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--- Quote from: ProudZionist on April 29, 2009, 10:56:31 AM ---What do you study? :dance:

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I study knives ;D

At this point in time I am not in school

What's the best type of Croatian food that you've ever had?


--- Quote from: Rubystars on April 29, 2009, 11:07:12 AM ---What's the best type of Croatian food that you've ever had?

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Burek-This is a delicious pastry filled with heavy cheese, meat, or apples.
Cevapcici-This is a spicy meatball made of beef or pork.
Palacinke-it's basically a crepe dessert.It's usually stuffed with an ingredient such as walnuts or chocolate, and is often served with ice cream.

Are there any subjects besides knives that interest you?


--- Quote from: ~Hanna~ on April 29, 2009, 11:25:30 AM ---Are there any subjects besides knives that interest you?

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