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Offline dawntreader

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Re: 300 Is A Great Film
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2007, 08:46:06 PM »
Most white people would sooner imitate and worship schvartzas than push them off cliffs, sadly.

 You act like whites are animals by saying we would push negros off cliffs. Actually that seems like something the negroids would do. Who created the Greek Empire, Persian Empire, Roman Empire, British Empire, Holy Roman Empire, etc... Oh yeah-- Whites!
Do not get me wrong, I love jews and have respect for them. But I can't let you insult the European race.

Before that time...the Greeks and Romans were just as pagan as the Persians.

Pagan Europe was great, IMO. The pagans allowed advancements in science, philosphy, mathematics, etc.. While Christian Europe would burn you at the stake for suggesting that other planets may have life on it (true story ;) ). Christianity hurt Europe and our race, you must admit.

I think that Roman Catholicism hurt Europe yes. But Roman Catholicism was not how Christianity started out. It started out as a Jewish sect which rapidly got gentile-ized and pretty much became another religion.

With that said, Europe was not so much better off before Roman Catholicism either. The Celts had their Druids etc. who practiced magic and some say human sacrifice etc. etc. etc. Did they have some good things? Yes of course. Most pagan cultures have had redeeming aspects.

But you also have to admit that during the enlightenment, that even though Europe was still dominated by Roman Catholicism it still surpassed anything pagan Europe had to offer.

And why are you speaking of race again? Sheesh! There's no such thing as the "White race".

WE are all part of the HUMAN race. There are just different cultures my friend.
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Re: 300 Is A Great Film
« Reply #26 on: March 27, 2007, 08:58:05 PM »
Each race is different. A Swede is not exactly genetically the same as a Chinese person, and a german is not the same as a sub-saharan negroid.

I don't think anything will ever surpass the greatness of the Roman Empire, IMO. The empires after it that attempted to recreate its glory were nothing compared to it. 
The reason I admire Pagan Europe is because the pagans were allowed to accept that other G-d(s) existed. There was more of an acceptance of other faiths (even though romans still massacred tons of christians).

The Celts had their Druids etc. who practiced magic and some say human sacrific

There is nothing wrong with magic. If they believe in that and it doesn't hurt anyone then its okay (I'm guessing its like praying). Human sacrafices? I wouldn't doubt it, people weren't as civilized back then, period.

I think that Roman Catholicism hurt Europe yes.

They oppressed education and natural things. If anyone dared to oppose the bible--death sentence. Not very friendly.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2007, 09:00:45 PM by TruthTyper »

Din Rodef

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Re: 300 Is A Great Film
« Reply #27 on: March 27, 2007, 09:36:22 PM »
Human sacrafices? I wouldn't doubt it, people weren't as civilized back then, period.

I think it's good to understand that the West emerged from paganism. It's healthy to know your history and have a respect for the past.

But, the reason that people weren't "civilized" back you precisely because they were pagans and sorcerers.


The Catholic Church wasn't necessarily dangerous because of it's association with Christianity. I think that it's greatest abuses came simply because of the corruption of men.

Anytime power is accumulated it can be abused by a single man. Anytime too much power is concentrated into the hands of a few, corruption can occur. This is why America's founding father's wanted a limited government. They knew that if a government got too big...then it would become a tyranny.

My point is: don't blame Christianity for abuses of the Catholic Church...Instead, blame the corruption on men that abused the power of a large centrally controlled beaurocracy.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2007, 09:41:39 PM by Din Rodef »

Offline dawntreader

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Re: 300 Is A Great Film
« Reply #28 on: March 27, 2007, 09:40:06 PM »
Each race is different. A Swede is not exactly genetically the same as a Chinese person, and a german is not the same as a sub-saharan negroid.

I don't think anything will ever surpass the greatness of the Roman Empire, IMO. The empires after it that attempted to recreate its glory were nothing compared to it. 
The reason I admire Pagan Europe is because the pagans were allowed to accept that other G-d(s) existed. There was more of an acceptance of other faiths (even though romans still massacred tons of christians).

