Author Topic: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF  (Read 5442 times)

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ALERT! An Albanian Muslim on Zootube calls JTF "Un-American" for exposing Islamic Nazism!

I just got a PM on Zootube from a great young Russian friend of JTF alerting me to this Albanian muslim who just posted a video slandering and defaming JTF [he even has the nerve to post the long ago exposed Uzi Zalka and "PopEye" PhotoShopped Fake "mugshot photo" of Chaim's smiling face superimposed on some heavily built guy's neck to make it appear that Chaim was arrested in Maryland County in 1989 in a "sting operation" targeting pedophiles].

I strongly suspect that the guy who posted the video is "Kadet13" who was recently banned from this forum for his neo-Nazi-like antisemitic comments about Jewish people.

Hat tip to Czarbomba92 for alerting me to this Albanian Muslim Nazi clown masquerading as some "moderate" liberal dope-smoking American.

I just read Czarbomba92's comments about the way this Taqqiyah spewing Albanian Muslim imbecile talks. His speech is all slurred like he is completely stoned or drunk [or both] and the music he is playing in the background sounds like degenerate Rap/Hip-Hop.

But even worse is how he tries to portray Islam as benign and peaceful - by claiming that Albanians saved many Jews during the Holocaust - and that muslims supposedly DON'T hate Jews or Christians or other non-muslim infidels and DON'T want us all exterminated!!  :laugh:

[well he does sound pretty stoned in this video]

He says JTF is "Un-American" [for exposing the evils of Pisslam!!]

Here is what this Albanian beast wrote in the description column of his slanderous, defamatory video against Chaim and JTF:

'The "Jewish Task Force" has been spilling all of their divisive hate on Youtube. It is immoral, un-American & totally unacceptable.'    

It is highly likely - although impossible to prove of course - that this is the very same Albanian Nazi who has been going around flagging JTF's videos on Zootube.

Let's see how he likes it when he gets a taste of his own medicine!!!


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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2009, 05:18:45 AM »

Offline 4International

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2009, 05:27:36 AM »

G-d bless you and your loved ones for doing so, brother Sentinel for Truth!!

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2009, 05:32:03 AM »

This Albanian Muslim Nazi moron - masquerading as a liberal American - must really be into various narcotic & psychotropic drugs...

Look what he wrote here:

SanePolitician (12 hours ago)

"check out my videos about gay fruit"

 :laugh: :laugh: :::D :::D

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2009, 05:44:53 AM »
Anyone that believes those lying filthy pig Muslim Albanians obviously 'are' morons..

They themselves have no problems prostituting their children just for a pack of cigarettes.. How do I know, we had those Kosovar Albanians at Puckapunyal, (Military base in Victoria Australia)..

I could tell you a LOT about them  >:(  ....

Offline 4International

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2009, 05:48:46 AM »
Anyone that believes those lying filthy pig Muslim Albanians obviously 'are' morons..

They themselves have no problems prostituting their children just for a pack of cigarettes.. How do I know, we had those Kosovar Albanians at Puckapunyal, (Military base in Victoria Australia)..

I could tell you a LOT about them  >:(  ....

Great comment there brother!!

Please do elaborate further if you can when time permits. I am very keen on knowing a lot more.

I have a very deep interest in this topic of the West's betrayal of Serbia [see my numerous posts in the Save Serbia sub-forum]

G-d bless you!!

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2009, 05:50:21 AM »
Hmm lets see if they post 'my' reply  ;D 8)   .... >:(

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2009, 06:46:53 AM »
4 Int, well there's no time like the present mate and now i'm loaded for action..

When those Albanians were in no mans land and the International media was showing the whole world about their plight.. Such poor downtrodden souls  >:( .. Our beloved Australian Government decided to take a fair few of them..

These err I hate calling them people as filth like them do not deserve to be called human beings were located in billets at Puckapunyal (PMA) (Puckapunyal Military Area) north of Melbourne and at Singleton northern NSW (School of Infantry).

The billets at Singo and Pucka aren't all that flash but they were overhauled majorly so humans could live in them.. No expense was held back in trying to welcome and provide for this filth. Mind you these billets were fit enough for Australian soldiers to live in while on exercise, nothing flash for us but it was a roof over our heads.

