Obama,    Hillary " Saddam " Clinton,   or whoever emerges as the Democrat Nominee.    Yet,  it will be basically a vote against the Democrats,   unless Romney makes a very good choice for running mate.    

    Sarah Palin helped the McCain ticket much more than she hurt the ticket.      It was John McCain and his campaign staff that prevented Gov. Palin from being aggressive on the campaign trail.     McCain's strategy of being politically correct played right in the hands of the Obama campaign.     McCain refused to bring up Rev. Wright and the vast majority of Obama's hideous associations.     McCain publicly withdrew from Michigan,   weeks before Nov. 4.     Basically telegraphing to the Obama campaign and the world what his campaign strategy was.      With the media totally in Obama's corner,   nothing short of bring the truth out about Obama was going to win McCain this election.     Especially because of the financial crisis that most associated with the Republicans ( G.W. Bush )  and Obama having much more campaign funds available.     If not for Sarah Palin,     McCain would have lost this election by double digits.    

    Despite the picture the media and other leftists attempt to project about Sarah Palin   (  that she's not bright ),   the opposite is true.     The media and the left in general are going to attack whoever represents the Republican party.     Look what they did to Bobby Jindal a few days ago.         For the Republicans to win the 2012 election,    someone with true conservative values,    who is willing to go on the offensive,    is needed at the top of the ticket.       Of the candidates who have a realistic chance at winning the Republican Nomination,    Sarah Palin not only represents the best chance for the Republicans to win back the White House.    Gov. Palin offers the best hope for the United States to reverse a substantial amount of the damage that liberalism has caused.      

"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


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Re: Romney picked as 2012 GOP front-runner
« Reply #28 on: March 01, 2009, 12:55:19 AM »
Good choice, I hope Romney gets the nod for 2012.  

Sarah Palin is a joke and has been exposed for being a know-nothing bubble-headed moose hunting soccer mom and I've always found JTF's, and particularly Chiam's, unwavering support of her both during the campaign, but particularly for 2012, laughable.  She was clearly a bad choice from the beginning and later turned into an embarrassment for the whole Repugnican party and in the end unfortunately helped Obama sweep his way to victory. 

Our next president needs to be a strict Constitutionalist who can kick out the illegals, militarize the borders and shrink the size of the federal government so we can cut taxes and get back to business in this country.  We need to become productive in every way now and in the future so we can dig ourselves out of this massive private and public debt that's developed particularly during the Bush years.

   Though I appreciate your contribution,    we certainly disagree regarding Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin.      

    Mitt Romney had a number of Leftist positions when he ran for a Massachusetts  U.S. Senate seat in the mid 1990's.     Yet,  in the 2008 primary season,   he positioned himself as a Conservative.     I don't trust him.     I'm far from convinced his genuine.      If Romney gets the Republican Nomination for President in 2012,    I plan on voting for him against  Barack Hussein Obama,    Hillary " Saddam " Clinton,   or whoever emerges as the Democrat Nominee.    Yet,  it will be basically a vote against the Democrats,   unless Romney makes a very good choice for running mate.    

    Sarah Palin helped the McCain ticket much more than she hurt the ticket.      It was John McCain and his campaign staff that prevented Gov. Palin from being aggressive on the campaign trail.     McCain's strategy of being politically correct played right in the hands of the Obama campaign.     McCain refused to bring up Rev. Wright and the vast majority of Obama's hideous associations.     McCain publicly withdrew from Michigan,   weeks before Nov. 4.     Basically telegraphing to the Obama campaign and the world what his campaign strategy was.      With the media totally in Obama's corner,   nothing short of bring the truth out about Obama was going to win McCain this election.     Especially because of the financial crisis that most associated with the Republicans ( G.W. Bush )  and Obama having much more campaign funds available.     If not for Sarah Palin,     McCain would have lost this election by double digits.    

    Despite the picture the media and other leftists attempt to project about Sarah Palin   (  that she's not bright ),   the opposite is true.     The media and the left in general are going to attack whoever represents the Republican party.     Look what they did to Bobby Jindal a few days ago.         For the Republicans to win the 2012 election,    someone with true conservative values,    who is willing to go on the offensive,    is needed at the top of the ticket.       Of the candidates who have a realistic chance at winning the Republican Nomination,    Sarah Palin not only represents the best chance for the Republicans to win back the White House.    Gov. Palin offers the best hope for the United States to reverse a substantial amount of the damage that liberalism has caused.      

Neither McCain or Palin could properly run a campaign or coordinate an effective strategy.  They both looked like they were running for the pres and vice pres of a veteran's group, not the for the presidency of the U.S.  Sarah Palin was an unmitigated disaster as was McCain himself.  They were two anchors competing to see who could get to the bottom of the ocean first.  I would support anyone who was a real conservative, but probably Romney just because he has a decent shot at winning because if the Repugnicans don't have a shot at defeating the Demoncrats in 2012, they are through.  And the Repugs appointed a black to the head of the RNC?   America is totally lost.  These politicians are all awful and this two party system stinks!

It's so funny that people say that Romney wouldn't win because he's a Mormon, but we just elected a black Muslim (though he claimed to be Christian and attended a cult church) so any ideas of religious ideology being deciding factors are moot.  He's got a real shot in 2012 and he's the best candidate that's emerged thus far in my opinion.

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Re: Romney picked as 2012 GOP front-runner
« Reply #29 on: March 01, 2009, 01:18:56 AM »
Hold on everyone, this was a CPAC straw poll. Only people who attended CPAC voted in it. And Ron Paul ysh''v got 13% of the vote.

