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« on: April 24, 2009, 09:16:27 AM »
Al-Qaeda man says terrorists safe in Bosnia

April 20, 2009

A Bosnian Muslim national under an alias Nihad C. gave an interview to a Vienna [Austria] based weekly, The News, where he said that al-Qaeda terrorists are living safe in Bosnia’s capital Sarajevo but that he is in contact with the Western spy agencies and supplies them with intelligence.

“I myself have trained over 300 people. You know the Americans. The people are in Spain in Morocco, in Algeria. They do nothing alone. But if the command comes, then let’s start,” said Nihad.

Nihad C. also said that al-Qaeda has an ongoing operation in Vienna’s Sahaba Mosque and that “once again” authorities have failed to stop the plan, he said.

According to Serbia’s intelligence, the leader of the Sahaba Mosque in Vienna is Effendia Nedzad Balkan known as Abu Muhammed. Abu Muhammed is  a Serbia-born Muslim from the region of Raska, known to Muslims as Sandzak, and he acts as the main financier of the Sandzak Wahabis who congregate in the Sahaba Mosque.

Abu Muhammed was involved in a 2006 beating of a Bosnian Serb in the city of Brcko in Bosnia. Sahaba Mosque was also a focus during the terror investigation of Bosnian Muslims who attacked the US Embassy in Vienna.

Nihad told the Austrian media that Austrians have so far been “lucky” because al-Qaeda bombers have been busy in Afghanistan but said that “the people are in Spain, in Morocco, in Algeria,” are awaiting orders.

Nihad is a Stuttgart-born Muslim who has lived in Bosnia for the last 16 years.

He was an al-Qaeda volunteer for the Bosnian MUslim Army which waged Jihad against Bosnian Christians while claiming that Serbs are engaged in “aggression”. Bosnian Muslims widely portray their military failure in Bosnia as a “genocide” and blame Serbs for that.

In 2008, Nihad bragged to the Bosnian paper Dani that he killed numerous Serbs, Russians, Americans and Britons.

He told Dani that Bosnian al-Qaeda fighters had different “philosophies” on how to cut another person’s throat.

“If the victim’s throat cut a little deeper, the victim immediately loses consciousness. However, cutting it at the upper end of the neck you feel the victim dies slowly,” said Nihad.

On the web:

Offline ag337

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« Reply #1 on: May 04, 2009, 01:48:39 AM »
This guy is an animal, just like so many others.

It's disgusting how he describes how to cut a person's throat to have the person greatly suffer before dying.
Instead of just killing, he is advocating that the victim suffers and dies a slow death.

That's why there is no way to deal with individuals like this guy.
Logic and reason are just not part of their psychological makeup.

Offline Jakov

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« Reply #2 on: May 05, 2009, 10:48:51 AM »
I would like to get my hands on such a brave man, who killed helpless civilians.

Offline Boyana

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« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2009, 09:04:37 PM »

Offline mord

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« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2009, 12:21:36 PM »
Yes Al Qaida has had a strong influence in bosnia as well as saudis bulding them ugly idol moon worshiping mosques.I read bosnian secular moslums are captured and tortured by their co religionists friends from the mid east
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline serbian army

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« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2009, 12:33:40 PM »
Name for those new muslims is Vehabije >:(
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Offline Jakov

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« Reply #6 on: May 11, 2009, 11:14:15 AM »
Name is unimportant.
Led has no eyes... ^-^

Offline Kerber

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« Reply #7 on: May 12, 2009, 07:58:50 AM »
Of course they are safe when EU is protecting them in Bosnia.Bosnia isn't independent country.It's EU protectorate(just like occupied Kosovo and Metohija),so EU is responsible.
They are creating terror against societies wherever their satanist way of life is rejected(and it was the case in Serbia till `90-es).
They are creating terror and aggression on Orthodox Serbs(not counting pro-EU democrats Serbs,they are not Orthodox,so they were never touched because they are European imbeciles),and EU is creating terror in Israel,because the existence of Jewish state is a huge problem for the EU satanist leaders.

Offline Jakov

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« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2009, 01:34:13 PM »
Every threat shall be dealt with...(I hope soon)

Offline serbian army

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« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2009, 06:05:56 PM »
Every threat shall be dealt with...(I hope soon)
They are protected by the Mustafa Ceric. Ceric is muslim cleric #1
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Offline Boyana

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« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2009, 06:22:54 PM »
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Militant Islam Monitor > Articles > Islamo facist Imam Mustafa Ceric : Issues "Declaration of European Muslims" "I have the right to shape the new face of Europe"
Islamo facist Imam Mustafa Ceric : Issues "Declaration of European Muslims" "I have the right to shape the new face of Europe"

June 26, 2006

MIM: Leading Bosnia cleric Mustafa Ceric makes so secret of his Islamo surpremacist plans for Europe and. His Declaration of European Muslims is a declaration of cultural Jihad- claiming that Muslim domination is now a fact and that Muslims are now confident enough to make their own laws and dictate to non Muslims what they expect from them. The Declaration is also a warning to infidels that they had better show dhimmitude now in order to curry favor with who see Europe as their rightful place and expect to dominate and implement shari'a in the near future: The Muslim sense of entitlement to Europe is spelled out in this except which spells out the "expectations" of Muslims vis a vis the European countries they plan to Islamise by taking making Islam dominant religiously, economically, educationally, and politically, and taking over demographically by demanding open immigration.

