Israel > Save Israel

Ugly left-wing Jewesses

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Maybe not as bad as their Israeli sisters, but still a poor show:

Two British Jewess apostates to Xtianity,

60s songstress Helen Shapiro (activist missionary)

and Arabist MP Edwina Currie (nee Edwina Cohen)

This is not meant to run women down: this is meant to show that generally, the more twisted and distorted a person's ideology becomes, this will be reflected on their faces, especially female faces:

"Greater is the hatred of the am haaretz (Jewish ignoramus) for the Torah scholar than that of a gentile for a Jew. And a Jewess ignoramus hates even more than they!" (Talmud Pesachim 49)

There is a passage somewhere in the Talmud which mentions one of the later Kings of Israel, who set out on horseback and rounded up 60 witches, and hung them all.

After looking at these photos, it is obvious that some managed to get away and escape!

That Brigadier Police Brigadier General Miri Golan, so so frightening, that bringing her into a prisoner's cell, face to face, would be enough to make anybody confess to anything!

Can you just imagine waking up on a beautiful sunny morning, and rolling over to look at that beast lying next to you in bed, snoring away like a huge sow with  bad indigestion!

A Jew has a different soul from a gentile ie the Jew has the potential for greater good or greater evil.

Thus even non-Jewess foes of our ideology


Hanan Ashrawi

Hillary Clinton

Susan Sarandon

Vanessa Redgrave

are far outdone in their ugliness by Jewesses!

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Dorit Beinish looks like Hitlery!


--- Quote from: mord on March 24, 2007, 09:55:35 PM ---
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on March 24, 2007, 09:40:24 PM ---This is a thread that the Revava people deleted.

Do people think the picture of the ugly Jezebel where you can see her breasts should be deleted?

However, since we are not Revava, this thread won't be deleted.

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But her and all the leftist women may scare potential posters away.Kind of like a scare crow

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Old B.S has gotten even more hideous looking than ever. Whoever said it was Howard Stern in drag hit the nail on the head. What a beast she is.


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