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Born Again Fraud Promises 13.5 Millions For Lebanon

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--- Quote ---7. Enjoy newfound respect and peace.
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you cant be serious, right? do you think the arab nations would just sit and watch themselves get obliterated? Iran, syria, jordan, egypt, even pakistan will send their whole missile and airplanes arsenal on Israel. yephora, nothing will be left not only from these arabs, but from  Israel also.. i think one of the problems of certain people here in the forum is underestimation of the arab retaliating power. they dont play with toys here... imagine thousands of scuds and shihabs fired on Jerusalem, Haifa, T-A.. it will spell the secont holocaust i must believe. and not simple rockets, but with chemical and biological warheads.. i really believe we must be realistic here on this forum. the problem is that Israel isnt SO MUCH stronger than the arabs like it was before, simply because of the rockets threat and the Iranian army. also, i believe that if you start executing people like olmert, u will shortly run out of people in the country. for those who live abroad its easy to say, but i really dont want to see my city wiped out in a rocket attack...  8)

NeverMore: If the Arab world could obliterate Israel don’t you think it would have done so by now? As it is Israel is being destroyed by a thousand cuts from within (Sharon, Smolmert) and without (Hezbollah, PLO, Islamic Jihad, Iran, Syria, etc. etc.). Death of Jews by attrition or all at once — what’s the difference!

Arab retaliating power? What you seem to be forgetting is that when Israel righteously wars against her enemies like she is supposed to (Torah), Ha-Shem goes to battle for her. He gives the apple of His eye the victory! Hasn’t He done so again and again?

I don’t want to see your city wiped out either. But you are not like other nations, NeverMore. Israel must clean house, ferociously fight her enemies like she is supposed to, relying on El-Shaddai. Do so and He will once again give Israel the victory and turn those Arab armaments you fear to rubble.


--- Quote from: yephora on August 29, 2006, 03:56:02 PM ---NeverMore: If the Arab world could obliterate Israel don’t you think it would have done so by now? As it is Israel is being destroyed by a thousand cuts from within (Sharon, Smolmert) and without (Hezbollah, PLO, Islamic Jihad, Iran, Syria, etc. etc.). Death of Jews by attrition or all at once — what’s the difference!

Arab retaliating power? What you seem to be forgetting is that when Israel righteously wars against her enemies like she is supposed to (Torah), Ha-Shem goes to battle for her. He gives the apple of His eye the victory! Hasn’t He done so again and again?

I don’t want to see your city wiped out either. But you are not like other nations, NeverMore. Israel must clean house, ferociously fight her enemies like she is supposed to, relying on El-Shaddai. Do so and He will once again give Israel the victory and turn those Arab armaments you fear to rubble.

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i must agree with you, Yephora, that blindly trusting in G-d is the only answer in such war. so what would you suggest doing in this fight youve mentioned? i mean in a practical way, not euphorical. start a war right away? or how do you get these people who can do it into power? how do you convince wealthy Israelis to lose all property they have for a mental "property"? i believe the war you mentioned would be fought at the tome the Massiah has already arrived, right? because i believe this war will be inevitable-Israel and the west against the muslims, and it has already begun in a small scale.

I think that if Israel got it's act together, it would not need to fear the Arab Muslim nazi countries.  Remember 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973!  Of course, maybe I don't know what I am talking about.


--- Quote from: jeffguy on August 22, 2006, 10:44:11 AM ---It just got worse...

He talks about threats and then just gives them more money... MORON.
Bush pledges $230m for Lebanon`s reconstruction
August 22, 2006, 4:52 PM (GMT+02:00)

Engineering and technical teams to help rebuild Lebanese schools for fall and reconstruct country

He also promised aid to rebuild northern Israel.

The US president drew a thread between the violence in Iraq, Lebanon and Gaza all want to frustrate democracy and a normal life. Iran is part of the problem, he said; they sponsor Hizballah and a radical brand of Islam. Imagine if they had a nuclear weapon. I want to remind friends and allies of the dangers of a nuclear Iran. So we must work in concert to stop this happening, starting at the Security Council on Aug. 31. Failed states in the ME are direct threats to American security.

--- End quote ---

This President really has turned his back on the people who put him in office. Millions wasted on every scum in the world but what gets me is this is the man who says that Social Security is going broke and you need to work until your 75. Whats wrong with that picture.


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