This is a perfect example of why McCain is NOT a good candidate or leader.....
We have to become “the party of ideas, party of inclusiveness,” McCain said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press. “Outreach to other ethnic aspects of the American electorate; in my part of the country especially, Hispanic voters. We have to recruit and elect Hispanics to office. We have to welcome new ideas. … [A] lot of people complain about divisions within the Republican Party. That's good right now. Let's let a thousand flowers bloom. Let's have different clashes of ideas, sharing the same principles and goals.”
We (conservatives) don't need to "become" anything, the conservative principals are already defined. Party of inclusiveness, ethnic outreach, pander to groups based on ethnicity.... This is all BS. If he were to stand strong for the ideals of conservatism, our constitution, and the true function of government like Palin - an unapologetic stand for what is right then maybe he could be a leader. Instead he wants to try to appease this group and that group and never really stand firm on much of anything. Do what is right and people respect you, they may not be your friends but they will respect you. I think a president is not there to make friends but to lead, popular or unpopular do what is right and in the best interest of the country.
“Outreach to other ethnic aspects of the American electorate;...."
This by definition separates Americans into groups, something that is counter to true conservatism. How can we stand united if everyone considers themselves a separate group? I think true conservatism includes ALL Americans and ALL should be treated equally. That goes for equal responsibility as well as equal rights. I think anyone who doesn't see themselves as an American first (living in the US of course) should go back to wherever they claim to be from.