Israel > Save Israel
Ugly left-wing Jewesses
Muck DeFuslims:
I met Tovia a few years ago.
He was doing a tour about the dangers of groups like Jews for Jesus and emphasizing how important it is to resist the constant missionizing that goes on.
We got a chance to speak for awhile after his presentation and I told him that his message about missionizing is as important as ever but he needs to concentrate on talking about the danger of Islam more on his INN show.
He was receptive but not overly friendly. Somewhat aloof.
I like him overall but find his Jackie Mason like schtick a bit tiring.
He did an interview with Jessie Jackson not too long ago and had the chance to really rip into him. Instead he was polite and let the 'Reverend' spout his usual nonsense with hardly a word of dissent or calling him out for all his past 'hymietown' remarks etc.
I would have paid to hear Chaim do that interview.
--- Quote from: Muck DeFuslims on July 10, 2007, 11:54:38 PM ---I met Tovia a few years ago.
He was doing a tour about the dangers of groups like Jews for Jesus and emphasizing how important it is to resist the constant missionizing that goes on.
We got a chance to speak for awhile after his presentation and I told him that his message about missionizing is as important as ever but he needs to concentrate on talking about the danger of Islam more on his INN show.
He was receptive but not overly friendly. Somewhat aloof.
I like him overall but find his Jackie Mason like schtick a bit tiring.
He did an interview with Jessie Jackson not too long ago and had the chance to really rip into him. Instead he was polite and let the 'Reverend' spout his usual nonsense with hardly a word of dissent or calling him out for all his past 'hymietown' remarks etc.
I would have paid to hear Chaim do that interview.
--- End quote ---
If the media could forget their PC crap for five minutes and think $$, Chaim would make them a fortune. If they would give him a show and let him cut loose, for all the complaints and hair pulling by rent-a-crowd there would be tens of millions glued to their sets. I guarantee it.
To be Honset, tattoos on a woman dont phase me, piercings maybe, below the lower lip or the nose is as far as I go. But if I met a good Ba'al tshuva woman or rightious orthodox Ger woman and we click and have alot in common, I would marry her, that really doesnt matter to me. It's all on the inside man.
a tattoo on a woman and I instantly rule them out.
belly button piercing - out.
the farthest I would consider is a very small nose ring, but even that is at about the line of acceptability I think.
--- Quote from: newman ---If the media could forget their PC crap for five minutes and think $$, Chaim would make them a fortune. If they would give him a show and let him cut loose, for all the complaints and hair pulling by rent-a-crowd there would be tens of millions glued to their sets. I guarantee it.
--- End quote ---
Even the slightest hint of public "racial incitement" is an immediately arrestable crime in UK, Europe and Israel.
Indeed, outside of the USA & Outer Mongolia, I don't think Chaim, who may have a spark of Moshiach in him, would get away with it.
And of course, truly massive publicity would guarantee an attempted hit on him.
Chaim is a hint of what Moshiach wil face when he starts spouting & revealing the emes about the races.
Without miraculous Divine protection (cf Moshe Rabbeinu walking in and out of Paro's court unscathed despite his lambastings), Moshiach will be immediately gunned down on appearance - like Kahane x1000 - including by the Frum!
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