When the first bus load arrived at Singleton the filth REFUSED to get off the bus as they thought and made their disgust known  >:( that the billets weren't to their approval...

Before the filth arrived at Puckapunyal we had a real lovely piece of work come and give the Australian soldiers a talking to at the auditorium she was from DIMA (Dep of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs), she was an Albanian Muslim too.

This person  >:( spoke down to US Australian soldiers as if WE were a pack of neanderthals and barbarians saying that WE MUST treat these honourable people with respect, we SHOULDN'T try anything on their woman we shouldn't stare at their woman.. What really p***** me off the most is that this filthy woman was speaking down to disciplined well trained and civilised troops .. I resented her and so wanted to give her a mouth full..

Well once they arrived it didn't take long for the trouble to begin.. The Australian Government paid them an allowance, fed them their own bloody food, billeted them, gave them internet in each room and took them out on shopping trips.

It didn't take too long before the local town of Seymour refused to allow this filth into their shops, instead of buying items they were thieving like no tomorrow.. They would try clothes on crap in the pockets, urinate in the changing rooms..

Every day they had a couple of hours where them most honourable, pious Muslims could use the Puckapunyal Military base pool facility. At that time NO AUSTRALIAN MILITARY PERSONNEL were allowed to use this facility as it was being used by them lovely Muslims.. Well that pool ended up having to be drained at least 3 times a week due to the filth deciding to do their toileting in the pool  >:( ..

On several occasions in the billets GM SERCO (Civvy  Contractors) would find groups of Albanians (Males) obviously up to no good.. It was later leaked out that these bastards were prostituting their children for packs of cigarettes and money.. Another thing this filth couldn't walk 5/10 meters to the toilet the,y would open up their billet door and crap on the pavement and get this THEY expected the staff to clean up their filth!.

Female staff there were also threatened with rape one was sexually assaulted... By that time the Soldiers at PMA had nicknamed the Albanians, SKIDMARKS, what you would commonly find when you were a kid on your underdaks,  and were thoroughly getting sick and tired of this group..

I myself was heavily into bodybuilding so I spent a lot of time in the gym of a night time.. not the pool  :'( .. One particular night there were 2 other girls in the gym, there were about 15 of these tough Albanians crowded around these 2 girls, I could tell they weren't at ease.. These bastards were almost on top of these 2 girls, I was that peeved I almost smacked a few of them in the head with a weight plate.. The girls left as quick as they could.. After they left they were trying to show me how tough they were. I can tell you I have never felt so threatened in all my life as I did that night, they certainly are big when they travel in packs.

Well the time eventually came when they were to be repatriated back, I won't call it home as I don't believe Kosovo is their home. The Albanians tried every trick to remain in Australia, I think the Government were getting bad feedback but still p*ssed them off back.

This is how they repaid Australia back through it's generosity in trying to help them.. They SMEARED EVERY WALL in the billets with excrement (CRAP) even the beds and windows didn't escape, they urinated everywhere they possibly could. They verbally abused the staff.. This is how they repaid us..

After going through all this I could not help to HATE MUSLIMS. I detest the land where Albanians live, I detest that whole race of people. The world honestly can do without such disgusting gutter filth.

Well brother I certainly have a more than fair idea on how this filth operate over there. All I can say is that my prayers are with the ones that have to put up with this scum.

I got to get off now i'm thoroughly wound up, my blood boils  >:(

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2009, 08:06:54 AM »
4 Int, well there's no time like the present mate and now i'm loaded for action..

When those Albanians were in no mans land and the International media was showing the whole world about their plight.. Such poor downtrodden souls  >:( .. Our beloved Australian Government decided to take a fair few of them..

These err I hate calling them people as filth like them do not deserve to be called human beings were located in billets at Puckapunyal (PMA) (Puckapunyal Military Area) north of Melbourne and at Singleton northern NSW (School of Infantry).

The billets at Singo and Pucka aren't all that flash but they were overhauled majorly so humans could live in them.. No expense was held back in trying to welcome and provide for this filth. Mind you these billets were fit enough for Australian soldiers to live in while on exercise, nothing flash for us but it was a roof over our heads.

