If you listen to Tamar Yona' show on Arutz 7
http://www.israelnationalradio.com/you'll see that by the standard's of today's womanhood, she's in our political and religious camp, and that she is literally a
tzaddika and positively radiates inner
hadar to those on the level of perceiving it, as does the equally admirable Malkah Fleisher on her radio show, shown here before

and after her marriage

Just like Jewish men are highly sought after by gentile women as mates, because they have a reputation for bringing home the bread and for not being wife-beaters, so too Jewesses are highly sought after by gentile men, as they have a reputation (is it deserved?) for being "hotties": look how Omar Sharif besottedly lusted after Barbara Streisand, UK PM John Major after Edwina Currie, and US President after Monica Lewinsky!
Have you no taste, Xtianwhitenation?!