Author Topic: What if they Stole Your Springsteen Seats...Drinking with Bob  (Read 535 times)

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Offline Americanhero1

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What's next? I'll tell you what's next...

Illegal Immigration. The other day Nancy Pelosi came out and basically said, we're not going to enforce illegal immigration laws in this country anymore. If you're in this country illegally, fine.Hangout. Have a great time! Are you freaking kidding me?

Do you realize if you're an American citizen in this country and you're hanging out on a street corner selling drugs, in order to make money to make a better life for yourself and the police come by. You're going to jail. If you're an American citizen and you're hanging out on a street corner in this country, prostituting yourself in order to make money. To make a better life for yourself and the police come by. You're going to jail! If you're an ILLEGAL immigrant. Somebody who's not even supposed to be in this country and you're hanging out on a street corner selling your freaking services in order to make money to make a better life for yourself and the cops come by. They're told to ignore you. To make believe you don't even exist. Are you freaking kidding me?! And I know what you're all saying, but Bob, prostitution; drugs; thats bad for society.

You don't think some guy standing on the street corner willing to work for twenty five dollars a day isn't bad for society? You might as well take minimum wage laws and throw them out the freaking window! And then they tell you, no! illegals, they're doing the jobs that Americans don't want to do. NO! They're doing the jobs that Americans don't want to do for twenty-five dollars a day. If you paid Americans a decent salary, they'd be tripping over themselves to get these illegal immigrants jobs. Then unemployment is up to 10%. I could cut that in half TOMORROW! If we got rid every freaking illegal immigrant in this country! But, God Forbid, the government did anything to help out the American citizen! God Forbid the government did anything to help out the people who pay their freaking salaries!

Let's take immigration out of it okay? Let me give you a good analogy. Let's say you're going to the Bruce Springsteen concert. You're at Madison Square Garden, standing outside with your ticket in your hand. The doors aren't opened. All of a sudden the security guard comes and opens the doors. Before anyone with a ticket can get in, a hundred thousand people run into madison Square Garden and sit in all the seats. Do you think security at Madison Square Garden is gonna look at all the people with tickets and say, sorry guys; we can't get these people out of here. Do you think Bruce Springsteen is going to come out a sing a song? No! Springsteen's not going to sing a song and security is going to make damn sure that they get everybody out of Madison Square Garden who doesn't have a ticket. And everybody with a ticket inside Madison Square Garden before the freaking show starts!

That's what happened at the border. When security at the border turned their backs millions of freaking illegals ran over the freaking border. And now the government says, we don't know how to get them out of here. They know how to get them out of here! They could get them out of here tomorrow! They don't want to get them out of here! Because if they got them out of here, then they'd have to pay somebody a decent salary to clean their freaking mansions and mow their freaking lawns!!

And to all the illegal immigrants who are standing out there right now saying, why is he so mad? We're just trying to make a better life for ourselves. I don't think you're bad people. But, the cold hard fact is, I've got a freaking ticket and YOU'RE SITTING IN MY FREAKING SEAT!!! Would you get it! What is it that you don't understand?! What is it that you don't understand?!!

What's next! What's next!! What's next!!!

Offline eb22

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Re: What if they Stole Your Springsteen Seats...Drinking with Bob
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2009, 11:04:20 PM »
AH,   thanks providing the info and link.

Bob is right on the money.

Nancy Pelosi should be tried for treason.
"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


Offline ag337

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Re: What if they Stole Your Springsteen Seats...Drinking with Bob
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2009, 01:59:29 AM »
American Hero,

Thank you for posting this.
I appreciate it.
Thanks to all the great members here at jtf, I now have knowledge of Drinking with Bob.

And, Bob is right on the money.

I like him and his message.

Thanks again!