Maybe this is more of a vent, than anything, I dunno.
Maye I shouldn't even talk about this whining as usual.....

I am going to be moving very soon (I bought a vintage house and Im fixing it up) honestly, this is the best retaliation.
But this guy has made my life hell and has harrassed me for the past twelve months.
I even called the police on him on Thanksgiving day.
The latest thing he has done is planted highly allergic plants right by my bedroom window and my son's and now we are both miserable, coughing sneezing and all stuffed up. HE HAS NOT PLANTED THESE BY ANYONE ELSE'S APT, ONLY OURS....

He knows I have asthma, too.
To make a long story short, just one small example.
I informed him that I could have died in the past year or so (which is true) AND HE LAUGHED.
HE is a horrible excuse for a human being.
The WORST landlord I have ever encountered in my entire life!!!!
I even caught him trying to steal some of my property once.
I tried turning him into HUD, cuz he receives federal money for rent. They don't seem to know how to do their jobs cuz it says on their website that landlords harrassing tenants is against their rules.
This man is sick. all last summer he was hanging around my windows every single day, just aobut. I even caught him looking in my kitchen when I was sitting there.
He wrote me up for having curtains (I guess cuz he wanted to peep inside my apt every day, I dunno).

any suggestikons? or should I jus tlet it go.
There are other things that happened.
He has raised our rent 5 times in the past year.
I could list many other things.
He has came and knocked on my door many times, over petty stuff.
One day he told me I could not feed the stray cat that was abandoned...which he refused to do anything about, so I ended up bringing ti in and adopting it.
I am about ready to tell this guy to go to hell, honestly. Ive had about enough of him.
In the past 6 months, 8 apartments have moved out. One just moved out this week. I am on my way out, another one is planning to move out, they have been here a long time too, cuz they have had enough. (their rent was raised 5 times).