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BBC pays £200,000 to 'cover up report on anti-Israel bias'
Thats true Fruit and the news channels like Sky news, are not on the normal five channels. It goes to show the voice that represents this country. The news readers are asian/black muslim.....and Labour plays a very influential role in it.
Guess what, I WENT INTO TONY BLAIRS OFFICE TODAY! .....The one at the house of commons. I went with an MPs P.A to pick up a bottle of champagne he signed for a raffle and he said i could see the office. It was sweet. I could feel the traitors lingering presence, and power. He wasn't there though, he only uses it for meetings before sittings in the chamber.
Stuff the BBC.
The BBC was also instrumental in bringing Milosevic down.
They were involved with OTPOR, the student's resistance movement which was funded by one George Soros. My friend (a leftie) was out there, working for them and the BBC were there, helping them set up a revolutionary broadcasting channel.
Yochanan Zev:
--- Quote from: Sarah on March 29, 2007, 03:11:29 PM ---Thats true Fruit and the news channels like Sky news, are not on the normal five channels. It goes to show the voice that represents this country. The news readers are asian/black muslim.....and Labour plays a very influential role in it.
--- End quote ---
If that's true, then that is a very sad and exploitive way of gaining votes. And the people of Israel are paying for it in blood.
It IS very exploitative but i don't understand how Israel is paying for it in blood? The government don't vary too much on opinions of Israel. The MPs have different views, some support, some don't.
What are your views on Robert Murdoch?
Sarah, you are confusing the now *tragically* deceased Robert Maxwell with Rupert Murdoch, but it makes no difference, we might as well talk about Rupert Maxwell and Robert Murdoch.
Robert Maxwell was a very bad Jew (Erev Rav?) who raided pension funds and was probably murdered by his own children.
Rupert Murdoch allegedly has a Jewish mother, and his broadcasting network, SKY, is sort of pro-Israel anti-Islamist to a certain degree, but they are really just pro-free market, and if the NWO manages to defeat Islamic fundamentalism they will just turn on Israel as any form of anti-globalism stands in their way.
People do not generally get that rich and that powerful by being nice people. Nevertheless the Murdoch Empire is better than the far-left Islamofascist and STATE FUNDED British Broadcasting Corporation which represents 40% of the British media compared to Murdoch's paltry 5%.
Of course, as a nationalist, I despise the lot of them. The Scottish founder of the BBC, Lord Reith, who was a nationalist at heart, became disgusted at the BBC's liberalization and its pandering to the masses.
I only log on to the BBC website to check what far-left propaganda they are spewing out.
Sky News have given some reasonable coverage to the BNP. Grateful? Not really. They are basically a bunch of tarts.
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