Israel > Save Israel

Ugly left-wing Jewesses

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The One and Only Mo:

--- Quote from: galileerat on July 20, 2009, 04:42:09 PM ---Yael Dayan

Barbara Streisand

Dorit Beinish

Geula Cohen

--- End quote ---

Vomit emoticon

Pieces of EXCREMENT.

Some of those Fox News girls are pretty good looking. 8)

That that traitoress Tali Fahima has apostasised to Islam,7340,L-3902175,00.html
watch her go even more ugly!

A nomin al Jew who actually apostasises to another religion is viewed in the Kaballah as a goyishe soul that was 'misplaced' in a Jewish body, just like a ger tzedek is considered to have been a Yiddishe neshomo that got 'lost' in a gentile guf!

I think Fachima has a camel soul. That is why she is turning into one as time progresses.


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