Author Topic: Exodus - People believe what they want to believe  (Read 591 times)

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Exodus - People believe what they want to believe
« on: April 07, 2009, 06:29:41 PM »

Parshas B’Shalach
People Believe What They Want to Believe

Mitzraim, the nation that bragged that no slave had ever escaped its land, stood by helplessly as the Chosen
nation triumphantly left. The Jewish people, now some three million strong, marched through the desert
surrounded on all sides by clouds that protected them, and led by a pillar of cloud that lit up the night as if it
was day.

Yet even at this moment, Pharaoh sent spies along to follow them. After three days, his agents reported back
that the Jews had veered off course. Pharaoh called out to his people, “Let us reclaim that which is ours,” and he
led them in pursuit.

When the Mitzrim arrived on the scene, the Jews were camped out against the Yam Suf. With their backs against the sea and no place to move, it seemed certain that the Mitzrim would recapture them. At that moment, the cloud of fire that led the Jews through the desert moved to the back of the camp and stopped the Mitzrim from advancing. That entire night, both camps stood in their places, separated by the clouds of glory.

The Ramban tells us that then an eastern wind began to blow and this was the wind that split the sea. At first it
made small indentations in the sea, but as the night wore on, the wind became stronger and those small
indentations grew in size and depth until the sea itself was split into 12 distinct pathways – ready for each
Shevet to cross in its own channel.

The Ramban explains that HASHEM split the sea specifically with an eastern wind “so that it would appear as
if the wind split the sea into partitions.” Even though, as the Ramban explains, the wind can’t possibly split the
sea, much less split it into 12 separate partitions, nevertheless, because of their great desire to harm the Jews,
the Mitzrim “pegged it on a natural cause.” –It was just the wind, nothing more.

How could the Mitzrim possibly believe the wind split the sea?

This Ramban is very difficult to understand. How could the Mitzrim possibly pin the splitting of the sea on the
wind? They were intelligent, thinking people. They, as everyone else, clearly understood that it couldn’t
possibly be a natural occurrence. How is it possible that they accepted this bluff – that the wind split the sea?

Understanding free will

The answer to this question is predicated upon understanding the concept of free will. Free will doesn’t mean a
theoretical ability to do good or bad. It is the practical ability where either side is possible. When a person can
just as easily turn to the bad as to the good, then it is his decision to choose.
As an illustration: Do you have free will to put your hand in a fire? In theory you do. You could do it. But you
never would. It is damaging. It is foolish. So, while in theory you have free will to do it, on a practical level you

Creating man

Chazal tell us that HASHEM created man to give him the opportunity to shape himself into what he would be
for eternity. That molding of the person is accomplished by choosing that which is good and proper and
avoiding that which is wrong and evil. By making these choices, man is given the ability to form himself.
To give man an even playing field, HASHEM took the Sechel – that pure, brilliant part of me – and inserted it
into a body filled with drives, passions, and hungers. Now the two parts of me are integrated. I don’t want only
what is good and proper and noble. I also desire and hunger for many things. So my choice of doing only good
is now not so simple.

However, if HASHEM created man only out of these two parts – the Sechel and the guf – the purpose of
creation would never have been met. The wisdom of man is so great that it would be almost impossible for him
to sin. Since every sin damages me and every mitzvah makes me into a bigger, better person, my natural
intelligence wouldn’t allow me to sin, no matter how tempted I might be. I would clearly recognize it as
damaging to me. Much like putting my hand into a fire, in theory I would have free will to do it, but on a
practical level, I wouldn’t.

Imagination – its role and function

Therefore, HASHEM added one more component to the human: imagination. Imagination is the creative ability
to form a mental picture and sense it so vividly, so graphically that it is as if it is real. Ask anyone who has ever
cried while reading a novel whether imagination isn’t a powerful force.

Now armed with this force, man can create fanciful worlds at his will, and actually believe them. If man wishes
to turn to evil, he can create rationales to make these ways sound noble and proper – at least enough to fool
himself. And now armed with imagination, man truly has free will. If he wishes he can do what is right, or if he
wishes, he can turn to wickedness, and even his brilliant intellect won’t prevent him. –With imagination, he is
capable of creating entire philosophies that explain how the behavior he desires is righteous, correct, and
appropriate. Now man has free will.

People believe what they want to believe

The reality is that people don’t necessarily believe that which is factual, proven and true – they believe what
they want to believe. And while there are countless examples of this, one of the greatest manifestations is the
Mitzrim following the Jews into the Yam.

Despite living through the Makkos, despite seeing the Yam split into sections, they didn’t believe it was a
miracle. They attributed it to the wind because that is what they wanted to believe.

Understanding this can help us relate to the real challenge of belief – honesty. There are many reasons why a
person won’t want to accept what his mind tells him is true. He has to be able to put away all other issues and
focus on this one question: what do I think is the truth? Forget the consequences. Forget my agenda. Is there a
Creator of this world? Logic will bring them to see the hand of God. However, if he isn’t honest, then nothing in
the world will convince him, not the greatest miracles, and not even the splitting of the Yam Suf itself.

For more on this topic please listen to Shmuz #18 People Believe what they want to believe

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline muman613

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Re: Exodus - People believe what they want to believe
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2009, 09:27:30 PM »
I wish every Jew a Chag Pesach Kasher Sameach!

I am looking forward to two days of mitzvot observance...

This year we do the Birchat HaChomah {Blessing on the Sun} and I will do what I have to do to satisfy the requirements of the Fast of the Firstborn tomorrow. Tomorrow night I attend Seder at a Chabad house. I will also attend Seder at Chabad on Thuursday night too.

I am an Israelite who is getting the heck out of mitzrayim!

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: Exodus - People believe what they want to believe
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2009, 08:36:25 AM »
I believe with all my heart that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob rescued his people from Pharoh's army and parted the sea with his own breath.  I have sponsored and paid for the flight of many Jews from Russia, Hungary and other countries to come back to their homeland Israel.

The second Exodus is going on right now, and there is also talk of rebuilding the Temple from other sources in Israel.