The Celts had their Druids etc. who practiced magic and some say human sacrific

There is nothing wrong with magic. If they believe in that and it doesn't hurt anyone then its okay (I'm guessing its like praying). Human sacrafices? I wouldn't doubt it, people weren't as civilized back then, period.

I think that Roman Catholicism hurt Europe yes.

They oppressed education and natural things. If anyone dared to oppose the bible--death sentence. Not very friendly.

Ah...don't fall into the same type of racial nonsense as the Nazis TruthTyper. Of course there are genetic differences between Germans and Chinese. But there are genetic differences between Chinese and Japanese populations. There are genetic differences between Swedish and German populations. Basically, for any geographic area on the planet there are going to be genetic differences WITHIN those populations as well as WITHOUT.

No "race" is genetically superior to any other. A black man's blood will save a white man's life provided the blood types are the same. When it comes to the HUMAN race, the ONLY differences when it comes to genetics are pretty much thos that govern skin color and particular facial features. Internally we are all the same. We have the same organs, we have the same muscles, we have the same basic blood types, etc.

Out of all the peoples on the Earth there are only 16 different places on the Human genome that are different from people to people...and they only have to do with outward appearance. And ALL Human genetics can mathematically be proven to go back to one master genome. superior races anywhere on this planet.

According to the Bible (Which Jews and Christians hold as sacred) Magic IS wrong. This is because it is mankind dealing with spiritual matters on his own, which is dangerous. (Sorry, but there's no such thing as "white magic".) Magic is simply power. But it is power which does not derive from G-d. It is therefore "illegal."

Victory is a thing of the will. -General Ferdinand Foch

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Re: 300 Is A Great Film
« Reply #29 on: March 27, 2007, 09:43:54 PM »
I think it's good to understand that the West emerged from paganism. It's healthy to know your history and have a respect for the past.

But, the reason that people weren't "civilized" back you precisely because they were pagans and sorcerers.

Who knows if there were human sacrifices. If there was some proof I wouldn't be one to doubt it. Why wouldn't people sacrifice war criminals?

Anyways, christians slaughtered tons of people for the simple fact of questioning their faith. The Roman Empire progressed with technology, science, philosphy, etc.. while the catholics believed anyone into that sort of things were of the devil lol. Not exactly civilized.

Edit: I just noticed you edited your post. I'll update this one.

To dawntreader: I don't think its right for races to mix together. With Racial assimilations comes cultural oblivion. I don't think all races are necessarily equal to each other either. Did the sub-saharan africans ever build a great civilization? No. (despite their Egypt claims, :rollseyes: ). I think certain races of people have "evolved" beyond the rest.
Look how many great nations/civilizations Europeans have built. Then look at Sub-sahara Africa.

Quote superior races anywhere on this planet.

Perhaps not. But I am a nationalist not a supremacist. I just want the EUropean race to survive and White features.
and they only have to do with outward appearance

Its not just skin colour:

My point is: don't blame Christianity for abuses of the Catholic Church...Instead, blame the corruption on men that abused the power of a large centrally controlled beaurocracy.

Look at the ideology that christianity preached. It was a disaster waiting to happen.  I heard many christians back then believed that questioning the Church/preist was "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" (For those of you who don't know, its the one unforgivable sin in the bible). Its a very strict religion.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2007, 09:54:50 PM by TruthTyper »

Offline dawntreader

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Re: 300 Is A Great Film
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2007, 09:49:14 PM »
Too true.

There were moments when the Christian world was definitely NOT at their best. Yet, the same could be said of Jews as well as pagans. There was a certain king of Israel, I think his name was Manasseh who was incredibly evil in G-d's eyes. He sacrificed his own kids to a god named Molech. Later in his life he repented but still!

