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Shalom From The Space Coast of Florida...
Greetings from the State of Florida:
I have been listening to Chaim Ben Bescach’s “ask JTF” for almost a year now. I’m a 21 yearold currently attending college to obtain a bachelors degree in political science. I found the link from the homepage after watching various compelling videos that provided the address to this forum for the viewers. I have to say Chaim is a very compelling speaker and an intelligent individual. It’s really too bad Chaim is not propped up by some good rich right-winger looking for a good speaker to spread the word about the inconsistent and murderous bulk of the Quran and Hadith.
A funny part of the “ask JTF” show I find myself laughing uncontrollably at is the “MHHHHHmmmhh” stories about the various affirmative action animals causing 100 car pileups and promising one price and then giving another and so on. God bless you good Jews! There are so many vicious Jew-hating heathens who say the most sick and evil lies about the Jewish people while completely neglecting the ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE WORLD!
I have a question for any younger JTFers in college out there. As America is heading to hell and turning into a third world “Mefrican” nation, I am considering the option of some day moving to the Jewish nation. I also am refusing to pay these reparations through my taxes that are over 20 times the amount Dr. Michal King, J.R. demanded before he was shot-up! If I were to do this I would want to know enough Hebrew to be able to work within the Israeli legal system. This would require extensive Hebrew studies as English native speakers may find learning such a different language very difficult.
Thus, my question is why do virtually no colleges, except for Jewish Universities or Theologically based institutions, provide Hebrew as a language?
In Florida we are required to take at least 2 years of a foreign language to get an A.A. degree with the expectation of furthering your education. Many bachelor programs require 3 years. I will have taken 2 years of Spanish after this summer, but the school I am transferring to does not offer Hebrew! It’s utterly ridiculous that we are forced to learn French or Spanish so that those with minds will be almost compelled to stay involved in the North American society so the deterioration can be slowed as much as possible.
Glad to be a member,
Great to have you here Paul!
Welcome To The JTF Forum!
Confederate Kahanist:
Welcome Paul. Glad to have you on board bro!!!
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