Germany, the Muslim community is growing by 6.6% a year making them the fastest growing community in the country. While the native population is declining, and other nations' immmigrants' growth has slown down also, there may be 51 million Muslims in Germany by 2045! I personally don't think it is going that far, but they will surely make up an average of 20 to 25% by that time.
In 1970 there were 3 mosques in Germany, on of them built in 1926 in Berlin for the Turkish community - still tiny in those days.
In 1997 there were 2,700 mosques, today there are an estimated 3,400 with another 250 under construction... Like the megamosque in Cologne for 1,500 "believers" :

Overtaking then the mosque of Duisburg with space for "only" 1,200 muslims:

But you find them also in small villages and small towns throughout the country: