Israel > Save Israel

Ugly left-wing Jewesses

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Probably,  To be expected with a bombardment of Socialism since the days of Ben Gurion and his Mapai Nazi Party....  Truly sad...sad...sad...sad...  I believe that we are in for horrible times unless Israelis start acting like Jews or HaShem will vomit them from the land....  my two cents...

That fag parade inJerusalem won't help. I hope The online yeshiva will make an improvement with the young.

I hope a good machine gunning and fire bombing of those sodomites and their commie supporters will occur so they will get the picture.  If they want Homo parades to head to Sweden, Holland or Canada...   Those "Jews" if they keep this up and not find some self respect and their Jewishness....HaShem WILL vomit them and the righteous Jews out of His Land....  my opinion....


--- Quote from: MarZutra on July 11, 2007, 08:38:04 AM ---Yes like that "Jewish" creature on that show "INKED"...... Oy Vey what a horrible world...

--- End quote ---
He I cant stand.

They are the "enlightened" ones...  The "illuminated" ones....  The "progressive" ones who believe they know everything especially what is good for everyone else........  "Ignorance and arrogance are the poisons of the Liberal mind." - Meir Kahane ;)


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