Author Topic: AMAZING! Will a Russian bring Obama down? MUST READ!  (Read 972 times)

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Offline Cyberella

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AMAZING! Will a Russian bring Obama down? MUST READ!
« on: March 12, 2009, 10:19:11 AM »



Open letter, demand for investigation and immediate action in regards to following suspected crimes:


               cyberspace crimes;

impersonation of a military officer;

identity theft of U.S. Army Officer Scott Easterling


defamation of character



               interference with judicial proceedings

               breaking into the computer system of the Supreme court of the United States

               voter fraud

               using cyberspace for voter fraud



               and other related crimes


 Summary of the complaint


Recently an active U.S. Army Officer, who is risking his life in defending our country in Iraq, has joined my upcoming legal action aimed at unsealing Barack Hussein Obama’s, aka Barry Soetoro’s, (Obama/Soetoro) legal status and eligibility/legitimacy for the presidency of the U.S. 
I have brought a number of actions that are now in different stages of litigation, stating that Obama/Soetoro is illegitimate for presidency, as the president needs to be a ‘natural born’ citizen - one who is born in this country to parents (plural, both) who are citizens of this country.

This definition was recently unanimously confirmed by the U.S. senate in Senate resolution 511, presented by Senator Leahy in April 2008, as Senator McCain sought his legitimacy for the presidency to be verified, and Mr. McCain therefore presented his long version original birth certificate.

Mr. Obama’s father was never a U.S. citizen; he was a citizen of Kenya (a British colony at a time) here in the U.S. on a student visa, which by itself made Obama/Soetoro ineligible for presidency, regardless of whether he was born in this country or Kenya, or whether he later lost his U.S. citizenship while immigrating to Indonesia and obtaining Indonesian citizenship (by being adopted and naturalized), and later reaffirming his Indonesian citizenship while traveling on an Indonesian passport as an adult, and also most likely obtaining taxpayer funded financial aid as a Foreign Exchange student from Indonesia.  (Indonesia did not allow dual citizenship and any U.S. citizenship would therefore have to be relinquished). 
Additionally, Obama/Soetoro’s paternal grandmother, Sarah Obama, and the Ambassador from Kenya, Peter Ogego, made statements that he was born in Kenya, and there is no record of him being born in any hospital in HI.  HI Statute # 338 allows foreign born children of Hawaiian residents to obtain Hawaiian Certifications of Live Birth (COLB), and those can be obtained based on a statement of one relative only.

Additionally, statements by Ron Polarik and private investigator Jose Barro, showed numerous signs of forgery on the short version COLB posted by Obama/Soetoro, and Forensic Document expert Sandra Line has issued an affidavit that Obama’s place of birth cannot be ascertained without seeing the original birth certificate. 
Dr. Chiyomi Fukimo, director of Health department for the the State of Hawaii, obviously colluded with Obama/Soetoro and  issued a statement that Obama has a birth certificate on file, but intentionally refused to provide clarification, whether it is a birth certificate for a foreign born child of a Hawaiian resident, whether it was prepared based on hospital records or statement of one relative only, or whether it is an amended birth certificate, created upon Obama/Soetoro’s adoption by Lolo Soetoro, his Indonesian stepfather, and showing him a citizen of Indonesia.
You can see in the exhibits a copy of a short birth certificate supplied by FactCheck, changed from Barack Hussein Obama to Barack Hussein Obama Bin Ladin within 15 minutes and based on that ‘garbage’ (using Obama’s own words) this foreigner was sworn in to be the President, Commander in Chief of all Armed Forces, in charge of our Nuclear weapons. 

Based on these facts, the short version Certification of Life Birth posted by Obama/Soetoro on his web site, is totally worthless in proving that he was born in HI, and there is still a need to unseal his long version (vault) birth certificate that is supposed to have corroborating evidence such as a name of the hospital, name of the doctor, three signatures and a seal on the front of the document.

It is my understanding that 42 legal actions were filed in federal courts, and probably more in different state courts, seeking prove of Obama/Soetoro’s eligibility, and Obama/Soetoro has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on attorney’s fees seeking to keep his vital records concealed, and attorneys for plaintiffs were harassed and intimidated, and the logical question is why?  If he was an honest person and had nothing to hide, if he is really legitimate for the presidency, why not show those vital records and move on?

 Recently you, Mr. Holder, made a speech, stating that the U.S. is a Nation of ‘cowards’, as far as the issue of race goes. You might be right on that, Mr. Holder, as Obama/Soetoro’s campaign and administration shamelessly harassed and called everybody standing up and questioning his legitimacy ‘racists’, and many of our politicians acted as cowards and backed off. 
I hope that you, Mr. Holder, don’t act as a coward and instead verify the above facts brought forward by me, and demand Obama/Soetoro’s immediate resignation or removal from office due to fraud and Constitutional ineligibility.  National security and national survival depends on your expedient actions, as Obama/Soetoro releases violent terrorists from GITMO, allocates 900 million dollars to Gaza, ruled by radical Hamas terrorists, and signs an Executive Order that would provide expedient U.S. citizenship, and bring hundreds of thousands of Hamas terrorists to this country.

