Shalom! Blessings, Glory, and Honor to our Creator....The Great I AM!

I'm Tucker from Jackson, Michigan, USA. I am an imperfect, fall down and get back up, follower of the Truth, US Army veteran, American Patriot willing to give my life for my country and Constitution. I have 3 dogs who bring me much joy, love to read, blog, stir up controversy, drink coffee, garden, camp, enjoy Freedom. My professional background is in nursing which I have done for over 20 years. I'm tired....
Israel is close to my heart.....because she is close to the Father's heart. He said those who bless the seed of Abraham will be blessed, and those who curse them will be cursed. Well, I've survived much hell in my 47 years, have lived with persecution most of my life, and have a heart of compassion which has grown out of many trials. I like to call them G-d appointments intended for my continual growth and refining process.
As I watch current events, I am so frustrated at what appears to be no action to save our country & Constitution. In these final days, EVIL has increased to such a degree that nobody is shocked by anything. Total desensitization through government controlled education, mindless television (which I refuse to watch).....sorry, I wasn't intending to go off on a tangent....this was supposed to be an introduction! Please visit my blog...I try to be as controversial as possible because I'm addicted to chaos and caffeine. Thank you! Blessings & Peace!