General Category > Introduce Yourself
Yes the story with the prothesis I know. This is true.
You have of cause a point about the Saudi King and Obongo. I have never seen it this way. :)
--- Quote from: Adrian Wainer on April 08, 2009, 06:18:17 AM ---
--- Quote from: Pheasant on April 08, 2009, 06:09:22 AM ---I am neither Jewish, nor an Israeli citizen. This is in first line a Jewish issue. So one of the Jewish moderators or admins should answer this.
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Well thank you for your honesty and I would appreciate if you can bring my query concerning Mr Amir to the attention of a relevant person on the forum, who can answer my question concerning Mr Amir with regard to the Mods' attitude to this individual.
Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer
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I have a better idea Adrian.
You can post the question on this weeks ask JTF. It will be answered in our weekly radio show.
Look here:,33650.0.html
Adrian Wainer:
--- Quote from: Pheasant on April 08, 2009, 06:34:08 AM ---Reverend Manning from the Atlah church of Harlem introduced this expression.
I think Rev. Manning is right on this issue.
--- End quote ---
Thank you for that, the Reverend Manning is a very interesting individual and has views that my opinion would be of benefit to the American black community.
Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer
Confederate Kahanist:
The Palestinians don't need a state. They have 57 countries to go to. Also there is no Palestine or Palestinian people. It is a myth.
I believe I can answer most of your questions.
First off, JTF is adamantly against a "Palestinian" state. First off, there is no such thing as a Palestinian. These people calling themselves that were merely Jordanians and Egyptians before 1967. Also, even Arab leaders have admitted that there's no such thing as a Palestinian people, and that it was merely a propaganda term used to destroy Israel.
JTF is against the creation of a fakestinian state because there are already over 60 Muslim countries in this world. Muslims already have 600 times the land that tiny Israel has. Furthermore losers in war do not get to dictate terms to the victors. That is exactly what these whining Arabs are. Any more land concessions would also make tiny Israel indefensible.
Now regarding Yitzkhak Rabin, we indeed view him as a traitor to the Jewish people and a murderer. This is a beast who killed many of his fellow Jews in the Altalena incident. This late unlemented, alcoholic piece of garbage also refused to retaliate against the killing of Jews by Arabs saying that the victims were to be "sacrifices for peace." So suffice it to say that Rabin is now in a very warm place.
Regarding Yigal Amir, I don't want to tell you what I think of him, as I have no idea who might be lurking here.
But in all honesty, if you are a fan of the late monster Yitzkhak Rabin, this is NOT the forum for you.
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