These IQ tests that they advertise on the internet are
bogus. I used to be the computer administrator at a school, and a student there took it, and the test said he had an IQ of 125... and I knew this student was a moron, so I took the test just to show him it was fake, and I got a 158. (I'm good at test-taking but am not a genius)
Also... these tests claim the average IQ of a laker player is 130, and the average Colts fan has an IQ of 128.
So I'm guessing you need to subtract at least 30 from their score to get a ROUGH idea.

THis is all nonsense. The truth of the matter is that the average IQ is 100. There is nothing wrong with having an average IQ.
And people who TRULY have IQ's that are higher than 150 are unbelievably rare. Top 0.07% (99.93th percentile).
So if you were in a room with 1400 or so people... chances are... you'd have 1 person with an IQ above 150.
When someone says they have an IQ that is THIS high... I generally dont believe them... and think they took one of these bogus tests.