Israel > Save Israel

Ugly left-wing Jewesses

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 :dance:  cool icons  :dance: 

dang.. just imagine the world until left-wing communazi bolshesh*t governments of Barack Hussein Obama and Hippi Zippi Livini..   What a messed up world we will live..  I might as well start studying arabic and reciting my Koran prayers now, whats the point of being a Jew, since it will soon be illegal under the islamo-nazi fascist governments.  By the way, Us JEws will have to do all the work , while the lazy good-for-nothing greasebeags demand their welfare checks and spend time screwing their many wives and playing with their guns.

 :'( :'( :'(


--- Quote from: Nonny on March 24, 2007, 11:04:46 PM ---Maybe not as bad as their Israeli sisters, but still a poor show:

Two British Jewess apostates to Xtianity,

60s songstress Helen Shapiro (activist missionary)

and Arabist MP Edwina Currie (nee Edwina Cohen)

This is not meant to run women down: this is meant to show that generally, the more twisted and distorted a person's ideology becomes, this will be reflected on their faces, especially female faces:

"Greater is the hatred of the am haaretz (Jewish ignoramus) for the Torah scholar than that of a gentile for a Jew. And a Jewess ignoramus hates even more than they!" (Talmud Pesachim 49)

--- End quote ---

Stupid christians, these traitors look like men.  EIther more women are born hermaphrodites these days or masculinazation of the female is a new hip trend.

Essence of Erev Rav left-wing activist Talia Sasson

always in the very front of efforts to get Jews deported from the West Bank, in relentlessly compiling detailed lists of new 'settlements' and forwarding them to the Americans

White Israelite:
Is it just me or do they all resemble a demented harry potter?

A coven of left wing activist Lesbian Jewesses in the news,7340,L-3746952,00.html


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