When the first bus load arrived at Singleton the filth REFUSED to get off the bus as they thought and made their disgust known  >:( that the billets weren't to their approval...

Before the filth arrived at Puckapunyal we had a real lovely piece of work come and give the Australian soldiers a talking to at the auditorium she was from DIMA (Dep of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs), she was an Albanian Muslim too.

This person  >:( spoke down to US Australian soldiers as if WE were a pack of neanderthals and barbarians saying that WE MUST treat these honourable people with respect, we SHOULDN'T try anything on their woman we shouldn't stare at their woman.. What really p***** me off the most is that this filthy woman was speaking down to disciplined well trained and civilised troops .. I resented her and so wanted to give her a mouth full..

Well once they arrived it didn't take long for the trouble to begin.. The Australian Government paid them an allowance, fed them their own bloody food, billeted them, gave them internet in each room and took them out on shopping trips.

It didn't take too long before the local town of Seymour refused to allow this filth into their shops, instead of buying items they were thieving like no tomorrow.. They would try clothes on crap in the pockets, urinate in the changing rooms..

Every day they had a couple of hours where them most honourable, pious Muslims could use the Puckapunyal Military base pool facility. At that time NO AUSTRALIAN MILITARY PERSONNEL were allowed to use this facility as it was being used by them lovely Muslims.. Well that pool ended up having to be drained at least 3 times a week due to the filth deciding to do their toileting in the pool  >:( ..

On several occasions in the billets GM SERCO (Civvy  Contractors) would find groups of Albanians (Males) obviously up to no good.. It was later leaked out that these bastards were prostituting their children for packs of cigarettes and money.. Another thing this filth couldn't walk 5/10 meters to the toilet the,y would open up their billet door and crap on the pavement and get this THEY expected the staff to clean up their filth!.

Female staff there were also threatened with rape one was sexually assaulted... By that time the Soldiers at PMA had nicknamed the Albanians, SKIDMARKS, what you would commonly find when you were a kid on your underdaks,  and were thoroughly getting sick and tired of this group..

I myself was heavily into bodybuilding so I spent a lot of time in the gym of a night time.. not the pool  :'( .. One particular night there were 2 other girls in the gym, there were about 15 of these tough Albanians crowded around these 2 girls, I could tell they weren't at ease.. These bastards were almost on top of these 2 girls, I was that peeved I almost smacked a few of them in the head with a weight plate.. The girls left as quick as they could.. After they left they were trying to show me how tough they were. I can tell you I have never felt so threatened in all my life as I did that night, they certainly are big when they travel in packs.

Well the time eventually came when they were to be repatriated back, I won't call it home as I don't believe Kosovo is their home. The Albanians tried every trick to remain in Australia, I think the Government were getting bad feedback but still p*ssed them off back.

This is how they repaid Australia back through it's generosity in trying to help them.. They SMEARED EVERY WALL in the billets with excrement (CRAP) even the beds and windows didn't escape, they urinated everywhere they possibly could. They verbally abused the staff.. This is how they repaid us..

After going through all this I could not help to HATE MUSLIMS. I detest the land where Albanians live, I detest that whole race of people. The world honestly can do without such disgusting gutter filth.

Well brother I certainly have a more than fair idea on how this filth operate over there. All I can say is that my prayers are with the ones that have to put up with this scum.

I got to get off now i'm thoroughly wound up, my blood boils  >:(

Holy crap! OMG!!! What a nightmare horror story!! Your experience of these animals has shocked and disgusted me. I heard these Albanian Muslims were really brutal, vile and barbaric, but I guess I should not be surprised that they would behave like utter Turd World primitive savages from the Dark Ages by defecating and urinating everywhere, abusing, harassing and raping women, prostituting their own children(!!) stealing from and threatening Australians! The very same people who graciously offered them genuine hospitality by accepting them into their great country.

I remember seeing on the news over here - this hideous, arrogant young Australian woman politician - a Senator, no less; her name was Natasha Scott [or Stott?] Despoja, I believe. She just kept going on and on telling great big whopper BS stories of how the Albanians were being subjected to a Nazi style Holocaust by the "terrible Serbs". She actually went to Albania for G-d's sake during the bombing of Serbia!!

