1. She moved to Israel from Russia which only Jews are allowed to do under the Law of Return. Many non-Jews forged documents and lied to get into Israel as well. So she is either Jewish, or she got into Israel improperly.
2. Her uncle got to Israel in 1981, when very few Jews were getting out. Gentiles were not able to get into Israel improperly in 1981. Her uncle is almost certainly Jewish. And she got out in 1981 because of her uncle.
3. She went to Hebrew University in Israel, and was a practicing dentist. Very few Russian Gentiles went to Hebrew University in 1981, and dentistry is a very Jewish profession.
4. Orly means "my light" in Hebrew and is a distinctly Hebrew Jewish name. Her husband's name is also Jewish.
5. After receiving the taxpayer-funded benefits of being a new immigrant in Israel, she abandoned the Jewish state.
6. She and her Jewish husband were married by a Christian minister in Las Vegas.
7. The statements by Aishedina about the traitors of J4J are an abomination. J4J are traitors who deserve to be put to death. The fact that some of them claim to be pro-Israel is part of their missionary game. They want to be able to claim that they are still Jewish and loyal to the Jewish people, which is a lie. Aishedina, we are not going to tolerate praising of J4J traitors on this forum. If you defend them, then you cannot be part of JTF.
As much respect I have for you, I have to disagree with your post. Just because she divorced her husband doesn't mean she's anti-semite, Nor if she married a Christian. My parents are not from the same branch of Christianity, yet are legal married. Israel has ALLOT of problems, At current state why would anyone choose it over the USA. It's not Israel's fault, It's the violence caused by the Muslims and Arabs who hate the only liberal democratic country in the middle east. Israel is by far the most advanced country in the middle east, but that doesn't make it safe. If you cast your mind back to 1991 I believe when saddam was launching scuds at Tel-aviv, a coastle city. Prehps Israeal and the United states are the only safe heavens for the Jewish people. Is she really that bad for trying to persive a better life. The whole world doens't hate Israel. they condem it when Hamas lauch Qassams and Israel launches ballistic missles. Also you can't bad mouth christains. Most states that are Christian have freedom for people to practice their relgion. Yet Israel deosn't have those same rights( I am perfectly fine with it, since it's the only jewish state, and it has more rights then any muslim nation).
We Also need to see this from the Arab side, To them white people and jews came and stole their land, It's like when 1million muslims move to a small US city, then demand independence. I would be pissed, and so would you.
My new point is about how you always say the Arabs hate the jews. That's not true, there are jewish arabs and christian ones who like Israel. Only 20% of Muslims are Arabs.