4 Int, well there's no time like the present mate and now i'm loaded for action..
When those Albanians were in no mans land and the International media was showing the whole world about their plight.. Such poor downtrodden souls

.. Our beloved Australian Government decided to take a fair few of them..
These err I hate calling them people as filth like them do not deserve to be called human beings were located in billets at Puckapunyal (PMA) (Puckapunyal Military Area) north of Melbourne and at Singleton northern NSW (School of Infantry).
The billets at Singo and Pucka aren't all that flash but they were overhauled majorly so humans could live in them.. No expense was held back in trying to welcome and provide for this filth. Mind you these billets were fit enough for Australian soldiers to live in while on exercise, nothing flash for us but it was a roof over our heads.
When the first bus load arrived at Singleton the filth REFUSED to get off the bus as they thought and made their disgust known

that the billets weren't to their approval...
Before the filth arrived at Puckapunyal we had a real lovely piece of work come and give the Australian soldiers a talking to at the auditorium she was from DIMA (Dep of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs), she was an Albanian Muslim too.
This person

spoke down to US Australian soldiers as if WE were a pack of neanderthals and barbarians saying that WE MUST treat these honourable people with respect, we SHOULDN'T try anything on their woman we shouldn't stare at their woman.. What really p***** me off the most is that this filthy woman was speaking down to disciplined well trained and civilised troops .. I resented her and so wanted to give her a mouth full..
Well once they arrived it didn't take long for the trouble to begin.. The Australian Government paid them an allowance, fed them their own bloody food, billeted them, gave them internet in each room and took them out on shopping trips.
It didn't take too long before the local town of Seymour refused to allow this filth into their shops, instead of buying items they were thieving like no tomorrow.. They would try clothes on crap in the pockets, urinate in the changing rooms..
Every day they had a couple of hours where them most honourable, pious Muslims could use the Puckapunyal Military base pool facility. At that time NO AUSTRALIAN MILITARY PERSONNEL were allowed to use this facility as it was being used by them lovely Muslims.. Well that pool ended up having to be drained at least 3 times a week due to the filth deciding to do their toileting in the pool

On several occasions in the billets GM SERCO (Civvy Contractors) would find groups of Albanians (Males) obviously up to no good.. It was later leaked out that these bastards were prostituting their children for packs of cigarettes and money.. Another thing this filth couldn't walk 5/10 meters to the toilet the,y would open up their billet door and crap on the pavement and get this THEY expected the staff to clean up their filth!.
Female staff there were also threatened with rape one was sexually assaulted... By that time the Soldiers at PMA had nicknamed the Albanians, SKIDMARKS, what you would commonly find when you were a kid on your underdaks, and were thoroughly getting sick and tired of this group..
I myself was heavily into bodybuilding so I spent a lot of time in the gym of a night time.. not the pool

.. One particular night there were 2 other girls in the gym, there were about 15 of these tough Albanians crowded around these 2 girls, I could tell they weren't at ease.. These bastards were almost on top of these 2 girls, I was that peeved I almost smacked a few of them in the head with a weight plate.. The girls left as quick as they could.. After they left they were trying to show me how tough they were. I can tell you I have never felt so threatened in all my life as I did that night, they certainly are big when they travel in packs.
Well the time eventually came when they were to be repatriated back, I won't call it home as I don't believe Kosovo is their home. The Albanians tried every trick to remain in Australia, I think the Government were getting bad feedback but still p*ssed them off back.
This is how they repaid Australia back through it's generosity in trying to help them.. They SMEARED EVERY WALL in the billets with excrement (CRAP) even the beds and windows didn't escape, they urinated everywhere they possibly could. They verbally abused the staff.. This is how they repaid us..
After going through all this I could not help to HATE MUSLIMS. I detest the land where Albanians live, I detest that whole race of people. The world honestly can do without such disgusting gutter filth.
Well brother I certainly have a more than fair idea on how this filth operate over there. All I can say is that my prayers are with the ones that have to put up with this scum.
I got to get off now i'm thoroughly wound up, my blood boils