General Category > Introduce Yourself
New guy reporting for duty!
I am a new member to JTF and would like to say hello. I am 20 years old who has justed finished home schooling and will be going into the military soon. I found this site via youtube.
Thankyou for serving our country...especially now. Be sure to let us pray for you, when you go into basic and beyond...
The picture in my signature here isof a US Army soldier in Saddam Heissein's livingroom smoking a cigarette. This was right after they blasted in with the tanks. :::D :laugh: :::D :laugh: :::D
Welcome Aboard.
✡ Hindu Zionist ॐ:
Welcome to Jtf. And best of luck for protecting the Children of Israel!
Welcome to JTF! Thank you for defending America and Israel!
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