Until now, none of the cases challenging Obama/Soetoro was heard on the merits, as plaintiffs were told that they have no standing. This is the reason why officer Easterling is so significant, since he, as an active duty officer, risking his life in Iraq, he surely has standing.  A campaign of terror, intimidation, defamation and assassination of character of officer Easterling, my character, and the character of other plaintiffs has followed.
 I have received an e-mail from a well-known reporter and writer, Devvy Kidd (exhibit B), wherein it stated that Officer Easterling created a blog that was very vulgar, that used numerous profanities and racial slurs, and which put him look bad in the eyes of the public. This looked very much out of character as he was very respectful in prior conversations with me, so I e-mailed him and received a response that he never had any blogs, and he knew nothing about this blog.
I looked at the e-mail address attached, and saw that the e-mail address on the blog was not his. He later called and stated that he couldn’t even reach this blog from his computer in Iraq and that his sister called from the U.S. equally appalled and upset about this blog.  I got a call from Mr. Fred Smart telling me that officer Easterling opened a ‘Twittert account.  I then got information that on this blog the imposter is also “quoting” me, twisting my statements, while defaming my character as well. 
An article about another plaintiff, Officer Clint Grimes, currently a police officer and previously serving in the Navy, was also twisted, and hyperlinks were added.  1st Lt. Scott Easterling responded that he never had any blogs, Twitter, Face Book, or My Space accounts.  It was clear that someone supporting Obama/Soetoro is putting forward a concerted effort to discredit and assassinate the character of officers and other plaintiffs that are about to testify at trial, and an attorney representing them.

The web master for our site, Ms. Lisa Ostella, has posted a warning that impersonating an officer is a crime, punishable by fine and three years in jail, and people engaged in this will be found and prosecuted.  After this warning, the perpetrators have changed the name of the blog from Scott Easterling to Jaimie Jamison and tried to turn it into a farce. 
However the crime was already committed and screenshots and witness statements prove it. When this blog was created, it was not created as a satire, and even a reporter with 20 years of experience, such as Devvy Kidd, believed it to be a real blog created by officer Easterling. 
I therefore demand that your office investigate and prosecute this matter immediately.

Similarly, Obama/Soetoro supporters have used Cyber space previously, in order to misinform and defraud American  citizens and commit voter fraud.  On November 3rd, a day before the National elections, when numerous voters questioned Obama/Soetoro’s Natural Born status and his refusal to provide his long version birth certificate, an article appeared on the Internet stating that a Virginia Judge has reviewed Obama/Soetoro’s original birth certificate and found it to be valid, Obama/Soetoro to be a Natural Born citizen, and all legal actions to be frivolous (exhibited). 
This whole case was manufactured, and cyber space was used, to defraud American citizens and dampen the enthusiasm of McCain voters, and somebody has paid a huge amount of money to do so, as this article appeared in the top position with each and every search engine, as voters were entering the search words of “Obama birth certificate”.  This article was copied, posted and reposted, but we have traced this article to one person going by name of ‘Wild Bill’. Significant is the fact that a Mr. Bill Burkett, known to have provided allegedly forged documents to Dan Rather, was reportedly hired by the Obama/Soetoro campaign a few months earlier. It was not clear if Mr. Burkett was involved or was hired as a fall guy, in case the whole issue of reportedly forged documents blows up.  It is imperative that the Justice department investigate this matter expediently and ascertain if this mater of cyber-crimes can be traced to the Obama/Soetoro campaign and Mr. Obama/Soetoro himself.

One day after the inauguration somebody erased from the exterior docket of the Supreme Court all mention of my case, Lightfoot v Bowen, even though it was scheduled to be heard in 2 days in a conference of the full Supreme Court (Exhibited).  Dozens of people then called the Supreme Court and the case was re-entered. Nobody in the Supreme Court could provide an explanation to this event.

Similarly, an article about me and my case before SCOTUS was deleted from Wikipedia.  A source of the deletion was traced to a person claiming to be a tax lawyer who had a site for a lawyers’ referral service.  As I clicked on the link, it showed a flashing sign in Arabic.   I posted it on my blogsite, and asked if someone could translate. The translation stated that it was a link to a banner showing the hanging of Saddam Hussein.

     At the same time I was driving to pick up one of my children from school and a tire suddenly blew out on my car. Luckily, my family, my children, my family were not in the car, but I have ended up with persistent back pain.