What on earth was she doing there when she's not even Albanian nor was she the Australian ambassador to Albania nor in any other official capacity a representative of Australia to that Muslim hell-hole! I heard her dad is a Croat and I know that most Croats absolutely detest the Serbs. In any case she had no business being in Albania egging on the Australian government to support Clinton's insane bombing campaign of Serbian civilian infrastructure. The USAF and NATO air power were practically used as the airforce of the vile Albanian drug-dealing, child prostituting, Nazi muslim animals known as the Kosovo Liberation Army [KLA/UCK].

We are still paying a heavy price for these outrageous criminal acts by the Clintons because the Albanian KLA was trained and supported by Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda dating back to 1996. The bombs used in the Madrid and London terrorist bomb attacks were supplied by muslims from Albania, Bosnia and Kosovo.

There is an ongoing campaign of physical, cultural and spiritual Genocide being perpetrated - since 1996 - by these vile Albanian muslim beasts against the heroic Christian Serbs in Kosovo. Churches destroyed, Many Serbian women raped and murdered, Serbian children and teenagers slowly cut up whilst alive and their vital bodily organs sold to Western hospitals on the black market!! >:( >:(

I have done videos on this subject on Zootube-Youtube. Check them out if you haven't already done so. The photos of murdered Christian Serbs are gruesome and horrific.

I think your personal recollections of these incidents involving the Albanians are critically important and should be used by somebody who will be writing a book on the subject of Clinton's criminal bombing of Serbia and the anti-Christian Genocide which followed with the UN/NATO occupation of Kosovo.

G-d bless you brother for taking the time to convey this disturbing story of what you witnessed these Albanian muslim animals do to Australians!!

PS: Are you a fan of the old "Muppet show"? I liked the segment "Pigs In Space"!!

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2009, 08:33:31 AM »
Look at this guy he states the U.S.Govt and Albanians lied   
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2009, 08:57:48 AM »
her name was Natasha Scott [or Stott?] Despoja,
4Int, What I can remember of her, I think she's aligned with the Democrat Party or some other crack pot left wing nutter party. I wouldn't be all too surprised if she's a closet Green member, either way I detest them bludgers..

I honestly don't know why she would of been backing the Albanian filth, that has got me miffed, maybe she has a Muslim boyfriend on the side.. But one things for certain she WAS NOT representing me at all. I don't support Muslims and NEVER will!..

I know when the bombing of Serbia was going on I was always asking why is the World demonising them, Serbs??, why are they backing the Muslims? there were too many questions I was asking with  NO answers coming forth.. The whole sordid affair stunk way too much..

When I started doing a bit of background research into Kosovo I started to learn about the ethnic cleansing that the Albanians were undertaking. This was verified by not only Serbs but their enemy the Croats.  Hundreds of years of ethnic cleansing and the West demonises the Serbs?? WTF is going on??.

I must admit I was praying for NATO troops to hit the ground, I certainly was hedging my bets on the Serbs to carve the troops up, yes the West would of suffered terribly.. But typical gutless NATO hit from the air...

Well mate the West is certainly paying for backing the Muslims now.. Isn't it funny as soon as they get what they want they bite the hand that feeds them  >:( .. Now it's US that has to pay the price and fight for survival  :'( ..

As for the muppets I ALWAYS used to watch them as a kid, my 2 most favorite were the old fellers, Stadler and Waldorf that sat in the balconey taking the p*ss out of everyone, dam I loved them 2  :::D  ..

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #11 on: May 20, 2009, 09:15:32 AM »
I flagged it Joshua, hope it helps. OMG Muppet, I can't believe what you went through! I am so sorry and I don't blame you one bit for feeling the way you do against the muzzies. >:(
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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #12 on: May 20, 2009, 10:15:12 AM »
I flagged it as well. 

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2009, 10:17:06 PM »
I Flagged it
Dogs are much greater then muslims.....You can trust a Dog but you can not trust a muslim

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2009, 03:33:32 AM »

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2009, 03:34:46 AM »
I flagged it Joshua, hope it helps. OMG Muppet, I can't believe what you went through! I am so sorry and I don't blame you one bit for feeling the way you do against the muzzies. >:(

THANK YOU and G-d bless you Dawn!!

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2009, 03:35:38 AM »

Thanks a Million brother Robert!!

