Author Topic: conservatives in congress Investigate of Chas Freeman obama's anti Jew  (Read 1292 times)

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 only one demoncrat    

Top GOP leaders sign on to call for Freeman investigation

By Eric Fingerhut · March 3, 2009

Nine members of the House of Representatives, including the House Minority Leader and Whip, are asking the Office of the Director of National Intelligence's Inspector General to investigate the financial ties to Saudi Arabia of new National Intelligence Committee chair Charles "Chas" Freeman. The bipartisan group -- although it includes just one Democrat, Rep. Shelley Berkley (Nev.) -- wants the IG to look at both the personal ties of Freeman to the Kingdom and the ties of the organization he chaired for more than 11 years, the Middle East Policy Council. (Rep. Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) sent a similar letter to the IG over the weekend.)

Freeman has said the council received a $1 million donation from the Saudis, which the letter notes, but then the congressional group, led by Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.), goes on to say that MEPC "has never publicly released its list of contributors" -- enclosing a tax form with a list of contributors apparently blacked out as if the group is hiding something. In fact, though, non-profits do not have to disclose their contributors -- Bill Clinton only did it for his foundation in order to faciliate Hillary's confirmation as secretary of state -- and the form enclosed says at the top "Not Open for Public Inspection."

Here's the full letter:

    Mr. Edward Maguire

    Inspector General

    Office of the Director of National Intelligence

    Washington, DC 20511

    Dear Mr. Maguire:

    We are writing with concern over the appointment of Charles “Chas” Freeman as the next Chairman of the National Intelligence Council.  Given his close ties to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, we request a comprehensive review of Amb. Freeman’s past and current commercial, financial and contractual ties to the Kingdom to ensure no conflict of interest exists in his new position.

    As you may know, Amb. Freeman most recently served as President of the Middle East Policy Council, a think-tank funded by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  The board of directors includes Dr. Fuad Rihani, a consultant to the Saudi Binladin Group – a multinational construction conglomerate and holding company for the assets owned by the bin Laden family.

    On September 20, 2006, in an interview with the Saudi-US Relations Information Service, Amb. Freeman said that “thanks to the generosity of King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia we have managed to accumulate an endowment” for the Middle East Policy Council.  According to filings with the Internal Revenue Service, Amb. Freeman drew an annual salary from the Middle East Policy Council.  However, the foundation has never publicly released its list of contributors – Schedule B of IRS Form 990.

    We ask you to fully investigate Amb. Freeman’s past and current relationship with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – both personal financial disclosures and the list of all contributors to the Middle East Policy Council across all years that Amb. Freeman drew a salary from the foundation – and report back to Congress on any potential conflicts of interest.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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More on the Saudi's concubine                  

The Saudis' man in the White House

By Richard Z. Chesnoff

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Email this article | Attention all those folks who voted for Obama not only because he promised America vital change, but because he swore to sustain foreign policy support for America's long standing democratic allies - notably the State of Israel, our only true friend in the Middle East.

Take a close look at who's just been appointed Chairman of his National Intelligence Council, the inner group that produces vital intelligence estimates for the President, his administration as well as the overall intelligence community. I'm talking of none other than Charles "Chas" Freeman, the former U.S, diplomat and pro-Arab lobbyist who is openly and loudly hostile to the Jewish state of Israel, is a defender of Chinese oppression, and hardly the man one might think Obama's supporters would like buzzing in the presidential ear.

A bosom pal of a long list of Arab kings, princes and other oil millionaires, Freeman was U.S. Ambassador to the desert kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the first Gulf War. More to the point, since 1997 he has been president of the Middle East Policy Council, the Arab world lobbying group that used to be called the "American Arab Affairs Council". Not surprisingly, the MEPC owes it very healthy endowment to those internationally renowned lovers of peace, civil rights and democratic process, the Saudi Royal Family.

Freeman's lack of enthusiasm for democracy is not limited to the Middle East. Without a sign of shame, he has steadfastly defended China's brutality towards those brave enough to fight for Chinese freedom of political thought. Indeed, the only criticism Freeman had of the Chinese government for its bloody 1989 massacre at Tiananmen Square was the timing! In a 2006 posting on ChinaSec, a confidential internet discussion group of China specialists, recently reprinted in The Wall Street Journal, Freeman wrote: "The truly unforgivable mistake of the Chinese authorities was the failure to intervene on a timely basis to nip the demonstrations in the bud."

Moreover he declared, "the Politburo's response to the mob scene at 'Tiananmen' stands as a monument to overly cautious behavior on the part of the leadership, not as an example of rash action." As if that wasn't enough, Mr. Freeman continued, "I do not believe it is acceptable for any country to allow the heart of its national capital to be occupied by dissidents intent on disrupting the normal functions of government, however appealing to foreigners their propaganda may be."

Still it's the Middle East and the Arab-Israeli conflict where I'm convinced Freeman can do the most damage. Consider this assessment by Freeman before the Arab-American Affairs Council in 2006: "[Israel's] inability to find peace with the Palestinians and other Arabs in the driving factor in the region's radicalization and anti-Americanism. Demonstrably, Israel excels at war; sadly it has shown no talent for peace."

No mention of Islamic extremism's rejection of American political values , no mention of Arab failure to accept a Jewish state.

Or how about this insightful Freeman view in 2007 remarks to the Pacific Council on International Policy in Los Angeles: "We embraced Israel's enemies as our own; they responded by equating Americans with Israelis as their enemies. We abandoned the role of Middle East peacemaker to pacify its captive and increasingly ghettoized Arab populations. We wring our hands while sitting on them as the Jewish state continues to seize more Arab land for its colonists. Now the United States has brought the Palestinian experience - of humiliation, dislocation and death to millions more in Afghanistan and Iraq."

Didn't the President just announce he was upping our military presence in Afghanistan?

Freeman has also taken up the cause of legitimizing the Hamas terrorists - even at the expense of the already legitimate Palestinian government. Or take the example of Freeman's MEPC council publication Middle East Policy. It is consistently anti-Israel. In its fall 2008 issue, editor, Anne Joyce even perpetuated the anti-Semitic smear that the Iraq war was waged by neo-cons on behalf of Israel .

These are hardly views that will encourage Arab states to show true willingness for peace with the Jewish state and are certainly not views that will reassure the Israel to take the chances we keep urging them to take.

From a strictly ethical point of view it seems totally out of order. As Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic Monthly says it is obviously inappropriate to hire "a well known advocate for the interests of Middle Eastern autocracies to produce national intelligence assessments for the Obama administration."

There are those like New York's Senator Chuck Schumer who are already openly urging the president to change his mind and reverse Freeman's appointment. I hope many of Obama's million's of fans will do the same. It won't be the first time Obama has had to shift appointment gears - but embarassing as that may be, it may be one of the most important shifts our new president can make if he sincerely wants intelligence assessments that are objective and will help ihim, Israel and the Arabs n the ongoing struggle for a just Mideast peace.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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more on charlie boy who is used by the saudis in their harems   :::D    
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03