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Do you believe in forgiveness?

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Of course reading the Bible is very important,i need to do it more often myself

In Judaism, there are sins against G-d, and sins against other people.  So according to Judaism, if you've harmed another human being, you need to ask forgiveness from that person, along with G-d. 

But I see you have not directly harmed anyone.  So you're at an advantage. 

Welcome to JTF. 

Welcome Aboard!

Thanks, all! I have felt very welcome ever since I signed up!

Adrian Wainer:

--- Quote from: newlyrighteous on April 05, 2009, 04:21:56 PM ---Hello all, my name is Elijah Joseph Archer, and as you can probably tell, my mother is a big Bible reader, lol. Anyway, I am from southern Indiana, and I live in a town with no Jews at all. I grew up Pentecostal, and I was always taught to love Jews and the Jewish people as a whole. Well, I became less religious as I grew up, and I became involved with radical politics on both the left and right. I started to become anti-Semitic. I never hurt anyone, I never insulted anyone personally or to their face (as there are, as I stated earlier, no Jews in my town), and I never attended extremist meetings or anything like that, I simply contacted a few websites and voiced my agreement with their views. Well, I realize now that they were full of it, and I am trying to change, since I know my parents raised me better than that. I am trying to read the Bible again, and I feel sincerely remorseful for the views I once held. So, I am basically asking for forgiveness, and I hope to become good with the Jewish people again. I know you cannot speak for all Jews, but will you on this aite welcome this sinner in his repentance? Can I be forgiven for the way I felt for the last year or so?

--- End quote ---

Well, some of the very nasty elements on the left and the right are very sophisticated, so that means that, decent intelligent people can be tricked by them. Like, one of strategies that the left had a habit of using, is to front an attack on Jews by attaching it to somebody who is Jewish and had been in a Nazi concentration camp. Well, what does being in a concentration camp mean, it means the person was in a concentration camp, that person could be the biggest idiot on two legs or they could be a thoroughly nasty person. Of course, people who are both clever and decent also were concentration camps survivors but they are not going to associate themselves with a bunch of left wing pseudo-liberal crtypo-fascistocommunists, who are allied to Islamofascist Arab racial supremacists. The far left and the far right have a whole bunch of tricks and the one I have described above, is just one of them. I am not going to forgive you, because I do not feel I am in a position to forgive you, because for me to be in a position to forgive you, you would have had to done something wrong and making a honest error of judgment, because things are more complicated that you expected them, is not doing anything wrong in my book. You are in good company, Ronald Regan started off being a Democrat and Winston Churchill made loads of mistakes. Rudyard Kipling summed it all up very well.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer


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