Any time mankind has gone off on their own rather than listen to Hashem there have been evil things done. No one can tell me the Roman Catholics that carried out the inquisition etc. were REAL Christians who followed the G-d of the Bible.
Victory is a thing of the will. -General Ferdinand Foch

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Din Rodef

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Re: 300 Is A Great Film
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2007, 10:02:00 PM »

Look at the ideology that christianity preached. It was a disaster waiting to happen.  I heard many christians back then believed that questioning the Church/preist was "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" (For those of you who don't know, its the one unforgivable sin in the bible). Its a very strict religion.

You're a sharp kid and seem to have a good grasp on history.

You definately understand the bad things about Christianity...but what about the other things.

Like....the fact that the most prosperous nation in the history of mankind also happened to be majority practicing Protestant Christian?

What did Protestantism have to do with the prosperity of America? Did it have any effect at all? Would America still have enjoyed the same prosperity if it had been founded by pagans instead?

Instead of concentrating on the things that make Christianity the same as other religions and belief systems....try looking closely at what makes it different

Also, spend some time looking at the differences within the Christian religion. Ask yourself questions like....Why are the former colonies of Great Britian more prosperous than the former colonies of Spain?
« Last Edit: March 27, 2007, 10:04:34 PM by Din Rodef »

Din Rodef

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Re: 300 Is A Great Film
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2007, 10:07:38 PM »

Perhaps not. But I am a nationalist not a supremacist. I just want the EUropean race to survive and White features.

I'm 1000% with you

some like to say that there is no race...we're just one big human race...well if that's true than there are no reason to support the Jews...everybody is the same right? No difference between the Jews and Chinese...If 20 million Chinese just converted to Judaism then they could move to the Land of Israel...right?

And if seemingly small differences in race really don't matter...Then how come all civilizations aren't exactly the same. How come people with darker skin seem to create the same civilization wherever they go? How come majority white nations are always 1st world? Why is that?  ;D

Offline dawntreader

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Re: 300 Is A Great Film
« Reply #33 on: March 27, 2007, 10:27:57 PM »
One quick note:

I think the former British colonies did better because they were not predominantly Roman Catholic...and were more true to what both the Tanach as well as the Christian New Testament have to say than Catholicism ever was.

I do not believe it had anything to do with the color of one's skin.

Also...actually...yes. If the entire Chinese people converted and said that henceforth they would be Jews...and live as Jews...and they were sincere, then according to Jewish law they would be just as much heir to all things Jewish as someone who was born a Jew.

And for Truth Typer, I think you said something about North America and Europe belonging to the European "White race?"

Ummmm....the Native Americans were here loooooong before the White Man ever came. And the Mayans and Aztecs, though pagan had a huge Empire that was advanced in many ways long before Whites ever showed up. Farther north there was the Five Nation confederation of Native American Indians who actually had a written language and not just hieroglyphs.

I think it's awful to think that any race is better than another.

G-d didn't choose we Jews because we were better than others. We were the least of all, and He chose us so that He could show His glory THROUGH us to the rest of mankind. WE prove that there IS a G-d in heaven. We have existed as a civilization and as a people for thousands of years where almost all else have fallen and are no more. But we did it because of G-d.

We are one huge Human family. I do think G-d may have different purposes for us all....but that is just like a painter having different uses for different paints upon a canvas.

And again...we were all made in G-d's image. I think you will find yourselves shocked on the last day to find that whereas you may think more highly of one race than another...G-d Himself holds no such prejudice.
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Re: 300 Is A Great Film
« Reply #34 on: March 27, 2007, 10:40:21 PM »
Theres evidence Europeans were in North America thousands of years before the asians moved in. Theres even been a recent documentary on it on the Discovery Channel:
Read about the Kennwick Man and other White skeletons found in North America.
And In South America they found a skull of an Australoid (sp?) long before any asian migrants came into the land.