When around the same time one gets her case erased from the docket of the Supreme Court and Wikipedia, a tire blows out on her car, and a link with a sign in Arabic about somebody’s hanging appears, one begins to feel threatened. 
I believe all of the occurrences have to do with my investigation not only in the area of Obama/Soetoro’s ineligibility for the Presidency, but also in the financial dealings of Barack and Michelle Obama.
Please see attached a list of over a 100 addresses for Barack Obama and a 100 business addresses for Michelle Obama. These are addresses obtained from a private investigator and an intelligence service.
Michelle Obama’s addresses are from numerous media organizations that show her being employed by many major media outlets, including CBS and CNN, and some peculiar ones, such as Gay News, Muslim World Today in CA, and even the FCC. These financial dealings have to be investigated immediately, since most main stream media outlets refused to provide any honest account of Obama/Soetoro’s lack of eligibility for presidency.

As a private citizen I cannot complete this investigation. However you, as the Attorney General, together with FBI, the IRS, the Secret Service, and local law enforcement, can, and have an obligation to, complete it. I would be willing to complete this investigation, if you are willing to grant me a status of a relator-special prosecutor. 
None of these 130 positions listed for Michelle and Barry or Barack H. Obama were listed on their disclosed tax returns.
There has to be a corresponding search for each and every employer that is listed.  If those were salaried positions, then there is a massive tax fraud.  And if those were campaign contributions over the allowed limits, then there is massive campaign contributions fraud, especially in light of over $300 million in contributions that are unaccounted for. Which is it? 
What social security numbers were used?  As you have stated in your speech on Martin Luther King Day, Americans should not be ‘cowards’, particularly when matters of race are concerned. I was not a coward and prepared this large dossier, so I hope you will not be a coward and instead order an expeditious completion of this investigation and its subsequent prosecution.


Electronic signature

Dr. Orly Taitz, ESQ 


Dr. Orly Taitz


Dr. Orly Taitz is a California attorney, dentist and real estate agent. An emigre from the Soviet Union, she is said to speak 5 languages. She gained prominence among Obama controversies as the attorney of record in Keyes v Bowen, et al. As one of the 180,000 attorneys in California, Dr. Taitz is bound by the California Bar’s Rules of Professional Conduct and the California State Bar Act.




Offline arksis

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Re: AMAZING! Will a Russian bring Obama down? MUST READ!
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2009, 10:26:01 AM »
Everyone needs to support her in what she's doing. oh how I hope she brings him DOWN!!!!!!!!! :fist:
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Offline Cyberella

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Re: AMAZING! Will a Russian bring Obama down? MUST READ!
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2009, 10:33:31 AM »
Please go to Dr. Orly's website and contribute to her PayPal. This lovely little Russian immigrant is working herself to exhaustion to save YOUR country. It is reported that she is surviving on 3-4 hours sleep per night and is bearing much of the expense of her lawsuits herself.

Offline mord

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Re: AMAZING! Will a Russian bring Obama down? MUST READ!
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2009, 10:58:59 AM »
Please go to Dr. Orly's website and contribute to her PayPal. This lovely little Russian immigrant is working herself to exhaustion to save YOUR country. It is reported that she is surviving on 3-4 hours sleep per night and is bearing much of the expense of her lawsuits herself.
do you have a link to this letter?
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline Cyberella

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Re: AMAZING! Will a Russian bring Obama down? MUST READ!
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2009, 01:59:49 PM »
Please go to Dr. Orly's website and contribute to her PayPal. This lovely little Russian immigrant is working herself to exhaustion to save YOUR country. It is reported that she is surviving on 3-4 hours sleep per night and is bearing much of the expense of her lawsuits herself.
do you have a link to this letter?

I'm not understanding what you mean, mort.

I heard on a talk radio show by a state legislator that Dr. Orly is using much of her own funds to carry on her crusade against Obama and is working very hard with 3-4 hrs sleep per night..if that's what you mean.



Offline Masha

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Re: AMAZING! Will a Russian bring Obama down? MUST READ!
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2009, 02:30:42 PM »
What a great woman! She is a dentist and a lawyer and she has 3 kids too! :dance:

Offline mord

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Re: AMAZING! Will a Russian bring Obama down? MUST READ!
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2009, 02:32:21 PM »
Please go to Dr. Orly's website and contribute to her PayPal. This lovely little Russian immigrant is working herself to exhaustion to save YOUR country. It is reported that she is surviving on 3-4 hours sleep per night and is bearing much of the expense of her lawsuits herself.
do you have a link to this letter?

I'm not understanding what you mean, mort.

I heard on a talk radio show by a state legislator that Dr. Orly is using much of her own funds to carry on her crusade against Obama and is working very hard with 3-4 hrs sleep per night..if that's what you mean.


no i mean what is printed on the first post o.k. my friend found it did you see what they turned Lt. Easterlings blog into :o
« Last Edit: March 12, 2009, 02:50:09 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Sentinel For Truth

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Re: AMAZING! Will a Russian bring Obama down? MUST READ!
« Reply #7 on: March 13, 2009, 03:26:05 PM »
I hope someone out there can make a difference in enforcing the Constitutional requirements for the presidency.  That Obongo was never properly vetted was the true crime in this matter.  But chaos is what we can expect with the first and hopefully last illegal alien president of the United States of America.  I'm sure he'll handle any dissent the same way Odinga did.