Author Topic: Ideas from the good Tzipi  (Read 738 times)

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Ideas from the good Tzipi
« on: May 25, 2009, 03:17:53 PM »

I don't know if this will go anywhere but Tzipi Hotobeli (we all know who the bad Tzipi is) has proposed a conference for alternatives to the current two state solution.  I would suggest a proposed 23 state solution with Arabs getting to keep their 22 nations that comprise over 99.5% of the Mid East as long as they do not engage in hostile activity against Israel.  I would also have as a principle that nobody who is willing to live peacefully with their neighbors should be forced to move.  Some might say this flies against the Kahane position that Arabs need to vacate the Land of Israel but that is not going to happen anyway so the only practical implication would be that the Israeli Army and Police could focus on defending Jews instead of assaulting and molesting them.

Speaking of Hotobeli why did Bibi invite her to be part of his government but not allow Moshe Feiglin.  Feiglin and Hotobeli sound pretty close ideologically.  Is it just because she was not challenging Bibi per se.  One final note, perhaps we have here the perfect wife for Chaim.  Last I heard she was not married.  The only downside would be that all the male JTFers would be jealous of Chaim because she is a looker.
We all need to pray for Barack Obama, may the Lord provide him a safe move back to Chicago in January 2,013.


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Re: Ideas from the good Tzipi
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2009, 04:47:58 PM »
Lets see what her plan is first.