I'm 1000% with you

some like to say that there is no race...we're just one big human race...well if that's true than there are no reason to support the Jews...everybody is the same right? No difference between the Jews and Chinese...If 20 million Chinese just converted to Judaism then they could move to the Land of Israel...right?

And if seemingly small differences in race really don't matter...Then how come all civilizations aren't exactly the same. How come people with darker skin seem to create the same civilization wherever they go? How come majority white nations are always 1st world? Why is that? 

I'm afraid if the European race is mixed too far, then everything unique about it will be gone.
I don't know yet if the jews are "white". They have light skin and have accomplished a lot but I am not sure what race they belong to. I believe Whites are somehow more advanced than the other races. Just look at all the accomplishments of this race and alll the great civilizations built, then compare it to the other races. Not the same, is it?
The eastern asians are actually doing pretty sucessful these days copying Western Civilization's inventions. Unlike the negros who still live like barbarians in Africa.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2007, 10:46:38 PM by TruthTyper »

Offline dawntreader

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Re: 300 Is A Great Film
« Reply #35 on: March 27, 2007, 10:46:29 PM »

The ancient Chinese Empire is perhaps one of the oldest civilizations on Earth. And during its heyday was the most advanced. They knew the secrets of gunpowder and fireworks long before any others.  These guys were never white.

While I DO have a hard time arguing that Black cultures ever had vast super awsome are just plain wrong about "Whites" vs. Far Eastern Asians...or those Empires that spanned the Indian Sub-Continent.
Victory is a thing of the will. -General Ferdinand Foch

Our peace must be a peace of victors, not of the vanquished.
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Re: 300 Is A Great Film
« Reply #36 on: March 27, 2007, 10:51:27 PM »
lol. I never said ancient China was inspired or created by whites. I was discussing modern China. 
I'm not too sharp on Chinese history but wasn't gun power discovered by a king who wanted immortaily?

I already said ( i think) that the mongols are pretty advanced. Look at how economically advanced Japan is. But a lot of this is from copying what made western civilizations so great.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: 300 Is A Great Film
« Reply #37 on: March 28, 2007, 12:22:09 AM »
Re:  "...I'm not too sharp on Chinese history but wasn't gun power discovered by a king who wanted immortaily?..."


Supreme Son Of Heaven Emperor Wan Hai Bang.

Him famous!

Din Rodef

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Re: 300 Is A Great Film
« Reply #38 on: March 28, 2007, 04:20:19 AM »
G-d Himself holds no such prejudice.

Then why doesn't Hashem give Israel to the blacks?

or the Arabs?

or the Chinese?

or the Mexicans?

Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: 300 Is A Great Film
« Reply #39 on: March 28, 2007, 12:58:45 PM »
G-d Himself holds no such prejudice.

Then why doesn't Hashem give Israel to the blacks?

or the Arabs?

or the Chinese?

or the Mexicans?

The Arabs had a different bleesing through the line of Ishamel, it said they would be great nation and they did infact become a great nation. I although I hate Arabs but they have contributed alot to the medicine,music, and art, and they did create a civilization.

Offline dawntreader

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Re: 300 Is A Great Film
« Reply #40 on: March 28, 2007, 01:09:28 PM »
G-d Himself holds no such prejudice.

Then why doesn't Hashem give Israel to the blacks?

or the Arabs?

or the Chinese?

or the Mexicans?

You didn't read what I posted before I said that. G-d chose us to be an example to the rest of the world. He gave us Israel as our portion, our part in this world. As I said above, we were the least of all men. Egypt was already a mighty empire when Avraham avinu came through. But G-d still chose Avraham and the Isaac and then Yacov, NOT because we were great...but because we were not. In this way HaShem is able to show His glory and power to the rest of the world, to the rest of all mankind.
Victory is a thing of the will. -General Ferdinand Foch

Our peace must be a peace of victors, not of the vanquished.
- General Ferdinand Foch

We have met the enemy and they are ours.
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