Author Topic: More from Joseph Biden, the racist, liar, revisionist, monster, genetic failure  (Read 4378 times)

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Offline sonja_yu

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Mother Nature must be crying out because of such amorphous creatures ever being brought on the face of the Earth.

If he's so obsessed with them, he can take them all, or at least half, with him, he wouldn't have much fun with them.

Offline Serbian Canadian

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Those videos have been posted on here many times. But hey isn't it nice that after comparing us to Nazis and personally insulting us we get to invite him to our country and treat him like a king?

Offline sonja_yu

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Those videos have been posted on here many times. But hey isn't it nice that after comparing us to Nazis and personally insulting us we get to invite him to our country and treat him like a king?

I'm sorry, I didn't know.
This videos had very few views.

Well, ''our'' government is a bunch of sell-outs.
Not like it's ''not nice'', it's EVIL to invite him.
If our leaders really cared about us, they wouldn't allow him to get even close to our territory, let along greeting him with flowers and red carpet, our guard playing his anthem and protecting him from the land and air.

Offline Jasmina

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  Oh, I can't even look at these videos anymore..they make me sick!!!!! :serbia:
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

Offline sonja_yu

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  Oh, I can't even look at these videos anymore..they make me sick!!!!! :serbia:

Same here

Offline GoIsraelGo!

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Whenever I see Biden speaking, I can clearly see the evil behind his hideous beedy eyes.

This man is filled with rage and he is obamas ( female dog / B word ) ready and willing to do obamas dirty islamic deeds.

I feel sorry for the Serbians who are being murdered and displaced by those islamic monsters.

There has to be an end to this madness! Let us keep praying for impeachment.

                                                        Shalom & G-d Bless               Dox

Offline SerbChicago

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Whenever I see Biden speaking, I can clearly see the evil behind his hideous beedy eyes.

This man is filled with rage and he is obamas ( female dog / B word ) ready and willing to do obamas dirty islamic deeds.

I feel sorry for the Serbians who are being murdered and displaced by those islamic monsters.

There has to be an end to this madness! Let us keep praying for impeachment.

                                                        Shalom & G-d Bless               Dox
:clap: :clap:
The truth,justice and Serbian way