    5) As they try to live a decent life in Europe, European Muslims have the following expectations: (a) an institutional [presence] of Islam in Europe; (b) the economic development of the Muslim community so that it may have a full spiritual and cultural freedom and independence; (c) the development of the Islamic schools capable of educating European-born Muslims for the new challenges in multicultural societies; (d) political freedom that will enable European Muslims to have legitimate representatives in the European state parliaments; (e) a reform of European immigration policy, which has tended to be very restrictive toward Muslims recently; (f) opening the way for Muslim law to be recognized in matters of personal status such as the Family Law; (g) the protection of European Muslims from Islamophobia, ethnic cleansing, genocide, and similar atrocities.

    MIM:Ceric's expertise at dissembling has lead to him being touted as a moderate. Examples of his disingenuousness, can be seen these excerpts frm an interview where he responded to questions about Muslims and terrorism and blamed the West for creating problems for Muslims brazenly claiming that ;

        "... If there is a crisis, he continued, it is because the Western world is not willing to share its values with others.

        In that context, he argued that "there is probably no Muslim in the world who does not strive in principle for freedom." If the Taliban appear to represent different values, it is because they represent a tribal society, not because they are Muslims, he added.

    MIM: The Wahhabist influence in Bosnia is widespread in the 1990'sthe Benevolence International Foundation directly linked to Bin Laden supplied the 'white Al Qaeda' with funding to bring about the Islamisation of the Balkans which Ceric continues to promote. (Bosnia is a favored source of recruits for Jihad and terrorism because they can pass for Europeans).

    Bosnian President Alia Itzebekovic has close ties to the Al Qaeda funders and their terrorists recruiting efforts.

        "...a man declared by the Clinton regime as a moderate - Alija Izetbegovic, is seen inspecting these terror troops and approving them, in much the same manner as Grand Mufti Husseini did the Nazi SS Hanjar terror Division 60 years previously, [in 1993 the Hanjar Division was resurrected in Sarajevo, this time as a "presidential guard" and composed primarily of Albanians with a core leadership of Iranian mujahadeen].
      # At the onset of the Balkan civil war, Bosnian strongman Izetbegovic sought out former associate Sudanese Islamist Dr. Elfatih Hassanein-omal-Fatih. Sudan has obvious ties to radical Islam and bin-Laden. Fatih also ran an NGO, the Third World Relief Agency (TWRA). Bin-Laden, Sheikh Abdul Rahman [the "Blind Sheikh, responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing] and many prominent Bosnian Muslims including Stranka Demokratske Akcije, the father of Bosnia's ruling Muslim party, the SDA, are all linked to it.

            As recently as October 1 the commander of Nato forces in Bosnia, General Louise Weber complained of the existence of "Islamic terrorist cells" that could be put into action at any time and local newspapers increasingly carry headlines such as - "Bosnia: A Decade After Dayton, Crisis Deepens."

        While petty bureaucrats concern themselves with vindictive measures Bosnia remains an al-Qaeda haven, its borders transparent, allowing mujahadeen generals such as Abu el-Maali - whom a State Dept. official describes as a "junior bin-Laden" - recent political sanctuary.

            "An Algerian terrorist commander once thought to head a transnational sleeper cell network that included would-be Al-Qaida Millenium bomber Ahmed Ressam has resurfaced in Bosnia-Herzegovina, vehemently denying allegations recently presented to the Bosnian Supreme Court in Sarajevo that his foreign mujahideen unit committed war crimes during the Bosnian civil conflict of the 1990s."August 29, 2005, Global Terror Alert

    Izetbegovic had written extensively about his dedication to the trans-national Islamist cause.

        "...the implementation of Islam in all fields of individuals' personal lives, in family and in society, by renewal of the Islamic religious thought and creating a uniform Muslim community from Morocco to Indonesia. ..."

