Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia


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Almuli is absolutely correct:

--- Quote ---The allegation that the regime of Milan Nedic, installed by the Germans in Serbia in August 1941., enthusiastically participated in the Holocaust, is the second incorrect statement in Mr. Hoare’s letter. No anti – Jewish legislation was passed by this regime, no death camp for Jews was established or run by it and virtually no killing perpetrated. All that was done by the German Army, police and SS which had almost entirely destroyed the Serbian Jewish population by May 1942., although several hundred Jews were still hiding with Serbian friends. The German police were hunting them and many were caught with the help of police loyal to Nedic’s regime, attracted by the financial reward the Germans were paying. This is all that can be found about Nedic in the published research of the Federation of Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia. The Germans themselves dealt with the Jews in Serbia; the duty of Nedic‘s regime was to carry out internal administration.

The half – truth in Mr. Hoare’s letter refers to the concentration camp Banjica in Belgrade. It was indeed a death camp and staffed by Serbian policemen, but it was not destined for Jews. This camp was established by German order and the Serbian personnel were subject to the control of the Gestapo. The camp was intended for Serbs who opposed the German occupation, for Partisans, Communists and liberal patriots. Out of 23,697 persons who were imprisoned in this camp only 455 were Jews.
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Marko Attila Hoare is a half-Croat (or quarter-Croat quarter-Hungarian), half-English pseudohistorian. His middle name Attila may refer to a Hungarian grandfather. His mother is called Branka Magas.

He never properly deals with Croatian Ustasa genocide. He belongs to the Croatian school of "the Serbs did it too, so we Croats are clean." The problem is:

1.) Serbia was never anywhere nearly as antisemitic as Croatia. It was one of the least antisemitic countries in Europe, alongside Bulgaria. The major antisemitic party in Serbia, ZBOR, got only 0.86% of the vote prior to WWII.

2.) Regardless of what happened in Serbia, how would that absolve Croatia?

3.) Serbia was a German-occupied and operated territory, not a Nazi ally, like Croatia, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania. This map says it all:

4.) In every major camp in Serbia - Sajmiste, Banjica, and Crveni Krst - Serbs formed the overwhelming majority of victims. Thus, even if Serbs hypothetically ran these camps (and they didn't, excepting an administrator in Banjica), the majority of their victims were members of their own nation who vehemently opposed Nazism. Can the Croats say the same for Jasenovac and their camps (which they, not the Germans, set up)? I don't think so.


--- Quote from: Boyana on November 21, 2010, 02:47:00 PM ---

Jasa Almuli and Holocaust revisionism: The making of a Serbian anti-Wiesenthal

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Helsinki Committee they are working for NVO and they are anti-serb and anti-jew. If you remember what i was said just a few days ago,that some organisation trying to set on fire on our two nation, here it is one of them!
This propaganda is not new, it is been used many times by Ustasa, Nazis , Albanians  ....

I doesnt really like Serbs.They helped to holocaust us!They holocausted many of us!!!!


--- Quote from: Rastislav on November 22, 2010, 11:50:16 AM ---I doesnt really like Serbs.They helped to holocaust us!They holocausted many of us!!!!

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Are you drunk or just "naturally talented"?  :::D


--- Quote from: Rastislav on November 22, 2010, 11:50:16 AM ---I doesnt really like Serbs.They helped to holocaust us!They holocausted many of us!!!!

--- End quote ---
What ?? You are so naive!! You have serbian name on this forum!!


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