This site is for people who want Israel to be for Jews.
It is wrong to seek other peoples destruction, you are as bad as the terrorists themselves. The Jewish way is to be a light unto the nations, and through our example the world will see how to live in harmony with Hashem, the L-rd. But you claim you are atheist, and as such you know nothing of Hashem. In my eyes an atheist is as bad, or worse, than Islam. But JTF is open to all kinds...
PS: why does any non-Jew care about whether Jews are in Israel and they don't believe in the word of Hashem, that he willed the Holy Land to the Jewish people? I just don't understand that one... Why shouldn't it be Muslim, or Christian land? It is only because Israel was given to the Jews as a heritage that Israel should be the Jewish homeland.
I don't consider JTF to be a hate site... If it were, I would not be here...