        "...He (Ceric) noted that postwar Bosnia needs help and is in no position to turn down money from Saudi Arabia, which, in any event, remains an ally of the West..." Islam: Bosnian Cleric Sees Unique Role For Europe's Muslims

Bosnia -- Ceric, Reisu-l-ulema Mustafa x
Reisu-UI-ulema Mustafa Ceric (file photo)

On March 14, RFE/RL South Slavic and Albanian Languages Service correspondent Dzenana Halimovic interviewed moderate Bosnian Muslim leader Reisu-UI-ulema Mustafa Ceric. On February 24, Ceric's organization issued a Declaration of European Muslims that called for increased tolerance for Muslims in Europe while also pledging Muslim devotion to such principles as tolerance, the rule of law, and human rights. In the interview, Ceric calls on European governments to take issues relating to Muslim relations seriously as a matter of urgent concern.

RFE/RL: You created a declaration of European Muslims. What did you want to achieve with this and how well has it been accepted in the European Muslim community?

Reis-Ul-Ulema Mustafa Ceric: The idea of the declaration of European Muslims is a personal act of sending a message to the Western audience that we, Bosnian Muslims, did not agree with the terrorist attacks in New York on September 11, 2001, on March 11, 2004 in Madrid, on July 7, 2005, in London. This declaration has been written through many conferences that I have attended since September 11 [2001].

It is a personal -- it is probably too much to say "confession" -- but a personal appeal to the European audience not to make a mistake in generalizing all Muslims and not to spread Islamophobia, that was, I think, going on in Europe and in the West generally, especially after September 11. And the second message was to the Muslims who live in Europe to take seriously these three events that may have great consequences for their stay in Europe and their status in Europe. And the third message is to the Muslim world at large to ask them to help us in the West, and especially in Europe, to develop a kind of dialogue that is acceptable to us as Muslims, as well as to our European neighbors.
We are all losers if we don't understand that we live in an interdependent world, that the East cannot live without the West and the West cannot live without the East. And if we understand that, it will be easier for us to develop tolerance, which will be a sign of our strength. Because intolerance is a sign of our weakness.

RFE/RL: Some media have labeled your journeys and the promotion of the declaration as a mission on behalf of European governments in which you are supposed to create a European Islam. Is there a political influence on you of that kind?

Ceric: I am challenging the European governments to take into serious consideration the Islamization or the institutionalization of Islam in Europe for two reasons. One, that Europe should know the real face of the representation of Islam in Europe and that Muslims stop playing the tribal-mentality role in European society, presenting Islam as a tribal culture, a tribal or national agenda of any sort rather than introducing Islam as a universal faith -- as it is -- together with Judaism and Christianity.

RFE/RL: What is the point of campaigning for the assimilation of Muslims in Europe?

Ceric: We have four groups of Muslims in Europe. There are Muslims who are Bosnians, Albanians, Turks, and others, who are born or created by the clay of the European land. Then we have the Muslims who migrated to Europe from the Middle East, who are the Arabs and Turks and Pakistanis, Indians, and others. Then we have the third generation of these immigrants who are born here, educated here, and they are Europeans by their mindset, with an Islamic identity. And we have the fourth group, who are the convert to Islam who are Europeans. As you know, in Germany you have a very big number of those who converted to Islam and they are Germans, by all means. Also, in Britain and France and other European countries.

These groups have different European experiences and so their expectations from Islam and their input into the Islamic culture is different. But they are somehow bound by one idea, which is the idea of Islam. I believe that there is no European Islam. There is no Indonesian Islam or Arab Islam. There is something that we can call "the European experience of Islam" or the European experience of the interpretation of certain aspects of Islam that are different from the interpretations of other parts of the world -- which is not strange to Islam.

Islam is very much, within itself, diverse. It is not a monolithic bloc like many people think -- that Muslims are a very monolithic bloc that is very closed, not open. That they don't accept influences from others, do not influence others. On the contrary, I think, we as European Muslims are very much influenced by European culture, by the way of European life.

And therefore we have the right, as Muslims, to interpret Islam within the context of our experience and our expectations both from Islam as an idea that gives us the purpose of life, gives us the purpose of who we are and what is going to happen after our worldly life. And also we have the right to interpret Islam based on our expectations in the European life, the European experience, the European cultural mindset. That gives us, probably, some room, more than other Muslims in the world, that we see things differently, and with this experience that we have we can be helpful to other Muslims in the world because there are advantages that we live in Europe. Because Europe is the land of human rights and democracy.
Instead of focusing on Islamophobia, which will be there anyway whether we do something or not, I think we should concentrate more on Islamophiles, who are exist in Europe and in the West, and help them to be stronger in their Islamophilic approach to the Muslim world.

To reach this point that Europe has reached -- from slavery to freedom, from might to right, from mythology to science -- Europe paid a big price, a great price, for that. So Europeans are very sensitive when someone touches these values of human rights and democracy. We Muslims, I think, European Muslims, have the advantage of this achievement of European society, of the level of human rights and democracy. There are some advantages, of course, because we live in Europe as Muslims.