G-d bless you too!!

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #17 on: May 21, 2009, 05:47:05 AM »
Flagged the video.

Muppet, what a story  :o

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2009, 10:38:08 AM »
It is the Muslim Nazis who want to wipe Jews and Americans off the face of the earth, not the other way around.  They are the deceivers who have invaded the political world, and tried to soften their image to the people of America.  But there are those who are righteous, and will see the truth, and the hypocricy of their lies, and attempts to further their Jihad.

Jews and Americans are not the destroyers of peace and prosperity. Furthermore we are a Judeo-Christian society, One Nation under God, and all of their lies, deceit, and treachery will not change our allegiance to Our One True God, not Allah or Mohammed!


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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2009, 06:30:20 PM »

Look at his comments on my channel. He's a sexual pervert just like the founders of Islam.

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #20 on: May 22, 2009, 12:59:13 PM »

Look at his comments on my channel. He's a sexual pervert just like the founders of Islam.

Not only is he a sexual pervert [as Zootuber Czarbomba92 pointed out in his replies: this muslim Nazi piece of garbage emulates Muhammad - his murderous pedophile false prophet of the Quran -  by being obsessed with the penis size of men!] he is also a typical muslim Taqqiyah liar and a COWARD.

He keeps deleting my comments which pointed out how he had painted himself into a corner by calling JTF'ers "hypocrites" and yet here he was hypocritically engaging in Criminal Libel and Defamation of character against Chaim Ben Pesach.

I wrote him a lengthy reply to his incredibly stupid video and his even more idiotic comment where he played the Sargent Schultz routine of "I know nothing" concerning the fake PhotoShopped picture fabricated by the Jew-hating Nazi Uzi Zalka and his piece of dog excrement associate "PopEye" from the Leftist Bolshevik Piss Now.

I had him cornered - and he knew it - so he simply did what all COWARDLY chickensh*t muslims on Zootube do when they are exposed as pathetic Taqqiyah liars: he simply deleted my comment and flagged several of my JTF videos on two of my other channels out of sheer impotent frustration. So much for his stupid comment about penis size: something psychoanalysts refer to as PROJECTION of his own sexual inadequacies onto others.

Then he wrote this comment on another video:

"Just do what the rest of the world does (including the Jewish community) just ignore them [JTF]"

I hope he comes here on the forum and reads this.....

"InsanePolitician", if that's really the case, then why are you spending so much time and effort making anti-JTF videos and making anti-JTF comments all over Zootube?
What a typical brain-dead Zootube muslim Nazi jerkoff we have here!
« Last Edit: May 22, 2009, 01:07:59 PM by 4International »

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #21 on: May 22, 2009, 01:02:10 PM »
Hmm lets see if they post 'my' reply  ;D 8)   .... >:(

No I don't see your comment posted. The coward must have deleted it.

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2009, 08:44:43 PM »
Hmm lets see if they post 'my' reply  ;D 8)   .... >:(

No I don't see your comment posted. The coward must have deleted it.

I'm sure he did Joshua, he deleted mine too! He is just like ALL the liberals out there, can't face the TRUTH!
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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2009, 09:44:09 PM »
Anyone that believes those lying filthy pig Muslim Albanians obviously 'are' morons..

They themselves have no problems prostituting their children just for a pack of cigarettes.. How do I know, we had those Kosovar Albanians at Puckapunyal, (Military base in Victoria Australia)..

I could tell you a LOT about them  >:(  ....

I agree, what's even more insane is that people of non-Albanian background support them over the righteous Christian Serbs! Wouldn't it make sense to support the righteous Christian Serb Allies during both World Wars over MuSSlim Albanian Nazis who have one of the largest crime problems in Europe? Once again, the pan-Arab muSSlim Nazi media favors anything muSSlim over Christians or Jews, especially the Fakistinians.

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Re: ALERT! Albanian Muslim on Zootube Slanders & Defames Chaim and JTF
« Reply #24 on: May 23, 2009, 10:20:18 PM »
JTFan,  I know I shake my head in wonder as well.. All I can put it down to is that there's something big going on somewhere that 'WE' don't know about  >:( ..

I'm not an overly big fan of conspiracy theories but there's something serious brewing ..