Guns and Self-Defense > Guns/Firearms

Why Jews Should Leave New York City

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I pray for the day when all Jews return to the Holy Land as God wants them to do.

White Israelite:

--- Quote from: Yirmayahu on February 14, 2010, 02:45:39 AM ---Man, I pine for the old days when there were just Jews and Christians in the NYC Metro area. Went back there in 99 and my heart broke.

Yes, Jews should get out of NYC and go to places in the south and midwest where guns, and surprisingly Jews are welcomed. Also, don't leave NY and come to California. Things are getting bad here and Jew hatred is increasing multifold. As soon as we are financially capable to move from here we're going to Texas or New Mexico where can have our guns and our freedom. If you do decide to do the California thing, then do yourself a favor and become fluent in Spanish, Russian, Farsi, Chinese, Vietnamese, Mong, Tagalog and some other languages too. California isn't a state anymore, it is a big social experiment!!

--- End quote ---

Negative on that, I lived in the Midwest my entire life and spent a good portion in Chicago. The Midwest is a Nazi haven, where do you think all of them have been going? Parts of the South are ok. It's the blacks you have to worry about.

MountainMan, I agree with everything you mentioned. That is why I left that hell hole a long time ago.

I really feel that people should be seriously thinking about leaving the US now...I know some who have left and others who plan to.

Im here for support.

Jews have been in america for 60 years too long anyway, its time to have a mass-aliyah.


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