Obviously its bogus.

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Re: Romney picked as 2012 GOP front-runner
« Reply #30 on: March 01, 2009, 01:46:08 AM »
Rush Limbaugh dosen't give a damn about advancing a conservative cause.  He cares about himself and his bank account.  This jerk licked George Bush's boots for eight years.  The first tsep in saving this country is weeding out frauds like this who claim to be on "our side".

I happen to think he gave a good speech tonight.
Sorry if it goes against the consensus to say so.
I don't care if he does care about his bank account.  I care about mine too.
He spoke up for AMERICA and AMERICANS. 
I'd take George Bush and his boots for another 4 years, if it meant no OBAMA.
Our demise might be us time to save ourselves.
Obama is taking us down in one fell swoop.
That is just my opinion.

I'm in with you on this one.  Rush is doing his best to help, and yes, I would have Bush again instead of the Obamination.

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Re: Romney picked as 2012 GOP front-runner
« Reply #31 on: March 01, 2009, 06:45:00 AM »
Good choice, I hope Romney gets the nod for 2012.  

Sarah Palin is a joke and has been exposed for being a know-nothing bubble-headed moose hunting soccer mom and I've always found JTF's, and particularly Chiam's, unwavering support of her both during the campaign, but particularly for 2012, laughable.  She was clearly a bad choice from the beginning and later turned into an embarrassment for the whole Repugnican party and in the end unfortunately helped Obama sweep his way to victory. 

Our next president needs to be a strict Constitutionalist who can kick out the illegals, militarize the borders and shrink the size of the federal government so we can cut taxes and get back to business in this country.  We need to become productive in every way now and in the future so we can dig ourselves out of this massive private and public debt that's developed particularly during the Bush years.
The Republican Party is the joke.  They nominated a closet Democrap.  ???
Sarah Palin hooked her star to the wrong wagon.  That was her mistake.  She should have used a better vetting process.
I'll take 'smarts' over 'booksmarts' any day. 
Palin appears to love America.  Look what you have now...Obama/Biden/ Pelosi.  America haters...with no end in sight.
What is wrong with Moose Hunters or Soccer Moms?  I could never get the 'enlightened' women I work with to answer that question.
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Re: Romney picked as 2012 GOP front-runner
« Reply #32 on: March 01, 2009, 07:03:50 AM »
Rush Limbaugh dosen't give a damn about advancing a conservative cause.  He cares about himself and his bank account.
Spot on. Couldn't have said it better. These so called pundits are out for themselves, they don't give a damn about the country.
What is wrong with caring about your bank account?  This is America.  Who is to say that you can't do both? 
You might not like or agree with Rush.  I often don't on both counts.  I don't think it's fair to say he doesn't give a damn about the country.   
That's being quite naive. You honestly think these pundits care about America? They are selling you something. Whether its Maher, O'Reilly, Limbaugh they are all in it for the business. This is obvious. Rush Limbaugh himself has attacked people for trying to get us off Arab oil, the guy is a complete tool. I believe Chaim has made a video on this. Look it up.
Yes - I honestly believe that Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly care about America.  They don't have to agree with me 100 percent of the time.  This is America.  I don't know or care a thing about Bill Maher.  He is a filthy degenerate.  People like him hate the whole idea of America.

People are always trying to sell you something.  That is how it works.  No one is forcing YOU to buy it.
I know where JTF stands.  I have been a member here for some time now.
I don't think JTF stands for people walking in lock step.  Our goal is to save Israel and America, any which way we can.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

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Re: Romney picked as 2012 GOP front-runner
« Reply #33 on: March 01, 2009, 07:08:59 AM »
I saw some of Rush's speech this morning on C-span. He did a great job.

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Re: Romney picked as 2012 GOP front-runner
« Reply #34 on: March 01, 2009, 07:13:33 AM »
Good choice, I hope Romney gets the nod for 2012. 

Sarah Palin is a joke and has been exposed for being a know-nothing bubble-headed moose hunting soccer mom and I've always found JTF's, and particularly Chiam's, unwavering support of her both during the campaign, but particularly for 2012, laughable.  She was clearly a bad choice from the beginning and later turned into an embarrassment for the whole Repugnican party and in the end unfortunately helped Obama sweep his way to victory. 

Our next president needs to be a strict Constitutionalist who can kick out the illegals, militarize the borders and shrink the size of the federal government so we can cut taxes and get back to business in this country.  We need to become productive in every way now and in the future so we can dig ourselves out of this massive private and public debt that's developed particularly during the Bush years.
I personally would not have a problem with Romney as president however Palin would be just as good if she was allowed to be herself. The Palin you saw run with McCain was doing so with both hands tied behind her back by McCain and company. McCain lost the election because he was basically unelectable. The people that voted for him would have voted for a corpse if its name appeared on the Republican ballot. I think Palin would go a long way in attempting to enact  many of the objectives you speak of in the second part of your post. You need to listen and watch Palin herself and not go with what the media wants you to believe about her.
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Re: Romney picked as 2012 GOP front-runner
« Reply #35 on: March 01, 2009, 08:17:39 AM »
Why in the hell is such a big deal made of Rush Limbaugh?  What has he done to advance a real conservative movement?

I AGREE Ranter. 100%. IF this was 1776, he would probably be shot for doing NOTHING excpet TALKING
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