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A country where no pogrom was ever carried out

A friend of mine from Canada wrote me a short message asking if there was ever anti-Semitism in Serbia in the past or present.  This is what I responded:
"Serbian people as a whole view Jews with great sympathies and compassion.  Those more educated are aware of the influence of Jewish faith in the Orthodox liturgy and customs.  Serbian people are painfully aware of the fact that two nations were singled out to annihilated by Vatican (may its name be blotted out!), Serbian and Jewish nations on the Balkans.
There are individuals who are anti-Semitic because they are ill-informed.  However, the Serbian nation as a whole has never been nor can it be anti-Semitic.  If you check the data on pogroms of Jews in Europe throughout its entire history, nowhere do you find a single Serbian name among the perpetrators, let alone that Serbian nation was oriented to pogroms.  In fact, you never find that a single pogrom was planned, let alone executed in Serbia.  You will find almost any other European nation with only one exception - Serbia.
In fact, I am very sad over the fact that many Jews are not much informed about the Jewish-like sufferings and affinity that Serbs in general have about the Jews.  It is also tragic that many Jews today have never heard that the only land that guaranteed the full freedom to Jews in Europe was Serbia, even before America was discovered.  Ever since Serbia gained independence from the Ottoman occupation, the Jews, who helped Serbs in the liberation strife, were granted citizen rights in the Kingdom of Serbia.
One more fact that most Jews are not aware is this: the first (and the only) European king who granted the Jews the very rights that his own people had and made them totally equal to all the citizens of the country following the World War I, was the Serbian King (blessed be his name) Peter I Karadjordjevic.  In March 1931, the Garden of Petar I Karadjordjevic was opened in Jerusalem in honor of that king for his wonderful deed.  How many Jews today know that?
A German sources during World War I recorded that Jews in Europe were no willing to die for any country, so they were generally considered as cowards.  However, that German general noted that in the case of occupied Serbia (in World War I) this was not the case.  The Jews heroically laid their lives for Serbia, he wrote and concluded that the Jews therefore are not cowards, but that they were willing to die for the country they loved as their own country.  For Serbia was the only country that granted them all the rights and freedoms.  Jews were never second-class citizens in Serbia.
Let me tell you of one touching detail about the Great Raid (Razzia) 1942 in Novi Sad.  Hungarian Horthymen herded Novi Sad Serbs and Jews and stranded in the lines on the bank of Danube in order to toss into the frozen Danube.  As they realized that this was the end of their lives, many lines of stranded Serbs and Jews spontaneously rushed to the hole in the ice in Danube and cried out "Long live King Petar!"  That was their last cry before they died.  They referred to Serbian King Peter I Karadjordjevic, the first and only European king who granted Jews all the rights that his own people had.
Jews at large are not informed about these facts, nor do they know about Razzia 1942.  They are very uninformed about their history in Serbia.  And many of them have never been taught that in the whole of Europe there was one country where never a pogrom was carried out.  That country is Serbia.
Aleksandar Veljic


Thats funny, i thought Milan Nedic killed most of the Jews in Serbia with Belgrade being declared Judenfrie. Oh no wonder theres only like 500 jews in Serbia. Hell theres even more Jews in Nazi Croatia capital Zagreb.

Milan Nedic together with Hitler must had killed most of them!  :'( :'( :'( :'(

I hope Milan Nedic is burning in hell where he belongs!  ;D


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