
What should be done with Israel's secular, left-leaning, obedient-to-the-government majority if they do not repent and turn to Kahanism?

Nothing--just deal with them.
8 (66.7%)
Offer them compensation to leave Israel.
2 (16.7%)
Remove them by force.
2 (16.7%)
Other/not sure
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 0

Author Topic: What should be done with the secular, brainwashed Israeli majority IF...  (Read 892 times)

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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This poll pertains to the majority of Israelis who aren't actual Feces Now or B'Tselem kapos, but are secular, lean to the left, and generally support whatever the Bolshevik regimes of Israel do. These people may not be deliberately evil, because they are just brainwashed and don't really know better, but still passively contribute to everything terrible that the government does. These are the people who think, naively or not, that surrendering Judea/Samaria to the Arabs will "bring peace" and that they deserve a "Fakestinian state", even though privately they know the Muzzies do indeed want to kill them. These are the people who went along with the freeing of Samir Kuntar in the name of "bringing closure" to the Goldwasser/Regev families and supported "Defense" Minister Ehud Barak's stormtrooper tactics against the heroic "religious radical" demonstrators at the Peace House. These are the people who want to forget all about war, fighting, and what Zionism really means just so that they can lead their lives undisturbed and retire early. These are the people who "don't have the stomach" (to use Chaim's term) to just throw the Arabs out of the Holy Land.

Some of these people definitely would turn to Kahanism and Hayamin if they were really exposed to the message, but others never will and will always be a thorn in our side. I think we should offer these Israeli semi-leftists compensation to leave Israel if they oppose Kahanism and do not want to do what the Bible commands them to do to save themselves. What do you think?


Offline Ulli

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This is the most crazy poll we ever had on the forum.  :::D

Sorry C.F., but I thought Chaim wanted to save the Jews in Israel and expel the Arabs.

Now it looks like we would like to expel the Arabs and the Jews.

Then only Noam Federman, Mike Guzinsky and Chaim would sit in front of a house with some tea in Yesha and will play backgammon in a deserted country.

 :::D :::D :::D
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Rubystars

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C.F. Chaim said the way he'll deal with this problem is to make Torah education mandatory which will change Israel in one or two generations into a more religious state.

Offline P J C

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Expose them to the truth.
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

Offline DownwithIslam

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Firstly, if Chaims message got out, most Israelis would certainly vote for him so this is not an issue. If jews are neutral and dont actively support the muzzie enemy, I would just ignore them. The betselem/gush shalom/peace now kappos need to be publicly executed by the kahanist govt.
I am urinating on a Koran.

Offline Zelhar

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So CF, do you think that Kahanism is the only legit ideology  for a Jew ? Are you aware that not rabbi Kahane nor his followers ever made such clams. Hayamin haamiti set its goal to build a mass movement and eventually get elected to lead Israel. Do you think such is thing is possible if we declare that 90% of Israeli Jews are not loyal enough and should be encouraged to emigrate ?

Offline Dr. Dan

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Do we want an Israel that is a fascist government that doesn't allow freedom of speech just like the current one in power?  What's the point then?  If you kick out Jews with a different opinion once Kahanists take over, we would be no better than the social/communist leftists.

For generations, Israeli Jews have been brainwashed and misled.  The honest truth is that if the Kahanists take over they should maintain what is already there, change foreign policy and change TV programs and change the education of the schools..and eventually bring Jews back to normalcy instead of lunecy.

Sorry CF, you can't just replace one facist govt with another facist one...it makes us no better than them and would just continue the vicious cycle of lunatic govts instead of righteous ones.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Fortis

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Restore full freedom of speech and see what happens...

As for the far-left, if they like being communists and living without property rights, set them up in self-sufficient communes, with their own internal currencies and see what happens...