Author Topic: are you really sincere when you say you want an alternative to oil ???  (Read 1346 times)

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Offline simtay86

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We have alternatives but they are being suppressed.

We have had alternatives for 100 years.

I work with a company who have been trying to get them out for 30 years

but even now the government and media are working against us

how can you help???

Offline Americanhero1

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Explain what your alternative to oil is that you produce

Offline freedomannie

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here in america a person can have a solar panel for around 300 bucks...if you can get enough to have your meter run backwards the electric company will buy the juice from you! I have seen several adds about it! We would like to do it but right now it is not in our budget...but as soon as it is we will! They are also portable panels...
I am in love with Light as it has brought the curtains back from the darkness...i will always be free with the truth i now know and my heart is forever changed...I thank G-d for the light! <3 Always

Offline ProJewGreekChristian

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In Brevard County, we have had some real conservative republicans like Bill Posey actually get mandatory expemtions for property tax passed. The appraser was forced to deduct the cost of any solar panels and any extra added value it might add to a property when deciding your total taxable value. It was the evil democarts who were the only ones against helping the environment and using less oil.

Anyone from FLA check out Bill Posey who is in the US House of Rep. He is a rare yet real conservative. During his campaign he sent out fliers with pictures of him and Palin, wild quotes from the Iranian Mulas and Saudi Oil Shekis claiming we need new solutions to oil and to deal with Iran, and references to Obama as Hussein.
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Offline HiWarp

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...It was the evil democarts who were the only ones against helping the environment and using less oil....

This is not surprising really.  Look at Ted Kennedy's opposition to the building of the proposed wind farm in Nantucket Sound.  The man who said

"I strongly support renewable energy, including wind energy, as a means of reducing our dependence on foreign oil and protecting the environment" -- Cape Cod Times, Aug. 8, 2003

was the same man who helped kill it.
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Offline freedomannie

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Thanks on the info about Florida because this is where i live. The solar panels i was talking about cannot raise your taxes as they are could actually take one camping with 

I heard the hug a tree people were against the wind mills because it might kill some bats! As far as the oil in Alaska...i had also heard that Alaska has a law suit against the federal govt.for not allowing them to tap into the oil resources was in the contract when Alaska became part of the Union...I know Alaska has several suits against the federal Govt. 8)
I am in love with Light as it has brought the curtains back from the darkness...i will always be free with the truth i now know and my heart is forever changed...I thank G-d for the light! <3 Always

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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I wish in the past the republican party would have gotten serious about alternative sources rather than be pro oil neoconservatives.  Anyway thanks for joining. 
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline cjd

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We have alternatives but they are being suppressed.

We have had alternatives for 100 years.

I work with a company who have been trying to get them out for 30 years

but even now the government and media are working against us

how can you help???

The alternatives to oil will only be accepted when they advance enough to be as  reliable as oil and are priced equal or less to oil or coal power. The sun doesn't shine every day and the wind in may places in the country is not constant. The crap that the shvartza Administration wants to force down the countries throat with cap and trade will make powering the average American household a major expense. Its a crazy mans policy to drive the price up needlessly for power in an effort to cause people to use less. America needs atomic power plants by the hundreds. All this solar and wind garbage is fine as a supplemental power source however I think it it will be 50 to 100 years before its refined to the point of being a reliable major source of power. China is smart burns coal and what ever it needs to produce cheap abundant power and could not care less about pollution. China is flush with new found wealth and they are not planning to spend much of it needlessly over concerns about global warming. Clean coal, domestic drilling and atomic are the way to go for at least the next 100 years here in the good old U.S.A.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2009, 09:25:59 PM by cjd »
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Offline D2I

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We have alternatives but they are being suppressed.

We have had alternatives for 100 years.

I work with a company who have been trying to get them out for 30 years

but even now the government and media are working against us

how can you help???

Well honeslt i thing we should simply take the oil  from the saudis with force. Simply put: We invade and take there resources
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Offline Confederate Kahanist

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We have alternatives but they are being suppressed.

We have had alternatives for 100 years.

I work with a company who have been trying to get them out for 30 years

but even now the government and media are working against us

how can you help???

Though think what kind of reputation the United States would get if that happened.

Well honeslt i thing we should simply take the oil  from the saudis with force. Simply put: We invade and take there resources
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline freedomannie

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Alternative energy is just so  much better for the future! We need a natural way so we can run clean! It just makes more sense to evolve into something more efficient... ;D
I am in love with Light as it has brought the curtains back from the darkness...i will always be free with the truth i now know and my heart is forever changed...I thank G-d for the light! <3 Always