RFE/RL: So we can talk about fabricated fear?

Ceric: There are always going to people who are xenophobic -- not necessarily of Islam, but of anything that is strange, different. But I think that there are also Islamophiles in Europe -- people who are not afraid, who believe that Islam is an open religion that has a warmth in itself and has compassion in its teachings and so on. So, instead of focusing on Islamophobia, which will be there anyway whether we do something or not, I think we should concentrate more on Islamophiles, who are exist in Europe and in the West, and help them to be stronger in their Islamophilic approach to the Muslim world.

RFE/RL: What is the major issue for European Muslims today that needs to be resolved soon, in particular for Bosnian Muslims?

Ceric: I think that trust between the East and the West, and especially between the Muslim world and the West is now at the lowest point in recent history. The one who has the formula for regaining trust between the East and the West -- and don't forget that the major resources of energy that the world needs in the future in terms of oil is in the hands of the Muslims, meaning in the Middle East.... So I think it is in the interests of the West not to endanger this part of the world, including Mesopotamia and the Middle East, where the energy for our life -- in Europe -- lies. And don't forget that the sun is rising from the east, whether we like it or not in the West.

So I think there cannot be peace in the West if we don't have peace in the East. And don't forget that never in history has the West ruled the East. There were so many attempts from the West to capture the mystic of the East, but they have never succeeded. You should remember the Crusade campaigns. You should remember Napoleon, who captured Egypt but could not stay. And you should remember France, which tried to control Algeria and did not succeed. And you should remember even farther in the deeper past that Alexander the Great could not control the East when he came to Athens and when he lost his patience in untying the Gordian knot.

So, what we are saying here is there are no winners in the East or the West. We are all losers if we don't understand that we live in an interdependent world, that the East cannot live without the West and the West cannot live without the East. And if we understand that, it will be easier for us to develop tolerance, which will be a sign of our strength. Because intolerance is a sign of our weakness.

So, I predict that the next few decades are going to be the question of the relationship between the Muslim world and the West, particularly in Europe. Don't forget that Europe was always the scene of universal changes. Europe is the land of universal evils and universal goods. World War I started here. Remember that Sarajevo was the place where the last century started. And Sarajevo was the place where the next century started by the genocide on Bosnia and the aggression on Sarajevo. And the burning of the National Library in Sarajevo.

Bosnian Muslims praying in the town of Vrbanja (epa file photo)The question of the future world will be decided in Europe on the Muslim question. As much as Europe will show a willingness and capability to solve the Muslim question in Europe, I think the whole world will see either an acceptable peace or unacceptable war. Our declaration is a kind of reminder, before the events, that European governments must take Muslim issues in Europe seriously and now... immediately, without waiting to see what will happen. Because things are now different from what they used to be in terms of whose continent Europe is.

Europe does not belong to any particular culture, to any religion, to any nationality. It belongs to all of us. Don't forget that the Muslims and Jews have contributed to European development [as much] as Christians did. Europe has never been a Christian continent, a Muslim continent, a Jewish continent. It is a continent of all of these three main Abrahamic religions that came from the East. We are equal here in Europe, we have to have an equal share, and we have to have equal responsibility for our future. I, from my experience in Sarajevo, have the right to shape a new face of Europe. And we have the obligation here in Sarajevo to help European Muslims to find their place in Europe, the right place in Europe, and not to make mistakes. And we must tell them that they cannot take their freedom for granted. They have to earn their freedom and the earning of their freedom means taking responsibility as well.


Islam: A Declaration Of European Muslims

Bosnia -- Ceric, Reisu-l-ulema Mustafa x
Bosnian Muslim leader Mustafa Ceric (file photo)
On February 24, Bosnia-Herzegovina Mustafa Ceric issued the following Declaration of European Muslims from the Zagreb mosque. In an interview with RFE/RL on March 14, Ceric described the declaration. "It is a personal -- it is probably too much to say "confession" -- but a personal appeal to the European audience not to make a mistake in generalizing all Muslims and not to spread Islamophobia, that was, I think, going on in Europe and in the West generally, especially after September 11 [2001]," Ceric said. "And the second message was to the Muslims who live in Europe to take seriously these three events that may have great consequences for their stay in Europe and their status in Europe. And the third message is to the Muslim world at large to ask them to help us in the West, and especially in Europe, to develop a kind of dialogue that is acceptable to us as Muslims, as well as to our European neighbors."


Offline syyuge

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« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2009, 10:53:53 AM »
Places like Bosnia and Muslamic occupied Kosovo can be safe havens for AQ and other muslamic terrorists.

I can not forget the fools who were instrumental in secession of such places, including the Billy, Nato and drunkard Yeltsin.

There are thunders and sparks in the skies, because Faraday invented the electricity.